How safe is your first aid program?

Do you have a First Aid Kit?
How confident are you that it is fully stocked?
100% I've got this!
Should be, someone has to be doing that right?
Uhhh. Next question...
Who do you contact in case of an emergency?
The closest person! I hate blood...
My boss, he will know what to do...
That guy in accounting who's picture is next to the first aid kit!!!
Have a look at your first aid station, what do you see? (select all that apply)
Business Logo
WSIB Form 82
Kit Inspection Card
First Aid Certificates
Picture of First Responder
A whole bunch of boxes in front of the kit
What's a first aid kit?
Open your first aid kit, what's inside?
Nada, maybe it's time to refill it...
Yellow bandaids. Do bandaids expire?...
So much stuff! Not sure what anything does but there is lots!
Got all that is required. We are set
Who makes sure the kit and information is up to date?
I pay someone to do that
Not me, I'm sure someone does it
Oh right! Forgot to tell Stacy that's her responsibility!
Who cares! We won't need it anyway
{"name":"How safe is your first aid program?", "url":"","txt":"Do you have a First Aid Kit?, How confident are you that it is fully stocked?, Who do you contact in case of an emergency?","img":""}
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