מבחן 8

השם שלי
1. The city of Cordoba in Spain was once a ___________of intellectual and academic activity.
(1) measure
(2) chapter
(3) center
(4) season
2. Although it has been illegal to ___________ bald eagles in the United States since 1940, there are only a few of these birds left in the country.
(1) watch
(2) find
(3) hunt
(4) fly
3. All parents should provide a _______________ and balanced diet for their children.
(1) separate
(2) potential
(3) straight
(4) healthy
4. In the late 1960s, U.S. Army scientists realized that __________ spider silk is both extremely strong and highly elastic, it can be used to make bullet-proof vests.
(1) unless
(2) before
(3) because
(4) until
5. The government's plan to modify the tax system was never very grand in scale; it involved only _________ changes.
(1) constant
(2) minor
(3) recent
(4) complex
6. Even today, after so many years of ____________ , the continent of Antarctica still holds many mysteries.
(1) unawareness
(2) exploration
(3) approval
(4) reform
7. Recent polls in Britain have shown that public morale is low as a result of widespread __________ government policies.
(1) discrimination against
(2) communion with
(3) disenchantment with
(4) certification of
8. Scientists have only begun to _______ the damage caused by human encroachment on the habitats of various animals.
(1) assess
(2) enrage
(3) obey
(4) extract
9. Compared to other great artists, Leonardo da Vinci completed _______ few paintings.
(1) favourably
(2) relatively
(3) regularly
(4) permanently
10. Hotel owners in New York City reached a tentative agreement with their employees, Thus ________ the strike threatened by the workers' union.
(1) averting
(2) condemning
(3) amassing
(4) invoking
11. The researchers published a lengthy report describing all of their findings in detail, as well as a shorter, more ________ version.
(1) concise
(2) absorbent
(3) secular
(4) morose
This part consists of several sentences, each followed by four possible ways of restating the main idea of that sentence in different words. For each question, choose the one restatement which best expresses the meaning of the original sentence.
This part consists of several sentences, each followed by four possible ways of restating the main idea of that sentence in different words. For each question, choose the one restatement which best expresses the meaning of the original sentence.
12. People from different dialectal regions of China are unable to communicate with one another through speech, although they can do so through reading and writing.
(1) Because China's regional dialects are no longer very different, people's ability to communicate has improved greatly.
(2) Although there are many different dialectal regions in China, people still manage to communicate through speech.
(3) There are so many different dialects of Chinese that even people who can speak to each other cannot read or write each other's dialect.
(4) Chinese people who speak different dialects are able to communicate with each other only through written language.
13. Even during wartime, civil law must be upheld, and those who violate it must be punished.
(1) Punishing those who break the law is difficult, especially during a war.
(2) People who disobey civil law should be punished, even during a war.
(3) While there are many violations of civil law during peacetime, they are more frequent during a war.
(4) Because upholding the law is so important in wartime, those who disobey it are punished.
14. Tiberias lies some 200 meters below sea level, on the ruins of the biblical town of Hammat.
(1) The ruins of the biblical town of Hammat, which is situated near Tiberias, lie 200 meters underwater.
(2) Tiberias, built atop the ruins of the biblical town of Hammat, is about 200 meters below sea level.
(3) The biblical town of Hammat, after it was rebuilt 200 meters below sea level, was called Tiberias.
(4) The ruins of the biblical town of Hammat lie about 200 meters above Tiberias.
15. Given its inevitability, the fact that old age is generally regarded as a time to be dreaded rather than eagerly anticipated is lamentable.
(1) The fact that most people do not look forward to their old age is tragic, but it is difficult to change the way people feel about getting old.
(2) People who do not realize that old age may be the most enjoyable time of their lives are afraid of getting old.
(3) Since old age cannot be avoided, it is sad that most people think of it as a time to be feared rather than looked forward to.
(4) If people realized how enjoyable old age can be, they would not be so worried about getting old.
16. Unless a pathogen like the Ebola virus alters its mode of transmission, it is unlikely to proliferate outside its natural habitat.
(1) A pathogen like the Ebola virus will probably not multiply on a large scale in areas other than its natural habitat if it does not change the way in which it is transmitted.
(2) Unless it has a mode of transmission which is similar to that of the Ebola virus, a pathogen will probably not proliferate outside its natural habitat.
(3) If a pathogen like the Ebola virus is transmitted in the usual way, it will probably not remain in its natural habitat but will multiply rapidly in other areas.
(4) The natural habitat of the Ebola virus is unlikely to change or expand unless the virus's mode of transmission becomes more like that of other pathogens.
17. Yugoslav leader Broz Tito, in addition to being the only ruler of a Communist country who seemed to enjoy genuine popularity, was also the only one who employed more than terror and propaganda to govern his country, although he certainly employed them as well.
(1) Tito was unique among leaders of Communist countries in two ways: first, people actually seemed to like him, and second, he did not use terror and propaganda alone to rule his country.
(2) Although Tito established his rule in Yugoslavia by using terror and propaganda, he governed his country well and became more popular than other leaders of Communist countries.
(3) Although leaders of other Communist countries warned Tito that he would not be able to rule effectively without using terror and propaganda, he decided to stop using them and, as a result, became more popular.
(4) Tito became Yugoslavia's most popular leader by refusing to employ terror and propaganda; in doing so, he ignored the example of other Communist leaders, who used these methods to attain power.
Reading comprehension
This part consists of two reading passages, each followed by several related questions. For each question, choose the most appropriate answer based on the text.
Reading comprehension
This part consists of two reading passages, each followed by several related questions. For each question, choose the most appropriate answer based on the text.
18. According to the first paragraph, what has been going on for seventeen years?
(1) the development of better garbage disposal methods
(2) research on landfills conducted by Rathje and his team
(3) the dumping and burying of garbage in landfills
(4) studies on the garbage produced at the University of Arizona
19. The main purpose of the second paragraph is to discuss -
(1) some reasons for studying garbage
(2) the results of Rathje's research
(3) different types of garbage found in landfills
(4) common beliefs about the content of landfills
20. The main purpose of the third paragraph is to show that -

(1) Americans believe that too much of the garbage in landfills is plastic
(2) the estimates mentioned in the second paragraph are incorrect
(3) the research described in the first paragraph is important
(4) scientists know what makes up 90 percent of the content of landfills
21. It can be understood from the last two paragraphs that today - 
(1) more paper is being recycled than in the past
(2) people are throwing away less food than they did in the past
(3) more than half of the garbage in landfills is paper and food
(4) most of the food people buy is wasted
22.  The main purpose of the last paragraph is to -
(1) give an example of how we can reduce the amount of garbage we produce
(2) explain why it is so difficult to reduce the amount of garbage we produce
(3) argue that more money should be spent on studying garbage
(4) show how billions of dollars have been saved as a result of studying garbage
23. The pig is mentioned in the first paragraph as an example of-
(1) an animal.
(2) one that wants to swill.
(3) one that attains happiness easily.
(4) one that lacks desires.
 24.  Sometimes people are - 

(1) more complex than animals.
(2) exposed to stimulus and are happy in the expectation of its satisfaction.
(3) happier working toward a goal than they are once it is achieved.
(4) completely absent of the chain of stimulus response.
 25. The steak and the orange juice are mentioned as -
(1) an example of the chain of stimulus-response.
(2) an example of human desires, that can't be fulfilled.
(3) types of food and drink.
(4) a proof that human desires arc complex.
 26. The chain of stimulus-response -
(1) makes the human being a machine.
(2) can be defined as relative happiness.
(3) makes the hungry man having no further desire.
(4) makes the normal person a creature of constant dissatisfaction.
27. An appropriate title for this passage would be -
(1) Men and pigs.
(2) Relative happiness.
(3) What is happiness?
(4) Eating a steak.
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