The public response of crisis communication in China via Sinaweibo and People's Daily
Ƃ的年龄范围是(What is your age? )
25 above(25以上)
Ŝ读学位:(The degree you are pursuing is )
ŭ士学位 (Bachelor's)
ǡ士学位 (Master's)
Ľ是否有新浪微博账号 (Do you have a Sina Weibo account) [单选题] [必答题]
Ľ多久刷一次微博(How often do you check your Sina Weibo)
Ľ喜欢通过下列哪种渠道获知消息 (Which channel do you prefer to obtain news ) [单选题] [必答题]
ž博(Sina Weibo)
Ɗ纸( News paper)
Ƀ可以(Both )
Ľ曾经搭乘过东方航空吗(Have you taken flights with China Eastern Airlines before
8.你认为东方航空安全吗 (do you think it is safe to travel by China Eastern Airlines)
Ƃ多久搭乘一次东方航空(How often do you take flights with China Eastern Airline? ) [单选题] [必答题]
Ł尔(less frequent)
Ư较频繁(very frequent)
ƈ认为东方航空的服务质量很好(I think China Eastern Airline provide high quality service)
ɝ常同意(strongly agree)
Ő意(Somewhat agree)
ĸ般(Neither Agree nor Disagreel)
ĸ同意(Somewhat disagree)
ž不同意(strongly disagree)
请您在回答问题前先阅读下面的消息(Please read the following information before you start):
昨日晚22时 40 分左右,东方航空公司从北京飞往广州的 MU5158 号客机在广州白云国际机场落地时着火。飞机上 43名乘客与7名机组成员在撤离过程中受伤,其中11人伤势严重,正在当地医院接受治疗。(Yesterday evening around 20:45 p.m., China Eastern Airline fliht MU5156 departing from Beijing to Guangzhou caught fire.43 passengers and 7 crew members were injured during evacuating. 11 of them are in serious condition in local hospital now).
请您在回答问题前先阅读下面的消息(Please read the following information before you start):
昨日晚22时 40 分左右,东方航空公司从北京飞往广州的 MU5158 号客机在广州白云国际机场落地时着火。飞机上 43名乘客与7名机组成员在撤离过程中受伤,其中11人伤势严重,正在当地医院接受治疗。(Yesterday evening around 20:45 p.m., China Eastern Airline fliht MU5156 departing from Beijing to Guangzhou caught fire.43 passengers and 7 crew members were injured during evacuating. 11 of them are in serious condition in local hospital now).
ɀ择一个字母,系统将会根据你的选择跳到相应问题(Please select a lectter which will lead you to different questions.)
经过初步调查,此次广州 MU5156 航班事故可能是引擎故障导致飞机在降落过程中失去控制。至于引擎故障的具体原因还待进一步查明。(Investigations into this air crash indicated that the accident was caused by failure of its tail-mounted engine, which led to the loss of all flight controls.The specific reason for the engine failure still needs further investigation ).
经过初步调查,此次广州 MU5156 航班事故可能是引擎故障导致飞机在降落过程中失去控制。至于引擎故障的具体原因还待进一步查明。(Investigations into this air crash indicated that the accident was caused by failure of its tail-mounted engine, which led to the loss of all flight controls.The specific reason for the engine failure still needs further investigation ).
Ľ对此回应的态度是(What is your acceptance of the response?)
Ů全接受(totally acceptable)
ĸ接受(not acceptable)
Ů全不接受(not acceptable at all)
ĸ述危机回应通过哪种渠道发布更能让你接受(The crisis responses will be more acceptable when it is from ...)
Ļ东方航空的官方微博( the official accounts of the China Eastern Airlines)
ɀ过第三方,比如新闻工作者微博账号,微博名人账号或者其他新闻媒体的微博账号( the third-party such as journalists' account, celebrities' accounts, other news agencies' accounts)
Ľ对东方航空的总体印象是:(What's your overall impression on China Eastern Airline?) [单选题] [必答题]
ɝ常好 (Vert favorable)
Ư较好 (favorable)
ĸ般 (Neutral)
Ư较差 (unfavorable)
ž差 (very unfavorable)
ɘ读以上声明以后你还会选择继续搭乘东方航空吗?多频繁?(Will you still choose to fly with China Eastern Airline after reading the statement and how often ? )
Ƙ的(yes) 非常频繁(very frequent)
Ƙ的(yes) 比较频繁( frequent)
Ƙ的(yes) 偶尔(less frequent)
Ƙ的(yes) 但基本不(seldom)
ĸ确定(not sure)
ǻ合消息和东航的回应,你感到(combine with the news, the response of China Eastern Airline makes you feel)
Ƅ怒,不满, 鄙视(anger, disgust, contempt)
DŽ虑,担忧(anxiety, apprehension, and fear )
ǐ解, 同情 (understanding ,sympathy)
Ľ会在微博上对相关信息进行转发,分享吗(Will you share the relative message on Sina Weibo)
很有可能(Very Likely)
Ɯ可能(Somewhat Likely)
ĸ太可能(Not So Likely)
ĸ可能(Not At All Likely)
Ľ会在微博就这一事件留下评论或在自己的微博中发表相关言论吗?(Will you leave comments on the relative posts,or post relative message on your account?)
ž有可能(very likely)
Ɯ可能(Somewhat likely)
ĸ太可能(Not So Likely)
ĸ可能(Not At All Likely)
Ľ会在微博上持续关注该事件吗?(Will you continue to concerned about the issue ?)
ž有可能(very likely)
Ɯ可能(Somewhat likely)
ĸ太可能(Not So Likely)
ĸ可能(Not At All Likelyy)
Ž在微博看到上述信息你会采取一些行动吗,会的话可能是:( What kind of actions you may take?)
ƈ可能会建议别人不要搭乘东方航空(I may recommend others not to fly with China Eastren Airline)
ƈ可能会建议继续搭乘东方航空(I may recommend others still fly with China Eastren Airline)
ƈ可能会参与抵制东方航空(I may participate to boycott China Eastern Airlines)
Ņ他行动(I may take some other actions)
ƈ不会采取任何行动(I won't take any action)
B 事故调查表明, 此次航班MU5156广州空难源于xx公司所产 飞机的引擎故障,xx公司须为此次事故承担相应负责。( The investigation indicated that the accident was caused by engine failure , the company produced the engine should take responsibility to this accident).
B 事故调查表明, 此次航班MU5156广州空难源于xx公司所产 飞机的引擎故障,xx公司须为此次事故承担相应负责。( The investigation indicated that the accident was caused by engine failure , the company produced the engine should take responsibility to this accident).
ƈ认为东方航空是个值得信赖,负责任的航空公司(I think China Eastern Airline is a credible and responsible company)
ɝ常同意(strongly agree)
ž不同意(strongly disagree)
ɘ读以上消息以后你还会选择继续搭乘东方航空吗?多频繁?(Will you still choose to fly with China Eastern Airline after reading the news and how often ? ) [单选题] [必答题]
Ƙ的(yes)非常频繁(very frequent)
Ƙ的(yes) 比较频繁( frequent)
Ƙ的(yes) 偶尔(less frequent)
Ƙ的(yes) 但基本不(seldom)
ĸ确定(not sure)
我们为此次事故表示深深的歉意,公司将按相关规定对伤者及其家属进行补偿。(We express our deep apology to the victims and their families, we are willing to compensate them according to the relative policies).
我们为此次事故表示深深的歉意,公司将按相关规定对伤者及其家属进行补偿。(We express our deep apology to the victims and their families, we are willing to compensate them according to the relative policies).
Ľ觉得上述消息你更有可能从哪种渠道获知___(Which platform do you think you are more likely to get this news?) [单选题] [必答题]
Ɩ浪微博(Sina Weibo)
ĺ民日报(People's Daily)
其他 (other platforms)
ƈ认为乘座东方航空是安全的 (I think it is safe to travel with China Eastern Airline)
ɝ常同意(strongly agree)
ž不同意(strongly disagree)
ƈ认为东方航空的服务质量很好(I think China Eastern Airline provide high quality service)
ɝ常同意(strongly agree)
ž不同意(strongly disagree)
ƈ对东方航空的总体印象是:(After reading the news, my overall impression on China Eastern Airline is :) [单选题] [必答题]
非常好 (Vert favorable)
Ư较好 (favorable)
一般 (Neutral)
Ư较差 (unfavorable)
ž差 (very unfavorable)
下面是东方航空公司在其官方微博上对于与此次事件的回应(Below is China Eastern Airline's response to this accident on its officialWeibo account):
经初步调查,此次事故源于波音公司所产飞机的引擎故障, 波音公司须为此次事故负责。东方航空公司对机上所有乘客、工作人员的遭遇表示痛心和哀悼。向伤者亲属、朋友和同事们表示深切同情和诚挚慰问。东航愿意尽一切所能,为广州空难事件受伤的人员及家属提供赔偿,帮助他们度过此次难关。(An initial investigation into this air crash finds that the accident was caused by engine failure. The Boeing Company should take responsibility for this incident.We are very sorry for what happened, and we express our deep-felt apology to the victims and their families.We are also willing to do all that we can to compensate the victims and their families and help them through their hard time).
下面是东方航空公司在其官方微博上对于与此次事件的回应(Below is China Eastern Airline's response to this accident on its officialWeibo account):
经初步调查,此次事故源于波音公司所产飞机的引擎故障, 波音公司须为此次事故负责。东方航空公司对机上所有乘客、工作人员的遭遇表示痛心和哀悼。向伤者亲属、朋友和同事们表示深切同情和诚挚慰问。东航愿意尽一切所能,为广州空难事件受伤的人员及家属提供赔偿,帮助他们度过此次难关。(An initial investigation into this air crash finds that the accident was caused by engine failure. The Boeing Company should take responsibility for this incident.We are very sorry for what happened, and we express our deep-felt apology to the victims and their families.We are also willing to do all that we can to compensate the victims and their families and help them through their hard time).
Ľ觉得此次空难事件的责任应由东方航空承担吗?(responsibility attribution) [单选题] [必答题]
ĸ方航空公司应负全部责任(This crisis should blame the company)
ĸ方航空公司负有大部分责任(The compony is highly responsible for this crisis)
ĸ方航空公司负有部分责任(The compony should take part of responsibility)
ĸ方航空公司没有相应责任(The company should not be responsible for this crisis)
Ľ对东方航空的回应怎么看?(What is your attitude towards the response) [单选题] [必答题]
ŏ信 (reliable)
ƈ认为乘座东方航空是安全的 (I think it is safe to travel with China Eastern Airline)
ɝ常同意(strongly agree)
ž不同意(strongly disagree)
ƈ认为东方航空的服务质量很好(I think China Eastern Airline provide high quality service)
ɝ常同意(strongly agree)
ž不同意(strongly disagree)
ƈ认为东方航空是个值得信赖,负责任的航空公司(I think China Eastern Airline is a credible and responsible company)
ɝ常同意(strongly agree)
ž不同意(strongly disagree)
ɘ读以上声明以后你还会选择继续搭乘东方航空吗?多频繁?(Will you still choose to fly with China Eastern Airline after reading the statement and how often ? ) [单选题] [必答题]
Ƙ的(yes) 非常频繁(very frequent)
Ƙ的(yes) 比较频繁( frequent)
Ƙ的(yes) 偶尔(less frequent)
Ƙ的(yes) 但基本不(seldom)
ĸ确定(not sure)
ǜ了东方航空的回应后,我对其总体印象:(After hearing the response ,my overall impression on China Eastern Airline is ) [单选题] [必答题]
ɝ常好 (Vert favorable)
Ư较好 (favorable)
ĸ般 (Neutral)
Ư较差 (unfavorable)
ž差 (very unfavorable)
ƈ会在微博转发或分享相关消息(I may share the message on Sina Weibo)
ž可能 (Very Likely)
Ɯ可能 (Likely)
ĸ般 (Neutral)
ĸ可能 (Unlikely)
ɝ常不可能 (Very Unlikely)
ƈ会参与抵制东方航空的活动(I may take some actions to boycott China Eastern Airlines)
ž可能 (Very Likely)
Ɯ可能 (Likely)
ĸ般 (Neutral)
ĸ可能 (Unlikely)
ɝ常不可能 (Very Unlikely)
Ŧ果他人向我征询意见我会推荐东方航空(I may recommend China Eastern Airlines to others if they ask for advice)
ž可能 (Very Likely)
Ɯ可能 (Likely)
ĸ般 (Neutral)
ĸ可能 (Unlikely)
ɝ常不可能 (Very Unlikely)
ƈ会动员别人不去搭乘东方航空(I may encourage others not to take flight with China Eastern Airlines)
ž可能 (Very Likely)
Ɯ可能 (Likely)
ĸ般 (Neutral)
ĸ可能 (Unlikely)
ɝ常不可能 (Very Unlikely)
重要声明(Important Debriefing Statement)
尊敬的调查参与者, 在次问卷调查中,您就东方航空公司事故事件所发布的声明内容进行了评价。请注意此问卷中描述的事件纯属虚构,您所读到的新闻报道以及微博或人民网信息,包括其中涉及的日期、伤亡人数以及其它一切信息均系杜撰,请勿当真。未在答卷过程中阐明的原因是为了保证结果的真实性,望谅解。
(In this questionnaire, you were asked to give your opinions towards the response from China Eastern Airline company after a air crash. Please note the plane crash news mentioned in the survey, including the details such as the date and the number of victims, are totally fictitious.The reason for you were not told that the plane crash is fictitious during the test is that more authentic responses from participants may be generated which is crucial for the study to get valid results).
重要声明(Important Debriefing Statement)
尊敬的调查参与者, 在次问卷调查中,您就东方航空公司事故事件所发布的声明内容进行了评价。请注意此问卷中描述的事件纯属虚构,您所读到的新闻报道以及微博或人民网信息,包括其中涉及的日期、伤亡人数以及其它一切信息均系杜撰,请勿当真。未在答卷过程中阐明的原因是为了保证结果的真实性,望谅解。
(In this questionnaire, you were asked to give your opinions towards the response from China Eastern Airline company after a air crash. Please note the plane crash news mentioned in the survey, including the details such as the date and the number of victims, are totally fictitious.The reason for you were not told that the plane crash is fictitious during the test is that more authentic responses from participants may be generated which is crucial for the study to get valid results).
{"name":"The public response of crisis communication in China via Sinaweibo and People's Daily", "url":"","txt":"1. 您的年龄范围是(What is your age? ) [单选题] [必答题], 2.性别(Gender) [单选题] [必答题]","img":""}
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