Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 28 Sep 20
[2009.11872] Zhi-Da Song, Biao Lian, Nicolas Regnault et al.: TBG II: Stable Symmetry Anomaly in Twisted Bilayer Graphene
[2009.11883] Joaquin F. Rodriguez-Nieva: Turbulent relaxation after a quench in the Heisenberg model
[2009.11885] Carlos Anton-Solanas, Maximilian Waldherr, Martin Klaas et al.: Bosonic condensation of exciton-polaritons in an atomically thin crystal
[2009.11887] Jeremias Aguilera Damia, Mario Solis, Gonzalo Torroba: Thermal effects in non-Fermi liquid superconductivity
[2009.11908] K. Klocke, T. M. Wintermantel, G. Lochead et al.: Hydrodynamic stabilization of self-organized criticality in a driven Rydberg gas
[2009.11916] Dhurba R. Jaishi, Nileema Sharma, Bishnu Karki et al.: Electronic and Thermoelectric Properties of Half-Heusler Alloys NiTZ
[2009.11922] I. A. Zaliznyak, E. Bozin, A. V. Tkachenko: Comment on "Colossal Pressure-Induced Softening in Scandium Fluoride"
[2009.11941] Ali Ebrahimian, Reza Asgari, Mehrdad Dadsetani: Topological phases in $α$-Li$_{\rm 3}$N-type crystal structure of light-element compounds
[2009.11944] Robin Turnbull, Daniel Errandonea, Juan Ángel Sans et al.: GdBO$_3$ and YBO$_3$ Nanocrystals under Compression
[2009.11949] Charley Schaefer, Tom C. B. McLeish: Power-Law Stretching of Associating Polymers in Steady-State Extensional Flow
[2009.11960] T. Basu, T. Zou, Z. Dun et al.: Magnetic Field Induced Phase Transition in Spinel GeNi2O4
[2009.11962] Kanka Ghosh, Andrzej Kusiak, Jean-Luc Battaglia: Phonon hydrodynamics in crystalline GeTe at low temperature
[2009.11980] Aaron M. Schankler, Lingyuan Gao, Andrew M. Rappe: Large Bulk Piezophotovoltaic Effect of Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
[2009.12006] Zhun-Yong Ong, Gang Zhang, Linyou Cao et al.: Gate-tunable cross-plane heat dissipation in single-layer transition metal dichalcogenides
[2009.12016] Martin H. Krieger: Legerdemain in Mathematical Physics: Structure, Tricks, and Lacunae in Derivations of the Partition Function of the Two-Dimensional Ising Model and in Proofs of The Stabil...
[2009.12017] Martin H. Krieger: Ising Matter as Bulky: An Identity Described by Many Models
[2009.12036] Peng-Jen Chen, Wan-Ju Li, Ting-Kuo Lee: High-order Dirac and Weyl points in screw-symmetric materials
[2009.12048] Yu.I. Dzhezherya, Wei Xu, S.V. Cherepov et al.: Magnetoactive elastomer based on superparamagnetic nanoparticles with Curie point close to room temperature
[2009.12050] Matthew Macaulay, Pierre Rognon: Viscosity of Cohesive Granular Matter
[2009.12058] Cong Xiao, Qian Niu: Conserved current of nonconserved quantities
[2009.12060] Harukuni Ikeda, Masanari Shimada: Note: Quantitative approximation scheme of density of states near jamming
[2009.12071] Masanori Kohno: Mott transition and electronic excitation of the Gutzwiller wavefunction
[2009.12073] Isaac Ng, Se Kwon Kim, Qiming Shao: Survey of temperature dependence of the damping parameter in the ferrimagnet Gd$_3$Fe$_5$O$_{12}$
[2009.12082] Henri Salmenjoki, Lasse Laurson, Mikko J. Alava: Probing the transition from dislocation jamming to pinning by machine learning
[2009.12104] Saunak Das, Johannes Fiedler, Oliver Staufert et al.: Macroscopic Quantum Electrodynamics and Density Functional Theory Approaches to Dispersion Interactions between Fullerenes
[2009.12126] Oliver Niggemann, Udo Seifert: Numerical Study of the Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relation for the KPZ-Equation
[2009.12137] Niklas A. Weber, Dr. Hendrik Schmidt, Tim Sievert et al.: Polaronic Contributions to Friction in a Manganite Thin Film
[2009.12138] Eric Brillaux, Andrei A. Fedorenko: Fermi arcs and surface criticality in dirty Dirac materials
[2009.12147] Friethjof Theel, Kevin Keiler, Simeon I. Mistakidis et al.: Many-body collisional dynamics of impurities injected into a double-well trapped Bose-Einstein condensate
[2009.12162] Zahra Fazli, Ali Naji: Active particles with polar alignment in ring-shaped confinement
[2009.12163] Kushal Ramakrishna, Attila Cangi, Tobias Dornheim et al.: First-principles modeling of plasmons in aluminum under ambient and extreme conditions
[2009.12169] Khanh Nguyen, Victor J. Amores, Francisco J. Montans: Thermodynamically consistent nonlinear viscoplastic formulation with well-conditioned recovery of the inviscid solution: Theory and implicit ...
[2009.12182] Patrick Richard, Riccardo Artoni, Alexandre Valance et al.: Influence of lateral confinement on granular flows: comparison between shear-driven and gravity-driven flows
[2009.12194] J. C. G. Henriques, B. Amorim, N. M. R. Peres: Exciton-polariton mediated interaction between two nitrogen-vacancy color centers in diamond using two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides
[2009.12233] M. Tomé, H.D. Rosales: Magnetic-field-driven topological phase transition and topological Hall effect in AF-skyrmion lattice
[2009.12246] Alec Kirkley, George T. Cantwell, M. E. J. Newman: Message passing for probabilistic models on networks with loops
[2009.12249] S. Kern, P. Neilinger, D. Manca et al.: A numerical extrapolation method for complex conductivity of disordered metals
[2009.12259] Aram Kostanyan, Christin Schlesier, Rasmus Westerstrom et al.: Gadolinium as a single atom catalyst in a single molecule magnet
[2009.12262] Eugenio Paris, Yi Tseng, Ekaterina M. Pärschke et al.: Strain-engineering of the charge and spin-orbital interactions in Sr2IrO4
[2009.12265] Mikhail I. Mendelev, Valery Borovikov: Development of interatomic potential appropriate for simulation of dislocation migration in fcc Fe
[2009.12287] Cecile Monthus: Large deviations for Markov processes with stochastic resetting : analysis via the empirical density and flows or via excursions between resets
[2009.12288] Andrea Giuntoli, Nitin K. Hansoge, Sinan Keten: Star topology increases ballistic resistance in thin polymer films
[2009.12289] Stefano Brandani, Amir H. Farmahini, Daniel Friedrich et al.: Performance-based screening of porous materials for carbon capture
[2009.12302] R. Gu, T. Perrault, V. Juvé et al.: Non-thermal transport of energy driven by photoexcited carriers in switchable solid states of GeTe
[2009.12315] Todor M. Mishonov, Albert M. Varonov: Scientific instrument for creation of effective Cooper pair mass spectroscopy
[2009.12317] Anders C. Riis-Jensen, Morten N. Gjerding, Saverio Russo et al.: Anomalous Non-Hydrogenic Exciton Series in 2D Materials on High-$κ$ Dielectric Substrates
[2009.12321] Stefan Ilić, Ilya V. Tokatly, F. Sebastián Bergeret: A Unified Description of Spin Transport, Weak Antilocalization and Triplet Superconductivity in Systems with Spin-Orbit Coupling
[2009.12322] Lizardo H.C.M. Nunes, A. W. Teixeira, E. C. Marino: Temperature vs. Doping phase diagram of cuprate superconductors
[2009.12327] Masaki Kobayashi, Le Duc Anh, Masahiro Suzuki et al.: Alternation of Magnetic Anisotropy Accompanied by Metal-Insulator Transition in Strained Ultrathin Manganite Heterostructures
[2009.12331] Pedram Sadeghi, Alper Demir, Luis Guillermo Villanueva et al.: Frequency fluctuations in nanomechanical silicon nitride string resonators
[2009.12354] Xinshu Zhang, Yi Luo, T. Halloran et al.: Low Energy Magneto-optics of Tb$_{2}$Ti$_{2}$O$_{7}$ in [111] Magnetic Field
[2009.12364] K. A. Matveev: Sound in a system of chiral one-dimensional fermions
[2009.12366] Arijit Kayal, Harikrishnan Gopalakrishnan, Kingshuk Bandopadhyay et al.: Controlling the macroscopic electrical properties of reduced graphene oxide by nanoscale writing of electronic channels
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 28 Sep 20","img":""}
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