Story of Anwill Honiko Final Test

A fantasy illustration of a fiery landscape with a mystical clan symbol in the center, featuring elements of adventure and conflict, drawing inspiration from stories of clans and hidden villages, vivid colors and dramatic lighting.

The Honiko Clan Challenge

Test your knowledge of the intriguing story of Anwill Honiko and the mysteries surrounding the Honiko clan. Dive deep into the lore, characters, and events that shaped this epic tale.

Are you ready to uncover the secrets of the Hidden Flame Village?

  • 115 thought-provoking questions
  • Explore the nuances of the Honiko legacy
  • Challenge your friends and family
115 Questions29 MinutesCreated by FightingFlame47
Why was the Honiko clan killed?
They let their defenses down for the festivals
One of the Honiko clan's enemy decided to take revenge
Mercenaries were payed to eliminate them
They were infiltrated and assassinated from the inside
What did the Honiko clan specialize in?
Fire Style
Summoning Jutsu
Sealing Jutsu
What is the culture of the Honiko clan based off of?
The deity of fire, Hon
The messages of fire, Agni
The dragon, Honika
The flames of war, Koi
The weapon Anwill's father summons is a...?
Ebony short dagger
Golden-bronze sword
Enchanted amber spear
Molten iron glaive
Honika's eyes are...?
Orange and green
Ocean blue
Blood Red
Purple and Black
Honika warmed baby Anwill up by...?
Setting his chakra ablaze
Swallowing him
Creating a fire pit for him
Bringing him outside in the sun
What weapon did Anwill carry with him as a child?
A dagger from Honika
A spear from his clan
A sword from his father
He preferred hand to hand combat
Honika is named by Anwill. What does Anwill mean?
What was Honika's advice to Anwill?
Try to make many friends?
Do not trust anyone
Stay out of the war
Humans are doomed
Who does Anwill meet in the bar as a child?
The first person Anwill kills is with a...?
Giant Shuriken
Water Style Jutsu
After Masa is killed Kazou...?
Burries Masa outside their hideout
Takes his sharingan
Throws his katana into the river
Has a funeral with himself and Anwill
Anwill triggers his mongekyo sharingan when...?
Bandits attack the bunker
He finds Masa's lifeless body
He finds out Kazou took his own life
When he kills Kazou to ease his pain
How old was Anwill when he met Kurai?
Kurai comes to Anwill's inn room because his Sensei Mark left what there?
His sealing scrolls
His weapon orders
His clan logs
His war-zone map
Laila is forced to help train Anwill because...?
They have the same chakra nature
Mark and Kurai left to search for villagers
She has a crush on him
Kurai was to lazy
Kurai becomes the 2nd Kurinkage because...?
Anwill turned the job down
Mark was leaving on a mission
Mark retired
Anwill recommended him
Anwill and Laila got married when they were...?
Mark's wedding gift to Anwill and Laila was...
He built a park for them
He bought them a house
He gave Anwill his headband
He made Anwill in-charge of the academy
The wedding ceremony for Anwill and Laila took 20 minutes longer because...?
They were attacked by Mikai
Mark and Anwill were not paying attention
Anwill left during the ceremony to eat
Anwill did not want to listen to the priest
The names of the members of squad 14, Anwill's squad, were...?
Skit, Ricky, and Adam
Noah, Danny, and Kairo
Kan, James, and William
Cane, Ben, and Alex
Anwill did not return to Kurinkai with his squad because...?
He wanted to visit the old bunker
He went to see Honika
He needed to fight a group of bandits alone
He overslept
Anwill implants his new eyes...?
At the death of Laila
After the fall of Kurinkai
Durring the battle with Kurai and Mikia
Before he reached Kurinkai
Anwill is known by many orphans as the...?
The Rouge Sensei
The Mercenary
The Ghost Survivalist
The Phantom Teacher
Anwill builds his village at...?
The ruins of Kurinkai
The ruins of the Honiko clan
The mountains where he lived with Masa and Kazou
A plot of land he recently purchased
The original name of the Hidden Flame Village was...?
The Guardian Shinobi
The Honiko Orphanage
It had no name
Anwill's picked the name Hidden Flame from...?
His old clan name
His recently new chakra nature
A candle
The orphan's campfire
Anwill's Kage assistant was...?
The first attack on the Hidden Flame was...?
A single shinobi
From Jay Osruki
From an army of bandits
The Akatsuki
After the few Flame shinobi defeated the bandit armies, the battle was named...?
One Man Army
Five Against A Thounsand
The Great Bandit War
The Foes of Fire Battle
What gift does Anwill give to Jay at his graduation?
An emerald broadsword
A diamond glaive
His headband
A bronze axe
Anwill is not worried about Jay and Zack leaving the village because...?
He can defeat them in a fight
Crax has been following them
Anwill has been tracking them
They are living close to the Flame
Anwill know's that Jay is the Kage of the Mountain because...?
He sent his headband
He sent Anwill a peace treaty
He came back to the village to visit
Anwill guessed
Why does Kuragani need Anwill to help him become immortal?
He need's his Honiko cells
He needs relics from Honika's cave
Only Anwill can preform the ritual
The Honiko clan made the jutsu
What is Anwill's true name?
William Honiko
Anwill Honiko
Nico Honiko
Cane Honiko
Anwill traps Kuragani in what Honiko relic?
The sword of binding
The scroll of 12 seals
The 4 chamber flame prison
Eternal hell-zone dimension
Who is the only member of the Hidden Flame who's death was witnessed by Anwill?
Anwilll is named the Sage of Three Flames. The three means...?
He was the third sage to join
The balance of his three chakra natures, fire, lightning, and water
Three was his favorite number
He had witnessed three genocides
What question does Hellbender ask Anwill that he would later use to train other sages?
Who are you?
What is peace?
Who is right in war?
Why do you fight?
What does the marsh help Anwill do?
Master flame sage mode
Learn more about Hellbender
Master his genjutsu
Connect to the memory shade
How does Anwill almost die in the marsh?
He almost drowns in mud
He almost turns into a salamander
He burns through his chakra
The vines try to suffocate him
What does Hellbender warn Anwill about that he only realizes in the years before his death?
The loneliness of immortality
The powers of flame sage mode
The cost for peace
The price of sacrifice
How long did it take Anwill to master Sage Mode?
Many months
A few hours
A couple weeks
What past mentors of Anwill parallel each other?
Hellbender vs. Honika
Masa and Kazou vs. Mark
Hellbender vs. Mark
Masa and Kazou vs. Honika
What does Hellbender symbolize compared to Anwill?
The strength of old age
The power of knowledge
Bonds between master and student
Anwill's future
What does Anwill get to do with Hellbender that he had not done with any of his previous mentors?
Fight along side them
Pass down their legacy
Witness their sacrifice
Acknowledge their death
What does Anwill loose with Hellbender's death?
Connection to the marsh
Access to the memory shade
The power to ignite his chakra
His memories
Anwill goes to the Leaf village for what reason?
To defeat the Nine Tails
To get some cloaks
To infiltrate the Kage Building
He was bored
Anwill doesn't help the Leaf fight the Nine Tails as first because...?
The Uchiha Clan lives there
They tried to arrest him
He didn't have his cloak yet
He wanted to teach them a lesson
The founder of Sage Island is?
Jay Osurki
The Honiko Clan
Anwill Honiko
True or False? Anwill has the natural ability to use Lava and Ice release
True, he can naturally use both
False, he uses both from his Sharingan
False, he uses Lava naturally and Ice with the Sharingan
False, He uses Ice naturally and Lava with the Sharingan
Flame sage mode CANNOT...
Absorb impact of blasts
Burn entities that enter the cloak
Allow Anwill to use Dragon Style
Increase speed and strength
Anwill becomes very angry with Jay and Gio after Gio's training because...?
They were in the middle of a war without telling Anwill
Yukito had joined the Akatuski
Gio tried to fight Anwill on Sage Island
Jay broke the Sage rules
Anwill returns to the Mountain with Gio because...?
Raiku and Lava attack
Yukito returns from the Akatsuki
Jay apologizes
The Akatuski discover the location of Sage Island
The last time all of the original Legendary Sages fought were together was...?
On Sage Island
In The Mountain
In the Cloud
In the wilderness of a warzone
How does Anwill know that Jay was killed before the message from the Mountain arrived?
His chakra was linked with Jay
He could read his thoughts
He could feel the shock-waves of the battle
Because he is Anwill
Why does Anwill venture off alone into the world once again?
He needs time away from the combat
He needs to find new Sages
To uncover the truth of where Mark ended up
Because he wanted to
What name does Anwill go by in the tournament with Akuma to go unrecognized?
How does Anwill find the Mark's niece?
He tracks down Mark from the ruins of Kurinkai
He stumbles across a village Mark lived in while searching for a new apprentice
He found a temple built for his fallen master and met her there
She sent him a letter to meet uo
What was NOT in the letter from Mark?
A document written by Mark
Laila's wedding ring
His clan log
A drawn picture of Laila
What does Anwill usually refer to as his main flaw?
He cannot use wind style well
He is to arrogant and cocky
He is too old
He has no flaws, he is perfect just the way he is
What does Anwill do on Sage Island while he trains Bass?
Work on a new sealing jutsu
Secretly train Angel Style
Secretly train his Flame Sage Mode
Ask approval from the shades of his comrades
Why does Anwill get captured by the Akatuski members Bohi and Korekuta?
He gets impaled by poison chains from Korekuta
He runs out of chakra
He has to save Bass, who tried to attack the Akatsuki members
You think he was captured?
Why does Anwill go to the Sand first while he is in hiding?
He needs a place to lay low
He needs a blacksmith
He wanted to stay somewhere warm
The Kazekage offered to hide him
Can Anwill use Magnet release?
No, he is unable
Yes, he mastered in in one day
Sort of, he has very limited control over it
Yes, he uses his Sharingan
What was the second village Anwill went two while he was in hiding?
The Mist
The Mountain
He did not go straight to a village
The Leaf
Why does Anwill go to speak to the Hokage?
He wanted to join the Anbu
He needed a place to stay
The Anbu confiscated his temple
He was going to overthrow him
During Anwill's mission with the Anbu, what seems to trigger his mental issues?
They are unpredictable
Why does Anwill blame the Hokage for the death of his Anbu squad on his mission?
They were not very well trained or battle ready
The Hokage hired the Akatsuki to kill them
The Hokage forced the Anbu to go with Anwill
The Hokage did not morn their deaths
Why does Anwill relate to Rett?
They are both in the Clover Anbu
They both dislike the 3rd Kurokage
They have a father-son relationship
They were both orphans
Who is the only person Anwill addresses his mental problems to in the clover?
The 1st and 2nd Kurokage
The doctor in the hospital
How does Anwill tell Rett that he is leaving the Clover?
He tells him he is now "One"
He writes him a letter that he leaves in his house
He does not get to say goodbye
He makes eye-contact with him as he leaves
Who talks to Anwill in the forest and gets the Clover children back?
Where did Anwill last talk to Ryu before Ryu died?
Sage Island
The Mountain
The Memory Shade
Anwill does not get to talk to him before his death
What was one of the main actions that causes Anwill to think he is not a hero?
He lived his life in solitude
The Clover incident
Bass's Death
He thinks of himself as a hero
How does Anwill recognize Rayon in the Mountain?
He did not
The Nine tails chakra
He looks just like his father
They visited the same graveyard
Who helped Anwill get to the River?
Rayon and Kuroda
The Mist
The Leaf
How is Anwill able to stay in the River unrecognized?
His infiltration skills are on fleek
Not true, Mace recognized him
The River is so secluded, they have never heard of the Sages
Anwill used his sharingan to hide his true identity from the citizens
How does Mace know Anwill is not from the River?
He is wearing his Flame headband
He recognizes him as Sage
He can tell his clothes are from the Mountin
He tricks him
How does Anwill pass the River Anbu test?
He saw through Goth's tests
He defeats the other candidates in battle royal
He answered correctly on the question answer portion
Mace used his influence to get him in
Who does Anwill find out to be an ally against the River?
The village leader, Goth
The Overseer of the Anbu, Firestarter
The Captain of the Anbu, Mace
The wife of Goth, Miki
Why is Anwill promoted to Miki's bodyguard?
Goth rewarded him for saving his wife
Miki saw him fight first hand
Firestarter promoted him
Mace asked Goth to reassign him so they could gather intel on the River
When Miki is almost assassinated, Anwill sends her back to her house because...?
He can't let the shinobi capture and kill her
He needed to go all out without blowing his cover
He didn't want her getting caught by his attack
He was wounded and could not protect her
Who saw Anwill use the Angel Flame Bomb against the assassins in the River?
What is Firestarter's goal?
Kill all of the Sages
Take over the River from the inside
Find the Tailed Beasts
Start a war with the Great Nations
How does Anwill beat Firestarter?
He doesn't, he hides
He reverses his draining flames onto Firestarter
He summons Honika
He impales him through the chest from the corpse of his Anbu agents
Why does the whole experience of the River affect Anwill differently then usual?
Firestarter beat him
He never got to say goodbye to Miki and Goth
Mace suvived
It didn't, it was a usual thing for him at this point
What seems to be a question Anwill can never answer?
Who was his strongest apprentice?
What was his favorite adventure?
What is his age?
Who is the best sage?
Why might be the reason Anwill does not leave the Mountain for years to come after the River?
He grew tired of the fighting
He was to old
He mind was broken
He was not physically able to fight anymore
Who does Anwill fight once again after many years when he returns to live back in the Mountain?
Bohi and Korekuta
Why does Anwill go to visit Honika in person while he stayed in the Mountain?
He has a vision of the Mountain getting demolished
He had a vision of his death
His memory issues had gotten much worse
He wanted to visit his friend once again
Why does Anwill leave the Mountain unexpectedly?
He needs to find a way to avoid his death vison
He wanted to find a cure to his memory issues
He needed a vacation from the Mountain
Anwill does whatever the hell he wants
Why does Anwill want to leave the cabin of Nivor and Kione as soon as possible?
He needs to continue his search for a cure to his memory loss
He thinks he will put their family in danger
He does not fully trust the family
He needs to return to the Mountain
What is the implied village Nivor is from?
The Leaf
The River
The Mist
The Mountain
Why does Anwill agree to train Willow?
He will be his last sage apprentice
He trained with Rayon and Kuroda
Anwill wanted to prove that he can help the world without being a sage
He was more powerful then Anwill was close to when he was that age
What is something important that is learned about Anwill from talking with Willow?
His memory has slowly been returning
He does not want to return to the world
He no longer has access to Sage Mode
He no longer remembers anything about his past life
Why is Anwill very positively well known in Willow's family?
He is the Sage of Three Flames
He saved the Leaf from the Nine Tails all those years ago
He gave them money generations back
He saved them from an attack by the Akatuski
With Willow surpassing Nivor and Kione, what did Anwill consider doing that he had not thought of in a long time?
Teach him Sage Mode
Kill him because he was becoming a threat
Set him off into the world on his own
Have him speak to Honika
How did Willow help Anwill?
He showed him the world still needed him
Anwill rethought his mind on the Sages
He was like a son to him
He taught Anwill wind style
What weapon does Anwill summon fighting with Ash that he had not used yet in battle?
His sage armor
His sage sword
His sage staff
His flame golem
Who did Anwill form their Sage Staffs with?
Who does Anwill see before he goes into his cabin in the mountains for good?
When the squad of Mountain Shinobi find Anwill, what enrages him about them?
Their outfits
One of their names
Anwill does not know them
They are trespassing in his house
How do the girls identify Anwill?
They recognize his face from the Academy
His cloak
His pictures on the wall
Trick question, they have no clue who he is
How does Anwill activate his sharingan to save Bridget?
It was a instinctive reflex
He remembers memories of himself saving lives
She reminds him of Laila
What triggers Anwill's memories to return?
The drawing of Laila
The stone salamander
The picture of him and Jay
Honika's thoughts
Why was Katai trying to kill Anwill?
He wanted to rid the world once and for all of the sages
He killed Ash
He was the protector of the Mountain
For fun
How does Anwill kill Katai?
Disintegration via Angel Flames
Bashed and stabbed by Anwill sage weapons
Anwill dosen't kill him
He lets him bleed out on the mountain
It is implied that Hellbender...
Guessed Anwill would loose his memory
Used the memory shade to see the future
Is still alive
Was part of the vines
What was one of the jutsus that was killing Anwill?
His appearance jutsu
Sage mode
Magnet release
His sharingan
Who is the antagonist in Anwill's nightmares?
The Akatsuki
His friends
The Shinobi Dressed in Black
What title does Anwill deny from Kuragani?
Sage of Flames
What does Kuagani immediately notice about Anwill?
He is much weaker then before
His own jutsu is slowly killing him
He doesn't his senses are dulled
He has aged much more then he has
True of False? Anwill used the Reaper Death Seal to kill Kuragani
Just curious, who had the saddest and most impact death in the story? You can write more then one if your want.
{"name":"Story of Anwill Honiko Final Test", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of the intriguing story of Anwill Honiko and the mysteries surrounding the Honiko clan. Dive deep into the lore, characters, and events that shaped this epic tale.Are you ready to uncover the secrets of the Hidden Flame Village?115 thought-provoking questionsExplore the nuances of the Honiko legacyChallenge your friends and family","img":"https:/images/course6.png"}
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