Advance Org Structure | Pay Rate Categories | Custom Fields | Training, Skills & Qualifications | On/Off Boarding Notifications

Create an illustration of a diverse group of professionals collaborating on an organizational chart, showcasing elements like pay rates, training, and employee onboarding.

Organizational Structure Mastery Quiz

Test your knowledge and understanding of organizational structures, pay rates, and employee management practices in this comprehensive quiz. Ideal for professionals seeking to enhance their skills and improve their understanding of these key concepts.

  • Multiple choice questions
  • Covers various aspects of position management
  • Focus on practical scenarios and real-world applications
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by AnalyzingData101
1. In this scenario, a position has been created on the Position Management screen. However, there are no options on the drop-down when selecting the "OFO level" field. On which screen would you activate the relevant Occupational Framework for Occupations in order for the options to appear?
The Job Management screen
The Skills screen
The Company Settings screen
The Basic Company Information screen
The Statistics SA Config screen
2. In this instance, Pay Points have been defined on the Other Drop Downs screen. However, the field to link an employee to a Pay Point is not available on the Position screen. Select the reason why.
The Advanced Organisation Structure module requires Regions to be configured before the Pay Points.
The Advanced Organisation Structure module has not been activated.
The Advanced Organisation Structure module requires Grades to be configured before the Pay Points.
The Advanced Organisation Structure module requires Organisation Levels & Units to be configured before the Pay Points.
3. If the option "can the employee be linked to this unit?" has not been enabled on the Organisation Hierarchy Units screen, the user will be able to link an employee to a higher level structure on their Position screen.
4. If the default pay rate value on the Pay Rate Categories screen is updated, it will automatically update the employees linked to that Pay Rate Category.
5. In this case, a company level user is trying to link an existing employee to a Pay Rate Category. The field is reflected on the Pay Rate Details screen, but there are no available options to display. Select the reason why.
The Pay Rate Categories have not been configured.
The Advanced Organisation Structure module has not been activated.
The Advanced Organisation Structure module requires Grades, Regions and Pay Points to be configured before the Pay Rate Categories.
The Pay Rate Categories created have been restricted to all the grades besides the one the employee is linked.
6. Custom Field elements can be deleted regardless of whether or not information has already been processed for that particular field.
7. Fields created on the Custom Fields screen cannot be referenced in component calculations on the Income Base screen.
8. Select the formula used to derive the indirect cost of an employee attending training when configuring his/her Training Record.
Direct Course Cost / Course Duration in Days (Training Courses screen) * Daily Rate (Pay Rate Details screen)
Direct Course Cost / Course Duration in Hours (Training Courses screen) * Hourly Rate (Pay Rate Details screen)
Daily Rate (Pay Rate Details screen) * Course Duration in Days (Training Coursed screen)
Hourly Rate (Pay Rate Details screen) * Course Duration in Hours (Training Courses screen)
There is no formula.
9. Once Skills and/or Qualifications have been configured on Company level...
... They will automatically appear on all employee profiles.
... The user can proceed to link each employee to their own qualifications and/or skills.
10. Utilising the Company Onboarding/Termination Notifications functionality will result in recipients receiving notifications generated by the system when an employee starts or resigns from the company.
11. All Onboarding/Termination notification emails will be...
... Sent to the recipient automatically.
... Not be sent automatically. The user will be prompted if the notification email should be sent when adding or terminating an employee.
12. Only the employee and his/her Directly Reports To person can be notified when configuring an Onboarding/Termination notification.
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