Are you a good Party member?

How do you feel about Big Brother?
I love him with all my heart
He is my leader so I respect him
He is a pretend figurehead of a fascist regime
Big who?
What does 2 + 2 = ?
Whatever the Party says it is
What is your first thought when there is a new announcement of a public hanging for traitors?
Ring Amnesty International
I must take my children, it will be an excellent educational experience
Stay at home with the curtains shut - don’t want to go, but I’m not rocking any boats
Well, they probably deserve it, someone has to keep us safe
You see your neighbour talking to someone of the opposite gender who they are not married to. What do you do?
Is this a problem?
Take no notice
Immediately contact the Thought Police - it will look bad if they find out before you reported it. You should always spy on your neighbours.
What’s your favourite drink?
Victory Gin
Tea with real sugar in
That Lindt hot chocolate they’re doing in Costa at the moment
War is ________, Freedom is _________, Ignorance is ___________
Bad / Good / Huh?
Peace / Slavery / Strength
Futile / A human right / The root of all evil
What are you on about?
The Party watches over us all the time because...?
They want complete control, even if our inner thoughts
Technology is cool - I would never turn off location services on my phone!
It is for our own good, they protect us.
They’ve got nothing better to do.
What word would you use to describe something that is the best of its kind?
Umm...the best?
There are so many possible synonyms, I couldn’t possibly choose just one!
Really really good, like, really good
What is in Room 101?
Frank Skinner (or Paul Merton if you’re watching it on repeat)
My worst nightmare
Is that like the Room of Requirement?
Probably a bed, hopefully a minibar
What do you think about the raised chocolate ration thanks to our glorious victory over Eurasia?
I’m so grateful to Big Brother, the party always looks out for us
Well, you can’t complain if you’re given more chocolate
It’s always been 20g, they just say it’s been raised and everyone “forgets” what it used to be
Does that mean I can get a Galaxy Ripple?
Which level of the party do you most identify with?
The inner party
The outer party
The proles
The Brotherhood
{"name":"Are you a good Party member?", "url":"","txt":"How do you feel about Big Brother?, What does 2 + 2 = ?, What is your first thought when there is a new announcement of a public hanging for traitors?","img":""}
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