Complete this quiz to get a Grading on your Healthy Lifestyle Practices.

A vibrant, healthy living theme with fresh fruits, vegetables, a glass of water, and a person exercising outdoors.

Healthy Lifestyle Assessment

Discover how well you're nurturing your health with our engaging quiz! Answer a series of questions about your daily habits, nutrition, fitness, and mental well-being to assess your lifestyle choices.

Your responses will help you understand your strengths and areas for improvement, enabling you to create lasting changes for a healthier life.

  • Evaluate your hydration and nutrition
  • Understand your physical activity level
  • Assess your sleep and stress management
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by HealthyHeart123
How much water do you drink daily?
0-2 Glasses, Not enough
2-6 Glasses, with most meals
7+ Glasses, I stay well hydrated
How many servings of Fruit and/or Veg do you eat daily?
0-1 servings, Not a lot
1-3 servings, with some meals
4+ Servings, I actively eat lots of fruit and veg
Do you actively consume a high protein food? ( lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy, tofu or other plant based proteins)
I rarely eat these foods
I regularly eat these food with some meals
I actively ensure I eat adequate protein every day in most meals
How is your sleep quality?
I don't get enough sleep, I have no routine and always feel tired in the day
My sleep is sometimes good and sometimes bad, I try to stick to a routine and sometimes feel tired in the day
Mostly my sleep is good, I have a regular routine most days and rarely feel overly tired in the day.
What is your average daily step count ? (check your phone or smart watch if you can or take a guess)
0-3000 average steps, I don't get to walk much daily
3000-6000 average steps, I move around a fair amount most days
6000+ average Steps, I actively ensure I get to walk enough most days
Beyond steps, How often do you intentionally get active each week? (strength training, sports, yoga, dance, group fitness etc)
I rarely get intentionally active
1-2 times per week, I care about my body and health
3-4 times per week, I make exercise a priority
4+ times per week, peak fitness is extremely important to me
How many servings of alcohol do you consume on an average week?
0-3 drinks per week
3-6 drinks per week
6+ Drinks per week
How much of your food choices come from fast food, restuarants, high sugar, processed foods?
I mostly home cook meals and use natural ingredients, but I also enjoy some treats
I cook enough but I often get food out or on the go and eat quite a lot of indulgent foods
I don't like cooking much and most of my food is on the go or delivered and I eat a lot of sugar and savoury foods.
How would you describe your overall stress management?
I understand and respect my stress, I have methods to reduce my stress and take the time to practice them
Stress sometimes gets the better of me and I have and idea of how to handle it but sometimes I struggle
Stress often gets me worked up and it impacts my energy and mood negatively and I don't practice any stress reuducing methods
How would you describe your overall approach when something goes wrong?
I dwell on it and focus on how bad things are
I get worked up and then distract myself until the feeling goes away
I take a deep breath and focus on a positive outlook and solutions
How often do you experience physical pain, discomfort or illness?
I feel balanced and flexible in my body, rarely experience injury or get sick
I experience some minor aches and pains and might catch the cold often
I feel broken, frequently dealing with aches and injury, I seem to get sick with anything going around
How would you describe your feelings about your strength and fitness?
I am fit and strong enough to handle all tasks and interaction in my day easily
My strength and fitness are ok, I sometimes find I struggle with tasks or get tired fast
I feel unfit and weak, I get out of breath easily and avoid physical tasks and interactions.
How would you best describe your relationship with your body image?
I am confident with my body even if it changes I don't judge myself negatively
Some days I really focus on the things I don't like about my body, but I feel ok about my imperfections.
I often judge myself for how I look and then feel bad about my food and exercise choices
{"name":"Complete this quiz to get a Grading on your Healthy Lifestyle Practices.", "url":"","txt":"Discover how well you're nurturing your health with our engaging quiz! Answer a series of questions about your daily habits, nutrition, fitness, and mental well-being to assess your lifestyle choices.Your responses will help you understand your strengths and areas for improvement, enabling you to create lasting changes for a healthier life.Evaluate your hydration and nutritionUnderstand your physical activity levelAssess your sleep and stress management","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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