You may feel comfortable naked in front of your window, but does your personal data want to be naked too?

Mission - To understand how to protect your personal data in the digital world
Mission - To understand how to protect your personal data in the digital world
Name: Add your full name to be eligible for the main prize (no aliases please)
Which of these are not recommended to use while on a public-wifi connection?
Your bank account information
Your credit card
Password protected websites
All of the options
Fill in the gap: Someone may try to steal your identity by ______________ for private information
Requesting photos
Following you down the road
Sliding into your DMs to ask you on a date (direct messages)
Third parties can collect and use your information without your knowledge
What is PII?
Privacy internet intervention
Private internet information
Personally identifiable information
Private Internet Intervention & Personal Identifying Information
None of these options
How can you avoid identify theft? Select all that apply
Clearing cookies
Clearing browsing history
Turning your computer on and off
Which of the following passwords would take a computer a day or under to crack? Select all that apply
When you password protect a document for someone, which examples of strong passwords below could you choose? Select all that apply
Their first name
Their first and last names
Their email address
When sharing client files or information with other employees in the business, you should? Select all that apply
Password-protect it
Post it in a private Slack chat
Email it
Drop it in a secure drive and give them access
Which network can you connect to safely? 
None of these options
How should you make your personal online accounts private & secure? Select all that apply
By using security applications
Making a stong password
Going offline intermittently
No passwords required
Write your passwords on a sticky note and stick to the fridge
How do you let someone know the password for a protected document that you have attached to an email? 
Send it in the email
Give them a clue in the email e.g. It's your middle name
Call, text or personally slack them
Yell across your desk, no one will hear
Privacy policies guarantee that your information will be kept private?
{"name":"You may feel comfortable naked in front of your window, but does your personal data want to be naked too?", "url":"","txt":"Mission - To understand how to protect your personal data in the digital world, Name: Add your full name to be eligible for the main prize (no aliases please), Which of these are not recommended to use while on a public-wifi connection?","img":""}

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