Jed's Boer War presentation - Soldier Biography quiz

What was the name of this soldier?
James Jordan O'Neil
James Norman O'Neil
James George Tedder
James George Jameson
Where was this man born?
London, England
New York, New York (its a hell of a town)
Sydney, Colony of NSW
Durban, South Africa
This man fought in 3 wars, which wars did he fight in? (hint: only 3 answers are really possible)
The Crimean War
The Vietnam War
The War of the Worlds
The Second Boer War
The Jacobite Rising
The American War for Independence
The Mahdist War
The First World War
He was part of which regiment? (First used by British in Second Boer War)
The Polish Hussars
2nd NSW Mounted Rifles
130th Tank Battalion
1st Battalion Drone Operator
True or False: This soldier would have likely been present in the 1st Phase of the 2nd Boer War
He returned home after the war concluded in:
May 1901
May 1899
May 1902
March 1901
September 2023
March 1900
Where did he return home to?
Sydney, Colony of NSW
London, England
Sydney, Australia
Durban, South Africa
Why is this man significant?
He later became British PM
He later became Australian PM
He was resposible for the creation of concentration camps
He is Jed's Great Great Grandfather
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