Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 2 Feb 22
[2202.00012] Aidan Zentner, Siddharth Dandavate, Oren Slone et al.: A Critical Assessment of Solutions to the Galaxy Diversity Problem
[2202.00013] Trent J. Dupuy, Adam L. Kraus, Kaitlin M. Kratter et al.: Orbital Architectures of Planet-Hosting Binaries II. Low Mutual Inclinations Between Planetary and Stellar Orbits
[2202.00014] Chris Nixon, Eric R. Coughlin: Stellar Revival and Repeated Flares in Deeply Plunging Tidal Disruption Events
[2202.00015] Dan Walters, Joanna Woo, Sara L. Ellison: Quenching Timescales in the IllustrisTNG Simulation
[2202.00016] Anthony J. Pahl, Alice Shapley, Charles C. Steidel et al.: Searching for the connection between ionizing-photon escape and the surface density of star formation at z~3
[2202.00019] A. Enia, M. Talia, F. Pozzi et al.: A new estimate of the cosmic star formation density from a radio-selected sample, and the contribution of $H$-dark galaxies at $z \geq 3$
[2202.00020] Arianna Dolfi, Joel Pfeffer, Duncan A. Forbes et al.: The present-day globular cluster kinematics of lenticular galaxies from the E-MOSAICS simulations and their relation to the galaxy assembly his...
[2202.00021] Gavin B. Fezenko, Hsiang-Chih Hwang, Nadia L. Zakamska: Enhancement of Double-Close-Binary Quadruples
[2202.00024] D.B. Fisher, A.D. Bolatto, K. Glazebrook et al.: Extreme Variation in Star Formation Efficiency Across a Compact, Starbursting Disk Galaxy
[2202.00026] I. Sfaradi, A. Horesh, R. Fender et al.: A Late-Time Radio Flare following a Possible Transition in Accretion State in the Tidal Disruption Event AT 2019azh
[2202.00027] Jonas Haldemann, Victor Ksoll, Daniel Walter et al.: Exoplanet Characterization using Conditional Invertible Neural Networks
[2202.00031] Matthew P. Battley, David J. Armstrong, Don Pollacco: YOUNG Star detrending for Transiting Exoplanet Recovery (YOUNGSTER) II: Using Self-Organising Maps to explore young star variability in Sectors...
[2202.00032] Ashu Kushwaha, Sunil Malik, S. Shankaranarayanan: Gertsenshtein-Zel$'$dovich effect explains the origin of Fast Radio Bursts
[2202.00033] David Benisty, Eugene Vasiliev, N. Wyn Evans et al.: Gaia Wins the Timing Argument
[2202.00038] Xuejian Shen, Thejs Brinckmann, David Rapetti et al.: X-ray morphology of cluster-mass haloes in self-interacting dark matter
[2202.00042] Sam Christian, Andrew Vanderburg, Juliette Becker et al.: A Possible Alignment Between the Orbits of Planetary Systems and their Visual Binary Companions
[2202.00061] Melissa K. Hallum, Svetlana G. Jorstad, Valeri M. Larionov et al.: Emission Line Variability during a Nonthermal Outburst in the Gamma-Ray Bright Quasar 1156+295
[2202.00064] Eric D. Miller, Catherine E. Grant, Marshall W. Bautz et al.: Mitigating the effects of particle background on the Athena Wide-Field Imager
[2202.00103] Carolina Queiroz, L. Raul Abramo, Natália V. N. Rodrigues et al.: The miniJPAS survey quasar selection I: Mock catalogues for classification
[2202.00115] J. Hood, P. Barry, T. Cecil et al.: Testing low-loss microstrip materials with MKIDs for microwave applications
[2202.00186] J. E. Steiner, R. B. Menezes, T. V. Ricci et al.: The DIVING$^{3D}$ Survey -- Deep IFS View of Nuclei of Galaxies -- I. Definition and Sample Presentation
[2202.00203] Christopher J. Anderson, Eric R. Switzer, Patrick C. Breysse: Constraining low redshift [CII] Emission by Cross-Correlating FIRAS and BOSS Data
[2202.00230] Ataru Tanikawa, Gen Chiaki, Tomoya Kinugawa et al.: Can Population III stars be major origins of both merging binary black holes and extremely metal poor stars?
[2202.00246] Sandor Kruk, Pablo García Martín, Marcel Popescu et al.: Hubble Asteroid Hunter: I. Identifying asteroid trails in Hubble Space Telescope images
[2202.00260] Ruiqing Wu, Mengqiu Long, Xiaojiao Zhang et al.: Optical Properties of C$-$rich ($^{12}$C, SiC and FeC) Dust Layered Structure of Massive Stars
[2202.00278] Yael Naze, Gregor Rauw, Terrence Bohlsen et al.: X-ray response to disk evolution in two gamma-Cas stars
[2202.00290] Rahul Bandyopadhyay, Ramkrishna Das, Soumen Mondal: Compact planetary nebulae MaC 2-1 and Sp 4-1: Photoionization models and dust characteristics
[2202.00314] J. A. Rueda, R. Ruffini, Liang Li et al.: The white dwarf binary merger model of GRB 170817A
[2202.00316] Jorge A. Rueda: On the Origin of the Long Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglow as Synchrotron Radiation from Binary-Driven Hypernovae
[2202.00344] Ronaldas Macas, Joshua Pooley, Laura K. Nuttall et al.: Impact of noise transients on low latency gravitational-wave event localisation
[2202.00353] B. Montoro-Molina, M.A. Guerrero, B. Pérez-Díaz et al.: Chemistry and physical properties of the born-again planetary nebula HuBi 1
[2202.00370] Maria S. Madjarska, Duncan H. Mackay, Klaus Galsgaard et al.: Eruptions from coronal bright points: A spectroscopic view by IRIS of a mini-filament eruption, QSL reconnection, and reconnection-driv...
[2202.00376] Takashi Tsukagoshi, Hideko Nomura, Takayuki Muto et al.: ALMA High-resolution Multiband Analysis for the Protoplanetary Disk around TW Hya
[2202.00425] Zainab Awad, Serena Viti: Interstellar Hydrocarbons: Degradation Chemistry in Diffuse Clouds
[2202.00438] Jonathan Ferreira, Gregoire Marcel, Pierre-Olivier Petrucci et al.: Are Low-Frequency Quasi-Periodic Oscillations seen in accretion flows the disk response to a jet instability?
[2202.00447] G. Rajani, G. M. Sowmya, U. Paniveni et al.: Solar supergranular fractal dimension dependence on the Solar cycle phase
[2202.00463] Lorenzo Spina, Laura Magrini, Katia Cunha: Mapping the Galactic Metallicity Gradient with Open Clusters: The State-of-the-Art and Future Challenges
[2202.00472] Sergio Ruiz-Bonilla, Vincent R. Eke, Jacob A. Kegerreis et al.: Dealing with density discontinuities in planetary SPH simulations
[2202.00479] Arghajit Jana, Sachindra Naik, Gaurava K. Jaisawal et al.: AstroSat Observation of X-ray Dips and State Transition in the Black Hole Candidate MAXI J1803-298
[2202.00489] Fiorenzo Stoppa, Paul Vreeswijk, Steven Bloemen et al.: AutoSourceID-Light. Fast Optical Source Localization via U-Net and Laplacian of Gaussian
[2202.00501] B. Singh, A.K. Srivastava, K. Sharma et al.: Quasi-periodic spicule-like cool jets driven by Alfvén pulses
[2202.00523] J. Biteau, M. Meyer: Gamma-ray Cosmology and Tests of Fundamental Physics
[2202.00524] Eric Van Clepper, Jennifer B. Bergner, Arthur D. Bosman et al.: Chemical Feedbacks of Pebble Growth: Impacts on CO depletion and C/O ratios
[2202.00591] Thomas M. Callingham, Marius Cautun, Alis J. Deason et al.: The Chemo-Dynamical Groups of Galactic Globular Clusters
[2202.00615] I. D. Berry, S. P. Owocki, M. E. Shultz et al.: Electron Scattering Emission in the Light Curves of Stars with Centrifugal Magnetospheres
[2202.00624] A. B. Albidah, V. Fedun, A. A. Aldhafeeri et al.: Magnetohydrodynamic wave mode identification in circular and elliptical sunspot umbrae: evidence for high order modes
[2202.00641] Enrique Gaztanaga: The Cosmological Constant as Event Horizon
[2202.00670] Willem Elbers, Carlos S. Frenk, Adrian Jenkins et al.: Higher-order initial conditions with massive neutrinos
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 2 Feb 22","img":""}
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