New Hire Comprehensive Training Quiz (V3 - Edited 4/2/18)

What is your name?
How do you hide a message in a room that's been sent?
Double click on any message to to toggle the hide button, then click it
Right click on the message to toggle the hide button, then click it
You cant hide a message that's been sent
You can hide a message from SMS users after its been sent
How do you answer the phone when a user or client calls in?
Hi, this is [name] with Relationship Hero, how can I help you?
Hi, this is [name] with Relationship Hero, how are you doing today?
Hi, this is [name] with Relationship Hero, what seems to be your issue?
Are you able to help a user whose ex is under 18?
You're on the phone with a client and they're ready to enter their payment info. How do you collect the info from them?
By doing: /set creditcard cardnumberhere
By writing the card number in the room
Contacting an admin
By clicking the "hearts" and pressing "New Client Trial"
It's okay to not host/toss a room because the system automatically does it for you after 30 seconds
When can you disable autobid
After talking to an admin
If its going crazy. (i.e. more 2 rooms are coming in when all coaches are busy)
Within how many hours should a user/client's FIRST forum post be answered?
You want to suggest a client to send the following message "Yeah that sounds great. Got any plans for the weekend?". To make it easy for them to copy the message, how would you format your suggestion before sending?
In quotes: "Yeah that sounds great. Got any plans for the weekend?"
With a greater than sign: >Yeah that sounds great. Got any plans for the weekend?
As you would write any message: Yeah that sounds great. Got any plans for the weekend?
'@channel' gets tagged in many different channels on slack. What channel must you read all the @channel tags from? Check all that apply
#helpingclients + #announcements
#random + #showandtell
#announcements + #announcements-features
#showandtell + #announcements
#techsupport + #announcements-features
How would you find the keyword that a user Google searched for before seeing our ad?
/lookup keyword
Click on any of their user icons and look for "keyword"
Ask the user what they searched for
You're talking to a client and want to end the session. What order would you do the following command?
/end ----> /wn
/pause ----> /wn ---> /end
/pause ----> /wn
/pause ---> /end ----> /wn
If you're talking to a client in a session and it goes into the company meeting time, what option(s) do you have? Select all that apply.
Tell the client you need to go to a meeting and leave.
Ask client if they have time to talk after the meeting because you need to go to a meeting. If they say they DON'T have time then its still okay to stop the session if you want to attend the meeting.
Multi-task with doing the session and being in the meeting while leaving microphone on mute.
Tell the client you have a short meeting coming up and ask if they're ok with talking in an hour or prefer to continue now. If they prefer now, then you should stick to the coaching session and listen to recording later.
If a client wants a refund and no admin is available, what should you do?
Give a refund and contact admin about it.
Contact an admin about the request and let the client know you've notified the support team.
If a user/client wants to call you and has neither called in before nor entered their phone number, what command(s) should you use?
/getphone and /callexpect
No command is needed. You can just tell them to call the number on the upper-right corner of the site.
/getphone and /expectcall
How many minutes can you wait for a client (on brb)?
However long it takes
10 minutes
15 minutes
5 minutes
You should never wait for a client
If you missed a call from a first time user, what command(s)/script(s) should you use? Select all that apply
//missedcall + /getphone
/expectcall + //missed
Where can not do consultations?
On the phone
On the website
On Discord
If you want to merge the account BigDog into LittleCat, what command would you use and in what room would you put the command? First write the room that the command would go in, followed by a space, and then the command. So you'll enter [roomname] [space] [full command]
What (2) scripts should you initially use when starting a consultation? Check all that apply
"Just a bit of background info first..." + "Can you tell me what happened that led to the break up?"
"Can you tell me what happened that led to the break up?" + "Have you been in contact since the break up?"
"Just a bit of background info first..." + The script corresponding to the breakup reason
Can you help a user/client who was involved in an abusive relationship *get back together* with their ex? (abuser or abused)
Yes, but check abusive relationship guide on how you can help
No, but check abusive relationship guide on how you can help
Can you give a consultation over the phone?
What are you?
A Relationship Hero Coach
A Relationship Hero Expert
A Relationship Hero Adviser
Which of the following is correct?
"We can talk more about this in a coaching session"
"We can talk more about this in an advice session"
If you want to transfer a room to a Coach named Kate, what would it look like? Please type in the command below as you would in the room on the site.
IF you want to look up the email for, what would that command look like?
How do you end a client session? Please type in the command below as you would in the room on the site.
What is the proper command for setting someone's name as "Bob" in a room? Please type in the command below as you would in the room on the site.
If you wanted to toss a room to a Coach named Jack, what would it look like? Please type in the command below as you would in the room on the site.
If you want to send a user/client their magic link URL to their chat room, what command would you enter? Please type in the command below as you would in the room on the site.
If you're expecting to get a call from a certain room, what command would you use in that room? Please type in the command below as you would in the room on the site.
What's the maximum amount of minutes an expert can brb for? (just type the number)
Which command do you use to prompt a user to enter their phone number on the site?
Doing `/transfer Jack` in a room does what?
It makes the room knock on Jack so that he can either host/toss
It makes Jack the host of the room
It makes Jack the host of the room and starts timer automatically
You're on the phone with a client and they're ready to enter their payment info. How do you collect the info from them?
By doing: /set creditcard cardnumberhere
By writing the card number into the room
Contacting an admin to do it for you
Click the card button up at the top of the page
Clicking the Hearts at the top left of the page and then clicking "New Client Trial"
It's okay to wait for auto-toss to toss a room for you
It's okay to disable autobid and pause ads without talking to an admin if the ads are going crazy (ie: rooms are coming in when everyone is busy)
True - Once disabled and paused, reach out in #techsupport and tag Liron
False - You should reach out in #techsupport and tag Liron
To make it easier for a client to copy a message you should put the message in quotes
Where can you find the pricing for pay per minute for a user?
It's 1$ per minute for everyone
By clicking the "hearts" at the top of the page
By clicking Success Bundles
To look up a phone number you would do: /lookup phone 1234567891
Where can clients request a specific coach and/or a new coach
My Settings
Get Coaching
My Account
The heart symbol represents how many sessions a client has had
How can you find the session history of a client?
Asking an Admin
By using the /history command
By clicking this button at the top
Consultation calls do not take priority over consultation chats
The red number symbolizes what?
How many credits the client has but in dollar amounts
How much the client has paid us
How much the client owes us
It's okay to mention how much a client owes us (balance) in a checkin to have them prepared for next time
Clients, Coaches, and Admin can clear balances (with clients permission)
How can a coach clear a clients balance?
By looking at their "Session History"
By doing /balance
They can't. Only Admins and Clients can clear balances
If a user asks about your qualification it's okay to tell them about your education background
Disabling autobid pauses the bids
How do you become Monica or Amber?
By putting the commands /Amber or /Monica
By asking admin to implement a special code for it
By clicking on your icon picture until you see their faces
Who should you be more optimistic with?
US users
UK/Canada users
What should your "Manage Expectation Message" include?
Use the same language/keywords they used to describe the problem
Say you will be able to get their ex back
Telling the user how much the sessions cost
How many personalized questions should you ask in an online consultation?
As many as it takes to get a good understanding of their situation
If a user keeps talking after the pitch what should you do?
Not respond
Stay positive and orient the conversation back to the coaching session
Continue talking about their concerns
What does the heart symbol represent?
How many sessions a client has had
How many credits they have
How much money they owe us
It's okay if you need to work in a loud environment and can't answer phone calls
When should you talk to a client about the balance that they need to clear?
If you notice a client has a balance you can reach out when you notice
When you do a /checkin
When a client returns and says they want to start a session
If a user asks about your qualification, what should you do?
Tell them about your education background
Try to change the subject
Use the script //qualification
If a user asks about the security of our payment system, what should you do?
Tell them we use an encrypted program
Use //encrypted script
Tell them you'll reach out to an admin to explain
If you need to /toss a room as Amber you should make sure someone can take over first
What should you make sure to do before writing the 'manage expectations message'?
Use the //immediate script
Ask them what they want help with
Ask them if they're ready to start a session
What command would you use to get a user to enter their email (if not already on file) and to (automatically) send them an access link? Please write the command as you would on the site
How do clients pay for their first session?
With Success Bundles (hearts)
They pay with $ per minute
Where can clients buy bundles of hearts?
In Success Bundles (User Menu)
In My Settings (User Menu)
Which of these does NOT show that a client bought a bundle?
When seeing "+hearts500"
When seeing "Charged $ to buy x hearts"
When seeing "Buying Sage Bundle x hearts"
The pricing display will show the currency rate based on the user/clients location
How can a coach buy bundles of hearts for a client? (their CC info is already on file)
By clicking the "credit card" on the top left of page
By clicking the "hearts" on the top left of page
By going into the clients "My Account" (User Menu)
Bundle prices are the same for all users/clients
What if a client/user asks about purchasing fewer hearts than the 100 minimum?
Let the client know that it's possible and reach out to an admin
Let the client know that we currently only support a minimum purchase of 100 hearts
Let the client know that it's possible upon request and do it yourself
If a user thinks we're a scam what should we do?
Tell them we are not a scam
Use the //legit script
Give them our yelp page
When posting in the channel #techsupport who should you make sure to tag?
Tag @liron
Tag @channel
Tag @channel +@liron
After how many minutes of being idle does a coach go auto-away?
15 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
If there's some ambiguity about whether a user/client is suicidal, what should the coach do?
Tell the user/client we cannot help them
Use the command /Agreement Crisis
Continue helping them as you normally would since you aren't sure if they're suicidal or not
Where can a client find their session history?
In "Settings"
In "Get Coaching"
In "Success Bundles"
Where can a client clear their balance?
When clicking "Success Bundles"
In their "My Account"
They can't, only a coach/admin can
In their "Session History"
In their "Get Coaching"
It is okay to have a mini consultation over the phone for new users
When should you ask a phone user for their age?
After telling the user you need their CC info to activate the free trial
After explaining the service to the user
After you get their CC info
How can a coach activate a phone users free trial?
By clicking the credit card icon and click the "free" button for the free trial card
By clicking the hearts icon and click the "free" button for the free trial card
What if a user wants to use Paypal (over the phone)?
Get their paypal username/password over the phone and log it in for them
Tell the user: "You can use PayPal, however you’d have to do it through our site. Would you like to do that?"
If a new phone user wants to pay for the free trial with Paypal, what command would you use to get them onto the site?
/magiclink visible
You'll want to do /magiclink to get them onto the account and in their settings click "add payment method" and click paypal
Once the new phone user sets up their paypal account, what should you do?
Tell the client that they can call back and do /expectcall
Tell the client they can call back
Wait for the client to call back
After a call with a new phone user you should leave notes about how the call ended and what the result/conclusion was of the call (Even if they don't convert)
After the trial of 10 free minutes, the session auto-rolls into what?
A fluid session where the client needs to buy a bundle of hearts first (and use the hearts as credits)
A fluid session where the client pays per minute
The session does not auto-roll. A coach will manually have to continue it
You should let the client know when the 10 free minutes are over
Where can a coach find how much a session is per minute for the current user/client they are talking to?
By clicking the "hearts" icon at the top left of the page
By going into the user/clients "Account Settings"
Personalized questions should be designed to help amber do what?
Understand the situation
Create your ME message (Manage expectations message)
Get to know the user
What should you FIRST tell a user if they say they don't have a CC?
Tell them its okay and that they can try our free public chat (Discord)
Tell them they can buy a prepaid card and/or can connect their bank account to paypal
Is there a script for when a client says they don't have a card?
It's okay to give explicit actionable coaching in a free trial
It's okay to talk about the No Contact rule in a consultation if the user asks questions about it
If a client finishes a coaching session, and continue asking questions. How many questions can you respond to (as long as it doesn't require a long answer)?
None of the questions. You can only talk when in a session.
Can respond to 1-2 question briefly and then ask if they want to talk more in a session
Can respond to as many questions as they have
If a client asks a question that deserves a long response (outside of a session), what should the coach do?
Not answer
Give a short answer
Give a short answer and say "Would you like to start a new session and discuss it more in depth?"
It's okay to not help a client reach a certain goal if you think it's hopeless
If you're helping a client with a goal you aren't necessarily fond of, its okay to explain the risks involved
How should you always try to frame things?
If a client needs to buy more hearts..what is the best way to phrase it? (most positive)
"We cannot continue unless you buy a success bundle"
"I'm still here and avaialble to help with [XYZ] if you decide to purchase more hearts" (Success Bundles)
What does the "auto-funnel saver" do?
It sends a message to users who don't convert after 15 minutes (as the coach)
It sends a message to users who don't convert after 15 minutes (as amber)
It doesn't do anything for a few days
We'll now be emailing users transcripts of missed messages that they haven't seen
If a client asks why they have a credit charge of $1, $5, or $10 (thats not in a session)..what should you tell the client?
That we charge them a fee
That it's a temporary authorization for their card
Within how long does it take for the authorization balance to be back on the card?
About 1 hour
About 1 day
It's okay to call a user's phone number (with keypad) on skype with the company account
If a new user is entering their CC info and it gets declined, what should you do?
Let them know their card is declined by using the "//card declined" script
No need to do anything because they'll get a notification
When would you want to use the script "//card declined"
When a user is trying to put in their CC info
When a client is in their first session (PPM) and the card gets declined mid session
When a client's card information gets declined when trying to buy a Success Bundle
When a client clicks "Automatically Replenish When I'm Out" then the bundle they clicked on will automatically replenish
Once the first session is over, a green bar appears on the bottom of the screen to let users know about the Success Bundles
If a user asks how much they'll be paying per minute, what should you do?
/pitch and tell them to read all of the information there
Use the //cost script
Tell them its 1$ per minute
If a user says they dont have a credit card, what should you do?
Can let the user know they're welcome to come back later
You can use the "//no card" script
Say its fine and start the session
If you're hosting a consultation and there are many more coming in, you should juggle between multiple consultations.
How many consultations are you required to host at one time?
When should you juggle multiple consultations?
When theres many consultations being tossed around
You should always host multiple consultations
When you are comfortable hosting multiple rooms
If you can't answer a consultation (because you're busy with something else)...what should you do?
Answer when you can
Toss the room so another coach can reach out when available
It's okay for a consultation to stay in a tossed state until a coach is available
If you get tossed 3 rooms at once, you should host all 3 rooms
The coach doesn't need to ask clients for their email because the system asks them automatically
When should you ask a client for their email?
After you end the coaching session
After you pause the session and before "ending" the session
For a phone user, after getting their CC info, what should the coach do?
Star the trial/coaching session
Tell the new client that by beginning a coaching session they consent to the terms of service and private policy
Ask for their email address
What commands/scripts do you need to use when hosting a missed call?
/expectcall + //missed
What should the coach say/do when taking over a consultation that took a while to respond (for whatever reason)
Host the room, catch up real quick, and continue responding to what the user said
Apologize for the delay and ask for one moment (and use this moment to catch up real quick)
It's okay to answer a simple question about no contact in a consultation if the user asks
If you host a room but don't say anything because you're busy, its okay because you are busy
To enter in a phone users CC info, what should you click to enter the information in?
The Credit card button
The Hearts button
It's okay to host a room if you are unable to attend it (so that it goes off knock-mode) and then attend it when you're available
If you need to pass a client to another coach (before starting the session) what would be the best way to do it?
By using Moncia to tell them that the original coach is not available anymore
By telling the client that you (the coach) want to transfer them to another great coach
What command sends the user/client a link to the forums?
What command sends the user/client a link to the public chat?
If a user responds "no" to having suicidal thoughts and you want to send them the crisis agreement, what would that command look like?
If a room of a client knocks for you but you're busy with a consultation, its okay to toss the client room
If a client said something before you hosted the room, its okay to ignore it and ask the client what help they need
How well do you think you did on this comprehension quiz? Please rate 1-10
How did onboarding go? Do you have any recommendations for improvements?
{"name":"New Hire Comprehensive Training Quiz (V3 - Edited 4\/2\/18)", "url":"","txt":"How do you hide a message in a room that's been sent?, Which command do you use to look up a client's phone or email (e.g. when you're trying to find a user-room and only have their phone number or email), If I want to transfer a room to an expert named Kate, which command(s) could I use?","img":""}
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