Market Research Exam 2

Create an engaging and colorful illustration of a person taking a quiz on market research concepts, with charts, graphs, and research-related items in the background.

Market Research Mastery Quiz

Test your knowledge with our Market Research Exam! Designed for those interested in enhancing their understanding of market research principles, this quiz consists of 30 carefully curated questions.

Whether you're a student, researcher, or marketing professional, challenge yourself and see how well you grasp essential concepts. Key features include:

  • Multiple-choice and checkbox questions
  • Focus on validity, reliability, and data collection methods
  • Instant feedback on your performance
30 Questions8 MinutesCreated by LearningCurve201
Sensitive questions should always be put first in a questionnaire.
Some of the problems with using close-ended questions include which of the following?
Response categories must be truly exhaustive
Some respondents may not have an opinion.
Response categories must be mutually exclusive.
None of the possible response alternatives may capture the respondent's true beliefs.
All of these.
Which of the following does NOT affect a respondent's willingness to produce a response?
The individual's ability to remember the event.
The sensitivity of the issue.
The person's ability to articulate an answer.
Amount of work involved.
All of the above affect a respondent's willingness to provide a response.
A person's ability to remember an event is NOT influenced by the
Length of time since the event.
Stimulus used to facilitate recall.
The event itself.
The importance attached to the event.
The gender of the respondent.
Data collection should never begin until you have pre-tested the questionnaire.
You have a need to determine if a respondent is actually a member of the population being studied. Which type of question would you use to do that?
Double-barreled question
Leading question
Dichotomous question
Filter question
Open-ended question
Which of the following is FALSE?
Respondents tend to answer questions even when they do not possess the necessary information to give reasonable answers.
Offering an incentive often affects the respondent's willingness to participate.c
Any response given by the respondent is good.
A respondent may be more willing to provide information to a researcher if he or she is capable of articulating answers to the researcher's questions.
Some questionnaire studies fail because the respondent is willing but unable to provide the information needed.
The words occasionally, sometimes, regularly and often are considered ambiguous.o
When determining content of individual questions, in general you want to capture the needed data using
The same question multiple times, but worded differently.
As few questions as possible.
Generalizations and estimates.
Sophisticated language, words and phrases.
All of these.
A researcher developing a questionnaire becomes aware of an interesting additional relationship that could be investigated at very little cost and effort by adding an additional item to the questionnaire. He knows that this is not vital to his present research purpose. He should
Forget it.
Evaluate the cost.
Investigate it to a limited extent.
Investigate it, as this is likely to reduce sampling error.
Investigate it carefully.
The highest level of measurement from those in the following list is
Validity is
Concerned with the relationships of random error with systematic error.
Equal to the true score plus the systematic error.
Equal to the true score plus systematic error minus random
Concerned with the extent to which differences in scores reflect true differences in the characteristic.
Concerned with the extent to which differences in scores reflect instability in the measurements.
Which of the following scales is reflected by an attribute of an object that represents a non-ordered classification?
Consistency is the hallmark of validity.
In marketing research, all of the following are levels of measurement EXCEPT
Which attitude rating scale uses pairs of bipolar words or phrases, and is particularly useful in corporate, brand and product-images studies?
Itemized-ratings scale
Semantic-differential scale
Graphic-ratings scale
Summated-ratings (Likert) scale
Comparative-ratings scale
A research effort requires the researcher to use numbers to identify or categorize particular objects. The type of scale the researcher will use is
Reliability is necessary, but not sufficient, for establishing the validity of a measure.
Which of the following can be measured?
Weight and Attitude
Weight, Attitude and Height
In general, when using itemized-rating scales, using five to nine categories works best.
Disguise creates a more artificial environment in which to collect data from individuals
"How do you feel about the Apple, Inc.?" is an example of which type of question?
Phone book sampling frames are inadequate because of
People who have recently moved or have unlisted numbers
Small sample size.
Interviewer bias.
Random-digit dialing.
Plus-one sampling.
The major problem with using the mall intercept method to conduct personal interviews concerns
Securing the cooperation of mall merchants.
the high cost of the method.
Securing the cooperation of the respondent.
The ability to direct the inquiry to a randomly determined respondent.
the noisy, distracting environment in which the interview is conducted.
The use of high structure greatly simplifies data coding and analysis.
The responses, as well as the questions, are standardized in a(n)
structured-undisguised questionnaire.
Focus group.
Unstructured-undisguised questionnaire.
Unstructured-disguised questionnaire.
Depth interview.
The use of disguised communication to gather primary research data can
Hide the purpose or sponsor of the study.
Create a more natural environment in which to collect data from individuals.
help eliminate response bias.
Involve active deception.
All of these.
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of structured-undisguised questions?
Unbiased response categories.
Simple to administer.
Easy to analyze.
Very reliable.
Easy to tabulate.
You must conduct research to find out a great deal of information about potential customers. You need a minimum of 300 people and you know that you don't have a lot of money to conduct the research, so you will use
In-office personal interviews.
Observation research.
Focus group interviews.
In-home personal interviews.
Mail questionnaire.
With online surveys, the response rate is a good indicator of the quality of the research effort.
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