Chapter 12

In what present-day countries was the kingdom of Ghana located?
A) Mali and Mauritania
B) Sierra Leone and Liberia
C) Morocco and Algeria
D) Nigeria and Cameroons
What power did the king of Ghana have?
A. He was the head of the army.
B. He had the final say in matters of justice.
C. He led people in religious worship.
D. All of the above
In Ghana, which of the following people would inherit the throne if the king died?
A. The son of the king
B. The son of the king's sister
C. The daughter of the king
D. The daughter of the king's sister
Which of the following is true of Ghana's military?
A. Soldiers were not respected or well paid.
B. The king had a regular army as well as reserve forces.
C. Soldiers were the only people who had to complete military training.
D. Army uniforms were plain and without decoration.
Which of the following is true of Ghana's military?
A. Soldiers were not respected or well paid.
B. The king had a regular army as well as reserve forces.
C. Soldiers were the only people who had to complete military training.
D. Army uniforms were plain and without decoration.
Why was Ghana wealthy?
A. The government did not allow foreigners to travel into Ghana.
B. The government distributed gold to its citizens.
C. The government collected taxes on goods passing through Ghana.
D. The government placed heavy taxes on its people.
Ghana was located between two areas that wanted to trade. The areas were
A. North Africa and East Africa.
B. North Africa and West Africa.
C. West Africa and East Africa.
D. West Africa and South Africa.
How did the introduction of camels around 300 C.E. Cause the Trans-Saharan trade to grow?
A. Traders could establish new routes across the Sahara.
B. Traders did not have to pay taxes if they traveled with camels.
C. Traders used the camels to find water.
D. Traders sold camels to West Africans.
Which word best describes Ibn Battuta's journey to West Africa?
A. short
B. simple
C. unsuccessful
D. dangerous
What product did people from North Africa want most?
A. salt
B. silk
C. gold
D. copper
West Africans used salt to
A. Keep food from spoiling.
B. Add taste to their food.
C. Improve their diet.
D. All of the above
What made Taghaza an important location?
A. Salt was mined and cut into large blocks
B. Salt was collected using evaporation
C. Gold was mined in a secret location
D. Gold was collected by foreigners
Which of the following was most important to the people of Taghaza?
A. Acquiring gold
B. Trading with caravans
C. Educating young people
D. Building cities
When trade caravans first entered Ghana, where did they bring their goods?
A. Kumbi
B. Mali
C. Taghaza
D. Wangara
If this dried fruit was bought at Kumbi, it would be paid for with
A. salt.
B. cattle.
C. Gold dust.
D. Other goods.
How did the Wangarans know when the caravans wanted to make an offer to trade?
A. messengers
B. Beating drum
C. Smoke signals
D. Bird calls
How was the system of silent barter a major advantage to the Wangarans?
A. It helped to guard the secret location of their gold mines.
B. It prevented the Wangarans from being attacked.
C. It saved the Wangarans time because they didn't have to travel far.
D. It made trade more difficult.
What contributed to Ghana's downfall?
A. floods
B. war
C. disease
D. Population decline
Mali gained much of its wealth from
A. trade.
B. Natural resources.
C. war.
D. Taxing its people.
Who conquered Kumbi around 1240?
A. the Mande of Mali
B. Gold miners of Wangara
C. North Africans of Taghaza
D. Muslims warriors of North Africa
People were forced to leave Ghana because
A. Farmers couldn't grow as many crops.
B. Water was scarce.
C. Few trees remained.
D. All of the above
{"name":"Chapter 12", "url":"","txt":"In what present-day countries was the kingdom of Ghana located?, What power did the king of Ghana have?, In Ghana, which of the following people would inherit the throne if the king died?","img":""}

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