V4 Green Associate Test 1 (Part 4)

Off-gassing contaminants are a leading factor in degrading the indoor air quality of a building. What products need to be analyzed to determine their VOC content? (SELECT ALL THAT ARE CORRECT)
Off-gassing contaminants are a leading factor in degrading the indoor air quality of a building. What products need to be analyzed to determine their VOC content? (SELECT ALL THAT ARE CORRECT)
Granite counters
Acoustic insulation
Granite floors
ETS signs on the exterior
Question 80 Explanation:
Granite is naturally occurring with no VOCs. VOCs are substances that vaporize at room temperature and can cause health problems. VOCs off-gas from many materials, including adhesives, sealants, paints, carpets, and particle board
Question 80 Explanation:
Granite is naturally occurring with no VOCs. VOCs are substances that vaporize at room temperature and can cause health problems. VOCs off-gas from many materials, including adhesives, sealants, paints, carpets, and particle board
Adaptive reuse, selecting to build infill, and regenerative design are all items encouraged by green building and more specifically LEED. What is an example regenerative design?
A living building challenge certified building
A net-zero certified energy building
A building that treats all of its waste water on site
A building that generates electricity and sends the excess to the grid
A project with a community garden and recycling program
Question 81 Explanation:
Regenerative design is 'sustainable plans for built environments that improve existing conditions. Regenerative design goes beyond reducing impacts to create positive change in the local and global environment.' - USGBC By generating more electricity than the project uses, the system is considered regenerative.
Question 81 Explanation:
Regenerative design is 'sustainable plans for built environments that improve existing conditions. Regenerative design goes beyond reducing impacts to create positive change in the local and global environment.' - USGBC By generating more electricity than the project uses, the system is considered regenerative.
Throughout the integrative process a team is attempting to discover the best strategy to protect and/or restore its habitat on a previously developed site. Name one common strategy that helps lead to this credit:
Build up as opposed to out
Build up as opposed to out
Plant invasive species over existing pervious hardscape
Restore soils and revegetate the site
Question 82 Explanation:
On-site restoration involves restoring compacted soils and revegetating. The others help with rain water management or increasing open space.
Question 82 Explanation:
On-site restoration involves restoring compacted soils and revegetating. The others help with rain water management or increasing open space.
When analyzing green buildings through numerous studies, what is true about them?
Green design is a cost neutral add-on
A shortage of PV panels led to a 2% rise in LEED buildings in the past 2 years
The construction of green buildings have no major significant cost difference to non-green buildings
LEED teams are achieving certification through widely diverse expensive methods
Question 83 Explanation: According to Cost of Green Revisited - The 2006 study shows essentially the same results as 2004: there is no significant difference in average costs for green buildings as compared to non-green buildings. Diverse methods indicate every project is doing something significantly different than other projects. Green design should not be an add-on. Green design should be considered in the pre-design phase
Question 83 Explanation: According to Cost of Green Revisited - The 2006 study shows essentially the same results as 2004: there is no significant difference in average costs for green buildings as compared to non-green buildings. Diverse methods indicate every project is doing something significantly different than other projects. Green design should not be an add-on. Green design should be considered in the pre-design phase
Conventionally, which of the following has been primarily used to replace CFC-11?
Question 84 Explanation:
Although not the best option especially for LEED, HCFC were the first refrigerant to replace CFCs.
Question 84 Explanation:
Although not the best option especially for LEED, HCFC were the first refrigerant to replace CFCs.
How is a project’s certification fees not affected?
The amount of LEED MPRs pursued
The amount of LEED credits pursued
The amount of LEED prerequisites pursued
Review path for submittals
The amount of LEED MPRs pursued
Question 85 Explanation:
Prerequisites and MPRs must be met regardless so they are not the answer.
Question 85 Explanation:
Prerequisites and MPRs must be met regardless so they are not the answer.
The Water Efficiency prerequisite requires indoor water usage reduction of 20% from a baseline based on what?
The number of potable water using fixtures
Occupants' usage
The regional cost per cubic meter of water
The Floor to Area Ration (FAR)
Question 86 Explanation:
When calculating indoor water-use baselines or design cases, the calculations are based on the number of occupants in the building using the fixtures.
Question 86 Explanation:
When calculating indoor water-use baselines or design cases, the calculations are based on the number of occupants in the building using the fixtures.
A project is under construction in Manhattan and has a near zero lot line which makes it difficult to manage rain water. What can this project do? (CHOOSE 2)
Place 75%+ of parking under the buildings
Harvest Rainwater
Use a demand response system
Install a vegetative roof
Shade all hardscapes with high SRI surfaces
Question 87 Explanation:
Projects in an urban site with a zero lot line (the building footprint is on the site limit) will have to use green infrastructure (GI) and low-impact development (LID) rainwater management strategies since there is no land.
Question 87 Explanation:
Projects in an urban site with a zero lot line (the building footprint is on the site limit) will have to use green infrastructure (GI) and low-impact development (LID) rainwater management strategies since there is no land.
How can satisfying the credit for High Priority Site benefit the world? (CHOOSE 2)
Save by connecting to existing infrastructure
Help to revitalize the neighbourhood
A contaminated site will be less expensive to purchase
Increase the local tax base so property taxes rise
For one of the Building Disclosure and Optimization credits which looks at the actual ingredients in the materials; which standard would help earn points? (CHOOSE 2)
Green Seal – GS-32
Cradle-to-Cradle Certified
Health Product Declaration
Global Reporting Initiative
Question 89 Explanation:
With Building Disclosure and Optimization remember there are two parts - the disclosure and the optimization. The disclosure is about transparency, which includes environmental product declarations (life-cycle impacts), material ingredients (health product declarations), and raw materials sourcing (corporate sustainability reports). The optimization is about using a certain quantity or percentage of those products that have disclosure for the project. Optimization usually includes a third party certification for the product. For material ingredients those certifications are GreenScreen and Cradle-to-Cradle Certified. Choosing products that have met one of those standards helps earn the credit. For international projects REACH Optimization can be used instead.
Question 89 Explanation:
With Building Disclosure and Optimization remember there are two parts - the disclosure and the optimization. The disclosure is about transparency, which includes environmental product declarations (life-cycle impacts), material ingredients (health product declarations), and raw materials sourcing (corporate sustainability reports). The optimization is about using a certain quantity or percentage of those products that have disclosure for the project. Optimization usually includes a third party certification for the product. For material ingredients those certifications are GreenScreen and Cradle-to-Cradle Certified. Choosing products that have met one of those standards helps earn the credit. For international projects REACH Optimization can be used instead.
Which strategy can the project team suggest if the building owner wants to maintain ongoing energy efficiency and performance?
Building Automation Systems
Enhanced Refrigerant Management
Enhanced Commissioning
Question 90 Explanation:
Building Automation Systems (BAS) are systems that use computer controls to monitor and control building subsystems for maximum operating efficiency and reporting. There are additional options that can identify problems that should be addressed by the facilities manager: • Building-Level Energy Metering supports energy management and identifies opportunities for additional energy savings by tracking building-level energy use. • System-Level Energy Metering supports energy management and identifies opportunities for additional energy savings by tracking building-level and system-level energy use. • Ongoing commissioning (aka recommissioning) is a type of commissioning that occurs when a building that has already been commissioned undergoes another commissioning process. The decision to recommission may be triggered by a change in building use or ownership, the onset of operational problems, or some other need. Ideally, a plan for ongoing commissioning is established as part of a new building’s original commissioning process or an existing building’s retro-commissioning process. Enhanced Commissioning is an extension to the original commissioning process that, among other things, reviews building operations 10 months after substantial completion and develops an ongoing commissioning plan. Recommissioning (aka Retro-commissioning ) is the application of the commissioning process to existing buildings.
Question 90 Explanation:
Building Automation Systems (BAS) are systems that use computer controls to monitor and control building subsystems for maximum operating efficiency and reporting. There are additional options that can identify problems that should be addressed by the facilities manager: • Building-Level Energy Metering supports energy management and identifies opportunities for additional energy savings by tracking building-level energy use. • System-Level Energy Metering supports energy management and identifies opportunities for additional energy savings by tracking building-level and system-level energy use. • Ongoing commissioning (aka recommissioning) is a type of commissioning that occurs when a building that has already been commissioned undergoes another commissioning process. The decision to recommission may be triggered by a change in building use or ownership, the onset of operational problems, or some other need. Ideally, a plan for ongoing commissioning is established as part of a new building’s original commissioning process or an existing building’s retro-commissioning process. Enhanced Commissioning is an extension to the original commissioning process that, among other things, reviews building operations 10 months after substantial completion and develops an ongoing commissioning plan. Recommissioning (aka Retro-commissioning ) is the application of the commissioning process to existing buildings.
A company is looking at passive and mechanical methods of lowering their building’s energy load which include:
Purchasing RECs
Decrease thermal massing
Configure the building to minimize solar gain in summer and maximize it in winter
Installing a PV array on its roof
Question 91 Explanation:
This strategy maximizes a building's ability to use natural lighting and natural heating.
Question 91 Explanation:
This strategy maximizes a building's ability to use natural lighting and natural heating.
Which of the following is not a source of alternative or renewable energy?
Green Power
Carbon Offsets
Demand Response
Renewable energy production
Question 92 Explanation:
Demand response (DR)is a program where the utility company contacts a consumer with a request to cut back on their power draw during a curtailment event (e.g. Severe weather, heavy load on the grid, utility company maintenance). DR is simply a contract agreement between the utility company and consumer (usually large commercial or industrial) and not a form of alternative or renewable energy. Renewable energy production is the generation of onsite renewable energy, which protects projects from energy price volatility and reliance on the grid. It also allows the project to achieve net zero energy consumption, meaning the total amount of energy used by the building on an annual basis is roughly equal to the amount of renewable energy created on-site. Renewable energy sources allowable include: Biofuel, wave and tidal energy, wind, low-impact hydroelectricity, geothermal, photovoltaic, and solar thermal. Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)are tradeable, non-tangible energy commodities. RECs represent proof that 1 megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity was generated from an eligible renewable energy resource (renewable electricity). Green power may be purchased either directly or indirectly from utility providers, and while some utility providers actually deliver green energy through the grid, many purchase RECs. Carbon Offsets are reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide or greenhouse gases made in order to compensate for or to offset an emission made elsewhere. In the voluntary market, individuals, companies, or governments purchase carbon offsets to mitigate their own greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, electricity use, and other sources. One carbon offset represents the reduction of one metric ton of carbon dioxide or its equivalent in other greenhouse gases. RECs allow buildings that use nonrenewable power to create market demand for renewable energy while carbon offsets allow buildings to fund activities that decrease carbon emissions or remove carbon
Question 92 Explanation:
Demand response (DR)is a program where the utility company contacts a consumer with a request to cut back on their power draw during a curtailment event (e.g. Severe weather, heavy load on the grid, utility company maintenance). DR is simply a contract agreement between the utility company and consumer (usually large commercial or industrial) and not a form of alternative or renewable energy. Renewable energy production is the generation of onsite renewable energy, which protects projects from energy price volatility and reliance on the grid. It also allows the project to achieve net zero energy consumption, meaning the total amount of energy used by the building on an annual basis is roughly equal to the amount of renewable energy created on-site. Renewable energy sources allowable include: Biofuel, wave and tidal energy, wind, low-impact hydroelectricity, geothermal, photovoltaic, and solar thermal. Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)are tradeable, non-tangible energy commodities. RECs represent proof that 1 megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity was generated from an eligible renewable energy resource (renewable electricity). Green power may be purchased either directly or indirectly from utility providers, and while some utility providers actually deliver green energy through the grid, many purchase RECs. Carbon Offsets are reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide or greenhouse gases made in order to compensate for or to offset an emission made elsewhere. In the voluntary market, individuals, companies, or governments purchase carbon offsets to mitigate their own greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, electricity use, and other sources. One carbon offset represents the reduction of one metric ton of carbon dioxide or its equivalent in other greenhouse gases. RECs allow buildings that use nonrenewable power to create market demand for renewable energy while carbon offsets allow buildings to fund activities that decrease carbon emissions or remove carbon
Smart growth is a commonly used term to describe a best practice. Which of the following does not comply with this best management practice?
Building up as opposed to out
A site near a frequently serviced bus stop
A site within walking distance to shops and offices
Selecting a site that is far from existing communities
Question 93 Explanation:
Smart growth is developing in areas near transportation, housing, and jobs in order to leave open spaces and farmland free from development. A site far away from existing development is probably a Greenfield.
Question 93 Explanation:
Smart growth is developing in areas near transportation, housing, and jobs in order to leave open spaces and farmland free from development. A site far away from existing development is probably a Greenfield.
A project is attempting to meet the IEQ credit for enhanced air quality. Which of the following would be well suited for an entryway system?
Carpeted tiles shipped from overseas
Low VOC rubber mat
Stone tiles extracted and manufactured on-site from construction and demolition debris
Bamboo floor made in another country
Question 94 Explanation:
Stone and wood are not well suited nor are materials from overseas. LEED entryways should be grills, grates, or mats to help clean people's shoes off as they walk in. This keeps dust/dirt/contaminants out. The low VOC material is the best choice available.
Question 94 Explanation:
Stone and wood are not well suited nor are materials from overseas. LEED entryways should be grills, grates, or mats to help clean people's shoes off as they walk in. This keeps dust/dirt/contaminants out. The low VOC material is the best choice available.
The integrative process used to just be a principle of sustainability and now it is actually worth points. Which of the following demonstrates a team using the integrative process whilst applying the systems thinking approach.
Establishing water saving metrics for measuring success
The mechanical designer completing their design and handing it off to the electrical designer
Working isolated to complete each stakeholders task efficiently
Ending the green building process when the project team hands the site over to the owner
Focussing on the initial cost of bamboo flooring
Question 95 Explanation:
Metrics and measuring for success are part of the integrative process. While the integrative process continues until the building's end-of-life - not at project handover.
Question 95 Explanation:
Metrics and measuring for success are part of the integrative process. While the integrative process continues until the building's end-of-life - not at project handover.
How does open space help promote sustainability? (CHOOSE 2)
Foster social interaction
Promote native/adaptive vegetation only
Link habitat corridors in urban areas
Increase impervious surfaces
Reduce visual interest
The EPACT of 1992 states that the baseline water use of an apartment’s bathroom faucet is:
0.5 gpm
1.6 gpf
2.2 gpm
1.0 gpf
1.0 gpm
Question 97 Explanation:
The fact that it states apartment gives away that we are asking about a private faucet’s flow rate
Question 97 Explanation:
The fact that it states apartment gives away that we are asking about a private faucet’s flow rate
Which type of water is permitted as an alternative water source for indoor water use?
Well water
Water discharged from an open-loop geothermal system
Used process water
Question 98 Explanation:
The WE section is based on an “efficiency first” approach to water conservation. As a result, each prerequisite looks at water efficiency and reductions in potable water-use alone. Then, the WE credits additionally recognize the use of non-potable and alternative sources of water. In the Indoor Water Use credit, these alternative water sources are permitted: • municipally supplied reclaimed water • graywater • rainwater • stormwater • condensate • foundation • dewatering water • used process water • reverse osmosis reject water Untreated water sources ineligible for this credit include: • raw water from naturally occurring surface bodies of water • streams, rivers • groundwater • well water • seawater, etc.....
Question 98 Explanation:
The WE section is based on an “efficiency first” approach to water conservation. As a result, each prerequisite looks at water efficiency and reductions in potable water-use alone. Then, the WE credits additionally recognize the use of non-potable and alternative sources of water. In the Indoor Water Use credit, these alternative water sources are permitted: • municipally supplied reclaimed water • graywater • rainwater • stormwater • condensate • foundation • dewatering water • used process water • reverse osmosis reject water Untreated water sources ineligible for this credit include: • raw water from naturally occurring surface bodies of water • streams, rivers • groundwater • well water • seawater, etc.....
Quadrel Development Inc. Is beginning their first LEED project and has contacted LeadingGreen for some consulting services. What obstacles will Quadrel face?
The use of new technologies
Substantial Cost increase due to LEED
Substantial schedule extension due to LEED
Convincing their owner to watch from the sidelines
The additional time for the integrative process
Question 99 Explanation:
Some of the obstacles teams face with people new to green building include: •The costs and time to hold meetings •Resistance to green goals •Resistance to the integrative process •Not being familiar with the approaches suggested •Getting people to use the modelling tools
Question 99 Explanation:
Some of the obstacles teams face with people new to green building include: •The costs and time to hold meetings •Resistance to green goals •Resistance to the integrative process •Not being familiar with the approaches suggested •Getting people to use the modelling tools
The facility manager has installed permanent submeters for a few systems. What will this not help with?
Locate leaks in the system
Measure the quality of Reused stormwater
Track consumption
Evaluate the actual fixture efficiency
Question 100 Explanation:
To determine the quality of the water, a water test would need to be done.
Question 100 Explanation:
To determine the quality of the water, a water test would need to be done.
A project is located in northern Ontario where no mass transit infrastructure exists. How can this project still earn LEED points? (CHOOSE 2)
Ensure entire parking foot print is located off site
Enforce compressed work week scheduling
Encourage Carpooling
Stagger work hours
Locate a project near 3 diverse uses
Question 101 Explanation:
Transportation demand strategies that can reduce single-occupancy vehicle use include: • Locating a project near public transportation • Encouraging carpooling • Encouraging walking or bicycling • Providing preferred parking for green vehicles • Discounted transportation passes for buses, rails, ferry's, etc. • Telecommuting • Compressed workweeks
Question 101 Explanation:
Transportation demand strategies that can reduce single-occupancy vehicle use include: • Locating a project near public transportation • Encouraging carpooling • Encouraging walking or bicycling • Providing preferred parking for green vehicles • Discounted transportation passes for buses, rails, ferry's, etc. • Telecommuting • Compressed workweeks
{"name":"V4 Green Associate Test 1 (Part 4)", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Off-gassing contaminants are a leading factor in degrading the indoor air quality of a building. What products need to be analyzed to determine their VOC content? (SELECT ALL THAT ARE CORRECT), Question 80 Explanation: Granite is naturally occurring with no VOCs. VOCs are substances that vaporize at room temperature and can cause health problems. VOCs off-gas from many materials, including adhesives, sealants, paints, carpets, and particle board, Adaptive reuse, selecting to build infill, and regenerative design are all items encouraged by green building and more specifically LEED. What is an example regenerative design?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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