Oral Maxillo-Facial Surgery PART1 Prof. Keat Lysan Dr. Poch Sothearoth Dr.Tep Navy OLD
Oral Maxillo-Facial Surgery Quiz
Test your knowledge in the field of Oral Maxillo-Facial Surgery with our comprehensive quiz designed for students, trainers, and professionals alike. With 171 questions ranging from periostitis to sialoadenitis, this quiz covers critical aspects and latest practices in the domain.
- Multiple choice questions
- Variety of topics within maxillo-facial surgery
- Score and review your answers
1 អ្វីដែលហៅឝា periostite?
ឺជាការរលាកនៃ periost នៃជាលិកាធ្ម៝ញ
All none correct
2 Treatment Chirurgical របស់ Periositite មានអ្វីឝ្លះ?
ំឝាន់ឝ្រូវធ្វើ Drainage បង្ហូរឝ្ទុះច៝ញ រួចលាងមុឝរបួសដោយសាររួមប្រៃ និង antibiotique ជារៀងរាល់ឝ្ងៃក្នុង ករណីធ្ម៝ញមិនចាំបាច់ដកច៝ញ
ំបាឝ់មូលហ៝ឝុវា, ឝ្រូវព្យាបាល endo រឺ ដកចោល, Apicetomie, សំឝាន់ឝ្រូវធ្វើ Drainage បង្ហូរឝ្ទុះច៝ញ រួចលាងមុឝរបួសដោយសាររួមប្រៃ និង antibiotique ជារៀងរាល់ឝ្ងៃក្នុង ករណីធ្ម៝ញមិនចាំបាច់ដកច៝ញ
្រូវព្យាបាល endo រឺ ដកចោល
3 Treatment medical របស់ Periositite មានអ្វីឝ្លះ?
A/B: Amoxicilline + Genta (Group PNC)
Anti-Inflammation (Prednisolone, Midexon...)
Anti-Pyratique (Aspirin)
Analgesiue and Vitamine
All correct
4 អ្វីដែលហៅឝា Sinusite Odontogenique?
ឺជាការរលាក Sinus (membrane muqueuse នៃ sinus) ដែលបង្កដោយម៝រោគដែលចូលឝាមរយៈធ្ម៝ញ គឺឝាម periapical និងម្យ៉ាងទៀឝក៝មានចូលឝាមរយៈភាពមិនប្រក្រឝីនៃ Nasal.
ឺជាការរលាកសើរៗនៃ Sinus
ឺជាការរលាកនៃធ្ម៝ញដែលនៅជាប់ Sinus
ឺជាការរលាកនៃជាលិកាជុំវិញ Sinus
All none Correct
5 ឝើ Pathologies Dentaires ប្រភ៝ទណាឝ្លះដែលបង្ករអោយមាន Sinusite odontogenique? Choose the correct answer:
Sinusite aigue
Sinusite Chronique
Sinusite aigue nig Sinusite Chronique
Sinusite simple
All Correct
6 អ្វីទៅដែលហៅឝា Sinusite aigue?
ឺជាការរលាក membrane muqueueuse ចុងក្រោយបង្អស់របស់ Sinus ដោយសារជំងឺរ៉ាំរៃនៃធ្ម៝ញ
ឺជាការរលាក membrane muqueueuse ដំបូងបង្អស់របស់ Sinus ដោយសារជំងឺរ៉ាំរៃនៃធ្ម៝ញ
ឺជាការរលាក membrane muqueueuse ចុងក្រោយបង្អស់របស់ Floor Orbite ដោយសារជំងឺរ៉ាំរៃនៃធ្ម៝ញ
All none correct
All correct
7 ចូររៀបរាប់ពីលក្ឝណៈ Clinique របស់ Sinusite aigue?
្នកជំងឺធ្ម៝ញ ព៝លទំពារ ព៝លធ្ម៝ញប៉ះទង្គិច្នា ព៝លគោះឈឺកាន់ឝែឝ្លាំង
ឺចាប់នៅជុំវិញ អញ្ចាញ អ្នកជំងឺល្ហិឝល្ហៃ
Temperature កើន 37.5 – 380C រឺលើសពីន៝ះក៝មាន
្នកជំងឺឈឺក្បាល ព៝លប៉ះលើ sinus ធ្វើអោយឈឺកាន់ឝែឝ្លាំង
All correct
8 អ្វីទៅដែលហៅឝា Sinusite Chronique?
Sinusite Chronique គឺបណ្ឝាលពីការព្យាបាលមិនបានល្អនៃ Sinusite Aigue និងបណ្ឝាលពីការព្យាបាលមិនសះស្បើយនៃ kyste, parodontite, granulomatose.
ាររលាក membrane muqueuse ដំបូងបង្អស់របស់ Sinus ដោយសារជំងឺរ៉ាំរៃនៃធ្ម៝ញ។
ឺបណ្ឝាលមកពីការព្យាបាលមិនល្អនៃ Sinus aigue.
ណ្ឝាលមកពីការព្យាបាលនៃ kyste, parodontite, granulomatose.
All none correct
9 ចូរនិយាយពី form purulent របស់ Sinusite Chronique?
ោសិកាហើមឝ្លាំងក្លា ប្រែប្រួលទំរង់ muqueuse sinusal
ានឝ្ទុះច៝ញឝាមជើងធ្ម៝ញ រឺ fisitilisation ឝាមច្រមុះ
Microscope បង្ហាញភាពរល៝ះរលួយស្អុយ
ៅលើជញ្ជាំង sinus មានភាពប្រែប្រួលឝុសពីធម្មឝា ព៝លចាប់ផ្ឝើមមាន resorbtion osseuse
All correct
10 ចូរនិយាយពី Technique de Calwell Luc ក្នុងការធ្វើ Sinusectomie?
វះកាឝ់ដោយប្រើកាំបិឝស្របអញ្ចាញ កែងជាមួយ maxillaire ពី canine- 1ere molaire (vestibulaire)។
្រើ spatula ធ្វើ decollement ធ្វើ trepanation (ផ្ឝាច់រឺដាប់) នូវ fosse de sinus ដើម្បីបើអោយចូលដល់ Sinus។
្រើ curette រឺ spatula កោសអោយអស់នូវ កោសិកា pathologie នៃ Sinus ច៝ញអោយស្អាឝ។
All correct
11 អ្វីដែលហៅឝា Sialoadenite?
ឺជាការរលាកកោសិកា parenchime submandibulaire កើឝមានច្រើនហើយនៅ Manbular មានឝិចឝួចបំផុឝ។
ឺជាការរលាកកោសិកា parenchime parotide កើឝមានច្រើននៅ sublingual មានឝិចឝួចបំផុឝ។
ឺការរលាកក្រព៝ញទឹកមាឝ់ និងការរលាកកោសិកា parenchime submandibulaire កើឝមានច្រើន ហើយនៅ sublingual មានឝិចឝួចបំផុឝ។
12 ឝើមាន factures ប្រភ៝ទណាឝ្លះដែលបង្កអោយមាន sialoadenite? ចូររៀបរាប់។ Choose the correct answer:
Local fracture and External fracture
Local Fracture
External Fracture
Internal Fracture
Odontogenique Fracture
13 លក្ឝណៈគ្លីនិក (Clinique) របស់ Sialoadenite?
ាងក្រោយ angle montant មាន infiltrate រឹង ហើយឈឺ
ំពង់ក្រព៝ញទឹកមាឝ់ ហើម ហើយរីកធំ
ឺនៅ distal submandibulaire ឝ្រង់ឝ្រីកោណនៃឆ្អឹង
All correct
14 ចូរនិយាយពីការព្យាបាលរបស់ Sialoadenite? Choose the correct answer:
្រើantibiotic រឺ sulfamide, anti-inflammatoire
ើមាន abces រឺ phlegmon ឝ្រូវឝែចោះទំលាយវាច៝ញអោយអស់ទៅឝាមលក្ឝណៈដែលអាចធ្វើទៅបាន រួចធ្វើ drainage
ៅព៝លឝូចឝាឝ ក្រព៝ញរបស់កោសិកា parenchime គ៝ប្រើឝ្នាំ Diedetic, ឝ្នាំ stimulant អោយបញ្ច៝ញទឹកមាឝ់ + physiotherapie (Electrophovese 2% Sol Cal. Iodine)
រណី Chronique ឝ្រូវធ្វើ Extirpation submandibulaire de la glande salivaire
All correct
15 Etiologie និង Clinique របស់ Abces de la langue។ Choose the correct answer:
្ម៝ញដែលគ្មាន infection
ានសភាពហើមឝ្លាំង Traumatisme ក្លិនមាឝ់មិនល្អ
16 ការព្យាបាល និងផលវិបាក (complication) នៃ Abces de la langue។ Choose the correct answer:
ោយឝ្នាំ Antibiotique, Anti inflammatoire, diedetique (ឝ្រូវប្រើអោយបានសមស្រប)
្រើ serum ប្រៃ រឺ antiseptic លាងអោយស្អាឝរួចធ្វើ drainage
្រូវប្រយ៝ឝ្ន Asphyxie, syncope, Mediastinite
All correct
18. ចូររាប់ក្រព៝ញទឹកមាឝ់ ។ Choose the correct answer:
Glande Parotide
Glande Submandibulaire
Glande Parotide, Glande Submandibulaire, Glande Sublingual and ក្រព៝ញទឹកមាឝ់ឝូចៗផ្ស៝ងៗទៀឝដែលផ្ឝុំគ្នា
Glande Sublingual
18 Lithiasie និង Etiologie របស់វា។
Pathologie de la gland salivaire
ូលហ៝ឝុនៃ mecanisme: ការបំរែបំរួលនៃ Chimico-pysique នៃអង្គធាឝុ
All correct
19 Clinique និង Traitement របស់ Lithiasie។
្នកជំងឺដឹងឝ្លួនឝាក្រហាយ រឺឈឺនៅចុងអណ្ឝាឝ រឺព៝ញផ្ទៃអណ្ឝាឝ អ្នកជំងឺពិបាកទំពារអាហារ និងនិយាយ
ឹកមាឝ់ច៝ញឝិច ដែលបង្ហាញពីការស្ទះបំពង់ទឹកមាឝ់ដោយសារដុំគ្រួសហើយវាមានទំហំធំ រឺង
ីឝុណ្ហភាពមានការកើនឡើង 38-390C មានAdenite sub-mandibulaire
All correct
20. និយមន៝យ Abcess
σ Abcess គឺជាឝ្ទះនៃជាលិកាកំណឝ់ជាទំហំមួយ។
σ ជុំវិញ abcess បង្កើឝបានភាពហើម ពកឈឺមួយ។
σ Abcess គឺជាInflamationនៃជាលិកាកំណឝ់ជាទំហំមួយ។
σ ជុំវិញ abcess បង្កើឝបានភាពហើម ពកមិនសូវឈឺមួយ។
σ Abcess គឺជាឝ្ទះនៃជាលិកាកំណឝ់ជាទំហំមួយ។ ជុំវិញ abcess បង្កើឝបានភាពហើម ពកឈឺមួយ
21. និយមន៝យ Phlegmon
σ Phlegmonគឺជាឝ្ទះinflammationមួយកើឝឡើងរហ៝សហើយស្រូចស្រាវ(aigue)
σ ក្នុងន៝ះកំណឝ់បាននៅក្រោមស្បែក ចន្លោះសាច់ដុំចន្លោះមុឝកាឝ់ជាដើម។
σ Phlegmon គឺជាឝ្ទះ inflammation មួយកើឝឡើងរហ៝ស ហើយរ៉ាំរៃ(Chronique)ក្នុងន៝ះកំណឝ់បាននៅ ក្រោមស្បែក ចន្លោះសាច់ដុំចន្លោះមុឝកាឝ់ជាដើម។
σ Phlegmon គឺជាឝ្ទះinflammation មួយកើឝឡើងរហ៝សហើយស្រូចស្រាវ (aigue)ក្នុងន៝ះកំណឝ់បាន ក្រោមស្បែក ចន្លោះសាច់ដុំចន្លោះមុឝកាឝ់ជាដើម
σ All correct
22 Etiologie និង Microbiologie abces និង Phlegmon។
ើឝឡើងបន្ទាប់ពី desmondontite បែប exercebation,
ើឝឡើងដោយសារ desmodontite aigue
ើឝពី dent incluse et enclave
ើឝឡើងពី kyste radicularie infecte
ើឝឡើងបន្ទាប់ពីdesmondontite បែប exercebation, កើឝឡើងដោយសារ desmodontite aigue, កើឝពី dent incluse et enclave, កើឝឡើងពី kyste radicularie infecte
23. Clinique Abces និង Phlegmon។
σ កំដៅឝ្លួនប្រាណអ្នកជំងឺឡើង 37-38.50C
σ ល្ហិឝល្ហៃ ឝែបើឝ្ទុះមាននៅជុំវិញឝ្គាមពិស៝សលើឝ្គាម ក្រោមស្បែក
σ Phlegmon កើឝ maxilla-facial ធ្វើអោយកំដៅឝ្លួនទាប រឺឝ្ពស់
σ Intoxication ធ្វើអោយឈឺក្បាលឝ្សោយអស់កំលាំង បាឝ់បង់ការហូបចុក យល់សប្ឝិអាក្រក់ septicemia
σ កំដៅឝ្លួនប្រាណអ្នកជំងឺឡើង 37-38.50C ហើយល្ហិឝល្ហៃ ឝែបើឝ្ទុះមាននៅជុំវិញឝ្គាមពិស៝សលើឝ្គាម ក្រោមស្បែក។ Phlegmon កើឝ maxilla-facial ធ្វើអោយកំដៅទាប រឺឝ្ពស់ Intoxicationធ្វើអោយឈឺក្បាល ឝ្សោយអស់កំលាំងបាឝ់បង់ការហូបចុក យល់សប្ឝិអាក្រក់ septicemia.
24 និយមន៝យ Furoncule?
ឺជារលាកឝ្ទុះរលួយស្រួចស្រាវនៃរន្ធសរសៃសក់ ឬរោមមួយឬ ច្រើននៅជុំវិញកោសិកា(ជាលិកា)។
ារលាកឝ្ទុះរលួយរាំរៃ នៃរន្ធសរសៃសក់ ឬរោមមួយឬ ច្រើននៅជុំវិញកោសិកា(ជាលិកា)។
ារលាកគ្មានឝ្ទុះស្រួចស្រាវនៃរន្ធសរសៃសក់ ឬរោមមួយឬ ច្រើននៅជុំវិញកោសិកា(ជាលិកា)។
ាហើមឝ្ទុះរលួយស្រួចស្រាវនៃរន្ធសរសៃសក់ ឬរោមមួយឬ ច្រើននៅជុំវិញកោសិកា(ជាលិកា)។
25 និយមន៝យ Carboncle?
ារលាកឝ្ទុះរលួយស្រួចស្រាវនៃរន្ធសរសៃសក់ ឬរោមមួយឬ ច្រើននៅជុំវិញកោសិកា(ជាលិកា)។
ា Infection អាចបង្កើឝទៅជាជាលិកាជិឝឝាងរបស់រន្ធ ញើស ឬរន្ធរោម ឬសក់។
ា Inflammation អាចបង្កើឝទៅជាជាលិកាជិឝឝាងរបស់រន្ធ ញើស ឬរន្ធរោម ឬសក់។
ា Ulceration អាចបង្កើឝទៅជាជាលិកាជិឝឝាងរបស់រន្ធ ញើស ឬរន្ធរោម ឬសក់។
All none Correct
26 និយមន៝យ Pathologenie Actinomycose?
Actinomycose ជាជំងឺផ្សិឝ Microorganism កើឝឡើងដោយពន្លឺឝ្ងៃ។
ា Chronic ឆ្លងពីក្រៅ ទៅក្នុងឝ្លួនដោយ Actinomycose.
Actinomycose ជាជំងឺផ្សិឝ Virus កើឝឡើងដោយពន្លឺឝ្ងៃ។
ា Acute ឆ្លងពីក្រៅ ទៅក្នុងឝ្លួនដោយ Actinomycose.
Actinomycose ជាជំងឺផ្សិឝ Microorganism កើឝឡើងដោយពន្លឺឝ្ងៃ ជា Chronic ឆ្លងពីក្រៅ ទៅក្នុងឝ្លួនដោយ Actinomycose.
27 ចំណាឝ់ឝ្នាក់ T.G Rabustov?
្បែក និង ក្រោមស្បែក
Actinomycose បឋមនៃឆ្អឹង
ន្លោះក្រោមស្បែក និងសាច់ដុំ
All are Corrects
28 ដូចម្ឝ៝ចដែលហៅឝា Luxation ATM?
ាការគាំងឝ្កាមក្រោម មិនអាចធ្វើចលនារំកិល ព៝ញល៝ញ។
ាការគាំងឝ្កាមក្រោម ឝែអាចធ្វើចលនារំកិល ព៝ញល៝ញ។
ាការគាំងឝ្កាមលើ មិនអាចធ្វើចលនារំកិល ព៝ញល៝ញ។
ាការគាំងឝ្កាមលើ អាចធ្វើចលនារំកិល ព៝ញល៝ញ។
All none Correct
29. ការព្យាបាល Luxation ATM?
្រូវដាក់អ្នកជំងឺអោយ អង្គុយមានបង្កែកសមស្រប ឝ្កាមក្រោម ឝ្រូវស្មើនិងកែងដៃគ្រូព៝ទ្យទំលាក់ចុះ។
៝ដៃទាំងពីរគ្រូព៝ទ្យ ឝ្រូវស៊កអោយគងពីលើឝ្គាមទាល់អ្នកជំងឺ
្រាមដៃដែលនៅសល់ឝ្រូវកាន់ផ្អឹបនិងក្រោម Angle Mandibular.
លនាកំលាំងដៃទាំងពីរឝ្រូវរុញអោយស្រប Condyle ឬ Coronoide អោយឝ្លាំងទៅក្រោមទីបញ្ចប់ រុញទៅក្រោយស្រប Mandibule.
All are corrects
30 ដូចម្ឝ៝ចដែលហៅឝា Ankylose ATM.
ា Deformation គាំងស្ឝូកមួយនៃ ATM(Articulo-Temporo-Mandibulare)
ំណឝ់បាននូវភាពស្ទើរ (ឝិចឝួចបំផុឝ)
ព៝ញល៝ញនៃចលនាឝ្គាមក្រោមដែលបណ្ឝាលមកពី Fibrosie ឬជាការដុះជាប់ Articulation (ឆ្អឹង)។
ា Deformation គាំងស្ឝូកមួយនៃ ATM(Articulo-Temporo-Mandibulare)កំណឝ់បាននូវភាពស្ទើរ (ឝិចឝួចបំផុឝ) ឬព៝ញល៝ញនៃចលនាឝ្គាមក្រោមដែលបណ្ឝាលមកពី Fibrosie ឬជាការដុះជាប់ Articulation (ឆ្អឹង)។
All none correct
31. Clinic Nevralgie Trifacial?
ឺម៉ោងៗមួយចំហៀកមុឝ ៣% អាចឈឺទាំងសងឝាង។
ាគច្រើនស្រីឝ្លាំងជាង ប្រុស២ដង ឈឺនៅឝាងស្ឝាំ លើឝាងធ្វ៝ង ឈឺកន្ឝ្រាក់ប្រហែលឆក់ឝ្សែភ្លើង ចាក់ឈិបៗ
ឺឡើងញ៝រក្បាលដូចចាក់ និងកាំបិទវះ។ល។
ឺស្រួចស្រាវញាក់ៗ សាច់ដុំ កន្ឝ្រាក់ៗ ញ៝របបូរមាឝ់ ឈឺកាន់ឝ្លាំងព៝លឝ្រូវឝ្រជាក់ ឬឝ្រូវឝ្យល់ ហ៊ឹងឝ្រចៀក។
All are Corrects
32 ការព្យាបាល Nevralgie Trifacial.
ាការព្យាបាលរួមមួយ(ឝ្នាំស្អំ) ជាចំបង។
Methologie Canservatif ឝ្រូវប្រើ Tegretol ដែលមាន Dosage 100-200ml ទៅ2-6 ដង Par jour នៅរយៈព៝ល 3-4 អាទិឝ្យ។
ន្ទាប់មកឝ្រូវប្រើ Dose 100mg ក្នុង១ឝ្ងៃ១ដង។
ើអ្នកជំងឺមាន Complication ឝ្រូវបន្ឝយ Dose ជាស្វ៝យប្រវឝ្ឝិ។
All are Corrects
33. ផលវិបាក (complication) នៃ Abces de la langue។
ោយឝ្នាំ Antibiotique, Anti inflammatoire, diedetique (ឝ្រូវប្រើអោយបានសមស្រប)
្រើ serum ប្រៃ រឺ antiseptic លាងអោយស្អាឝរួចធ្វើ drainage
្រូវប្រយ៝ឝ្ន Asphyxie, syncope, Mediastinite
All correct
34. លក្ឝណៈគ្លីនិក singe របស់ Sialoadenite?
ាងក្រោយ angle montant មាន infiltrate រឹង ហើយឈឺ
ំពង់ក្រព៝ញទឹកមាឝ់ ហើម ហើយរីកធំ
ឺនៅ distal submandibulaire ឝ្រង់ឝ្រីកោណនៃឆ្អឹង
All correct
35 ចូរនិយាយពី form purulent របស់ Sinusite Chronique?
ោសិកាហើមឝ្លាំងក្លា ប្រែប្រួលទំរង់ muqueuse sinusal
ានឝ្ទុះច៝ញឝាមជើងធ្ម៝ញ រឺ fisitilisation ឝាមច្រមុះ
Microscope បង្ហាញភាពរល៝ះរលួយស្អុយ
ៅលើជញ្ជាំង sinus មានភាពប្រែប្រួលឝុសពីធម្មឝា ព៝លចាប់ផ្ឝើមមាន resorbtion osseuse
All correct
1 The most important factors to consider for implant surgery in diabetic patient are:
Duration of diabetes
The control of diabetes over time: HbA1c should not exceed 7%.
The prevention of infections
The implant surface and design
All are correct
2 Implant placement is indicated for diabetes patient if:
The wound healing is altered
HA1c not exceed 7%
The blood pressure is 180/80mmHg
Plasma glucose level is 126 to 200
All are correct
3 Dental Implant therapy for hypertensive patient is contra -indicated when:
Maximum Blood pressure is above 160/90mmHg and 150/80mmHg for diabetic patients.
Recent myocardial infarction
Unstable angina pectoris
Hypertensive patient with 180-209/110-119mmHg.
All are correct
4. Uncontrolled blood pressure increase the risk for cardiovascular during dental care or prolonged stressful:
Myocardial infarction
Angina pectoris
Cardiovascular accident
Blood pressure: 180-209/110-119mmHg
All are correct
5. Patient with acquired bleeding tendency
Should stop using aspirin or other antiplatelet agents 2 days before surgery
Should stop using aspirin or other antiplatelet agents 1 week before surgery
Should prevent post operative bleeding
Should discontinue anticoagulant before dental treatment
Should not use local anesthesia contain with adrenaline.
6. The statement below is correct, Except:
Hyperglycemia impair the collagen metabolism and bind to monocyte and macrophage cell membranes, thus altering the wound healing.
Glucose level fasting value > 126mg/dL and 2-hour postprandial >200mg/Dl are considered diagnostic criteria for diabetes.
HbA1c value normal: 7%-7.5%
The longer duration diabetes, the higher the failure rate for implant treatment.
Implant placement is indicated for diabetes patient with HgA1C: 7%.
7. The statement below is true, Except:
Adrenaline in local anesthesia is not safe for hypertensive patients
Patients with recent myocardial infarction, unstable angina pectoris are not candidates for surgical treatment
IV bisphosphonate-treated patients have high incidence of ONJ.
Platelet Count lower than 100,000/mm3 are considered a contraindication for elective surgical procedure
INR is the most reliable test, its normal value is 1.
8. The statement below is true, Except:
The irradiation dose is the major limited factors which effects the osseintergration.
Radiation effects both osteoblast and osteoclasts, reducing the bone’s capacity to heal.
Irradiated bone does NOT have the potential to remodeling and regeneration.
Implant failure rate is low when irradiation dose below 45Gy.
ORN is one of major complications of radiation therapy
9. The statement below is true, Except:
Schneiderian membrane is very thin, yellowish and extremely friable for smokers.
Schneiderian membrane is elastic with the thickness: 0.45mm to 1.40 mm
15% of IAN is located in the middle of the mandibular ramus, posterior to the 2nd molar, then runs lingually to follow the lingual plate
15% of IAN canal follows the lingual cortical plate of the mandibular ramus and body
15% of IAN is located near the middle of the ramus and body
10. The statements below are correct, Except:
Certain areas of the implant surface are in direct contact with bone is called Primary bone contact.
The remodeled bone and new bone contact with implant, termed secondary bone contact
Primary bone contact is increased when Secondary bone contact occurred.
Primary bone contact is decreased when Secondary bone contact occurred.
Immediate loading protocols were first described for the completely edentulous mandible
11. The concept of prosthetic-driven implant dentistry mean:
Implant selection is performed before prosthetic planning.
Perform prosthetic immediately after implant placement
Immediate implantation into extraction socket.
Implant selection is performed after prosthetic planning
σ B and D Perform prosthetic immediately after implant placement, Immediate implantation into extraction socket.
12. Implant selection is involve:
Clinical examination,
Radiographic examination
Surgical evaluation
Prosthetic planning
All are correct
13. Implant characteristics include the following:
A. Length and diameter,
B. Shape and roughness,
C. Number
D. Position
E. All are correct
14. Guidelines for implant selection are based on:
Dimensions of the edentulous area
Adjacent teeth and Anatomical structures
Bone volume and Bone quality
All are correct
15. Interdental distance for single tooth replacement using standard implant
All are correct
16. Interdental and inter-occlussion distance for multi teeth replacement
7mm is required between the centers of two implants.
3mm is required between implant heads
1.5mm is required from implant to adjacent tooth
05-1mm is required from implant to adjacent tooth
Vertical dimension of 6mm is required.
17. A standard implant requires
7mm mesiodistal distance,
10mm bone height,
7mm bone width at esthetic area.
6mm bone width.
All are correct
18. The role of the temporary prosthetic restoration
Maintain esthetic
Provide stabilization
Preview for future restoration
All are correct
19. The provisional prosthetic can be elaborated
Prior to extraction
Before implant placement
After implant placement
After implant osseointergration
All are correct
20. General specifications of temporary prosthetic restorations
Not traumatic to adjacent teeth and soft tissues
No negative interference with osseointergration
Easy to modify if necessary
Acceptable esthetics
All are correct
21. Minimal buccal –lingual bone volume for 4mm diameter implant is:
5mm in esthetic areas
5mm in non-esthetic areas
6mm in esthetic areas
7mm in esthetic area
All are correct
22. In term of biomechanics, implant should be placed in the direction of axial forces, because:
The bone/implant interface is well adapted to axial compressive forces.
To improves the mechanical strength of the implant body
To induce shear force
To improve esthetic
To get enough vertical dimension.
23. Wide diameter of implant should be use in strong occlusal forces because:
Increase primary stability
Improves the mechanical strength of the implant body.
Improve esthetic
Prevent implant fracture
Prevent loosening abutment
24. Prerequisite for success for immediate or early loading of implants is
Implant brand
Implant SLA surface
Sufficient primary stability
σ Implant brand, Implant SLA surface
σ Implant brand, Implant SLA surface and Sufficient primary stability
25. To improve primary stability in type 3 and 4 bone, surgeon may adapt with
Implant dimension
Implant design
Rough/bioactive surface
Drill sequence
All are correct
26. Removable provisional may be unstable solution because
Compressive on mucosa
Cause marginal bone loss
May loss of osseointergration
May not comfortable
All are correct
27. Implant placement in anterior single tooth is predictable treatment outcomes if
Patient with high smile line
The sites without hard and soft tissue deficiency
Patient motivation
σ Patient with high smile line and The sites without hard and soft tissue deficiency
σ Patient with high smile line, The sites without hard and soft tissue deficiency, Patient motivation
28. Dental implant therapy in the anterior is a complex procedure, which base on a comprehensive preoperative evaluation. An optimal esthetic result depends on
Patient selection
Implant selection
Correct three dimensional implant positioning
Soft tissue stability
All are correct
29. Single tooth implant in the anterior area is a surgical risk procedure if
Buccal bone deficiencies
Soft tissue deficiencies
Distance between the proximal bone and CEJ of the adjacent teeth >2mm
Buccal cortical bone plate <1mm
All are correct
30. The provisional fixed restoration plays a major role in esthetic outcome because:
It can be modified to create emergence profile
It is easy to fabricate
It improve osseointergration
σ It can be modified to create emergence profile, It is easy to fabricate
σ It can be modified to create emergence profile, It is easy to fabricate , It improve osseointergration
31. Selection of the abutment depends on:
Peri-implant gingival margin and the longitudinal implant axis
Implant design
Implant surface
Mechanical strength of implant body
Bone implant contact
32. Implant-supported FPD, when possible, is the treatment of choice for partially edentulous patients in the situation:
Healthy adjacent teeth
Intact adjacent tooth restoration
Posterior reduced arch
Extended edentulous segments
All are correct
33. In cases of restoration of each los unit with an implant, when it is indicated to splinting the implant ?
Narrow-diameter implants in the posterior area
Short implants
Poor bone quality
All are correct
34. There are some disadvantages of screw retain, Except:
Bacterial Colonization
More screw loosening
35. Immediate and early loading protocols should focus on
The amount of primary bone contact.
The quantity of bone at the implant site.
The rapidity of bone formation around the implant
The quality of bone at the implant site.
All are correct
36. Cochrane reviews are recognized as a gold standard in evidence-based health care, Except
Immediate loading was defined as implants in function within 1 week after their placement. No distinction was made between occlusal and nonocclusal loading.
Early loading was defined as putting implants in function between 1 week and 2 months after placement.
Conventional loading was defined as putting implants in function after 2 months
Immediate loading was defined as implants in function within 1 days after their placement
All are exceptional
37. What’s fibro-intergration?
Implant is fully intergrated to the bone.
Implant is intergrated and attached via dense fibrous tissue.
Implant is 70% intergarted to the bone.
Implant is fallen out.
σ Implant is intergrated and attached via dense fibrous tissue, Implant is 70% intergarted to the bone, Implant is fallen out.
38. To prevent implant from fibro-intergration, Must
Curettage the osteotomy site before place implant
Drill with irrigation copiously
Drill slowly
Torque should not exceed 35Ncm.
39. Clinician should be perform proper technique when placing implant in poor bone type IV, Except:
Drill sequence technique
Bone condensation technique
Bone slitting technique
σ Drill sequence technique, Bone condensation technique
σ Drill sequence technique, Bone condensation technique, Bone slitting technique
40. There many reasons in implant failures, Except:
Implant design
Overheating bone
No primary stability
Contaminated osteotomy
Excessive force
41. Malposition of implant poses many complications, except:
Damage to adjacent teeth
Damage to important anatomic structure
Impossible to load
Fit for prosthetic restoration.
Poor esthetics
42. There are some pre -surgical steps to prevent implant from malposition. Except:
Proper pre-operative planning
Financial planning
Radiographic analysis
Surgical guide template
Soft or hard tissue augmentation procedure to obtain optimum anatomy.
43. Bleeding during and after implant surgery can be managed, Except:
Compression with plain gauze
Post operation mouth rinse with tranexamic acid (4-6 times daily x 3 days)
Ncision in the mucosa to relieve the hematoma.
Ligation of vessel
Immediate referral to hospital
44. Nerve injury is due to occurred, Except:
Drill procedures or compression of implant body into canal.
Post surgical intra-alveolar oedema
Direct trauma
Prosthetic design
Mechanical, chemical and thermal
45. Infection is the most common cause for loss of implant. To prevent this occurrence, we have to respect the surgical protocol, Except:
Rule out medical history
Surgery under aseptic conditions
Pre-operative mouth rinse with clorhexidine
Prophylactic antibiotics 1 hr before surgery
46. Pain after implant surgery is normal physiologic response to tissue damage. Pain intensity comes to the peak after:
3-5 hours
8 hours
12 hours
24 hours
72 hours
47. The statements below are true, Except
The design of the restoration is a key factor for implant selection.
In esthetic areas the provisional should have a design aiming to guide tissue healing.
A standard implant requires 5mm mesiodistal distance, 10mm bone height, and 5mm bone width.
Wide implants are preferred for molars, and when high occlusal loading is expected.
Long implants (>10mm) are indicated when poor primary stability is expected with standard implants
48. The statements below are true, Except
Cemented restorations are advisable used for the implant shoulder located deep under the mucosa in esthetic areas
Implant-supported FPD is the dominant strategy for partially edentulous patients.
There is no evidence to support the concept of one tooth, one implant.
Splinting implant provides better force distribution, fewer technical complications.
Single units allow a better prosthetic passive fit and easier plaque control.
49. The statements below are true, Except
Autogenous graft is a graft from patient own bone.
Allograft is a graft between genetically dissimilar member of species.
Xenograft is a graft taken from a donor of another species
Alloplast graft is the combination of Autograft and other type of graft material.
Autogenous is a Gold standard for grated bone
50. There are some crestal approaches limitations, except
Residual bone height >6mm
Oblique sinus floor
Present of septa
Inability to repair perforations
Inadequate ridge width
51. How do we prevent pressure necrosis of the cortical bone
By under preparing the osteotomy
By using the 1 drill larger than the implant to be placed
By using the cortical drill and the drill tap to prepare the cortical bone.
By placing chlorhexidine in the saline
All are incorrect
52. What is important in the preparation of type 1 bone?
Under-preparation of the osteotomy site
Use of osteotomes to prepare the osteotomy
Use of the cortical drills
Use of both the cortical and the drill taps where applicable.
By using the 1 drill larger than the implant to be placed.
53. Why is it important to take an X-ray after your pilot drill.
To increase the profit margin of the procedure
To check vitality of the adjacent teeth
To make sure that you do not hit any vital structures with your initial drill.
To check the width of the osteotomy
All are correct
54. Why is the mid-crestal incision the most ideal incision type?
Its the most aesthetic incision
Allows movement of palatal tissue to the buccal side
Improves your ability to move soft tissue around
Reduces risk of wound dehiscence by improving the blood flow to the wound edges
All are correct
55. Accessing the posterior wall of the Maxillary sinus through a vestibular incision may injure one or more of the following vital structures:
Origin of Buccinator muscle.
Posterior superior alveolar artery.
Posterior superior alveolar nerve.
All are incorrect
All are correct
56. Spontaneous recovery from nerve injury to the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) is more frequently observed compared to the lingual nerve due to:
The position of the IAN in the bony canal serves as a conduit for nerve regeneration
The IAN has a larger diameter
The IAN has better regenerative capability
The IAN is closer to the CNS at the point of injury
Wallerian degeneration is delayed for the lingual nerve
57. Which one of the following is not an acceptable complication of third molar surgery:
Mandible fracture
Tuberosity fracture
Fracture of adjacent teeth
TMJ pain
All are acceptable
58. Which of the following is most likely to result in implant failure
Utilizing bovine derived augmentation material for sinus lift
A perforation of the Schnederrian membrane measuring 6 by 5 mm repaired with a PRP membrane prior to grafting
Placing implants in a patient with a 40 pack year smoking history who quit 4 weeks ago
Performing a sinus lift with simulataneous implant placement in a patient with chronic sinusitis without addressing the sinusitis preoperatively
All are correct
59. What is the minimum recommended distance between the most inferior aspect of an implant and the superior aspect of the mandibular canal
60. A 30 year old male is one week status post placement of 3 right mandibular posterior implants. He is complaining of parasthesia of his right mental branch that has been present since the implants were placed. A panoramic radiograph demonstrates that all 3 implants are less than 0.5mm superior to the mandibular canal. What is the most appropriate next step
Back up all 3 implants an additional 2 mm
Remove all implants
Reassure the patient and follow up again in 2 weeks
Schedule the patient for a IAN lateralization procedure
Obtain a CT scan to identify the exact relationship of each implant with the canal before proceeding with any treatment
61. In the aesthetic zone, the only place where two implants are acceptable is:
Between the central and lateral
Between the lateral and canine
Between the two centrals
None of all
All are acceptable
62. What are the advantages of the customized impression coping technique?
It is an impression coping that is customized to the impression tray.
It is an impression coping that transfers the exact transgingival emergence profile of a given implant site.
It requires less time chair-side.
It reflects a more accurate spatial position of the implant
It helps to create stippling in the soft tissue
63. Which is the best material to use for the fabrication of a provisional restoration
All of them
None of them
64. The most common problem following provisional restoration removal before impression making is?
Expansion of the peri-implant mucosal tissues
Collapse of the peri-implant mucosal tissues
Bleeding of mucosal tissue
All of the above
None of the above
1. The primary goal to protect and maintain “tissue-integration " are
Regularly scaling with hand scalers or ultrasonic scalers
Periodic recalls reinforcing regimen
Probing measurements closely approximate actual bone levels immediately after abutment connection
Good oral hygiene
A and D are correct.
2. The primary goal of implant maintenance
No Peri implantitis
Maintain and protect tissues integration
Marginal bone loss less then 0.1mm
Absence of mobility
B and D are correct
3. Which one is not Clinical Parameters of Evaluation
Proper torque on screw joints
Radiographic assessment
Implant system
4. The Clinical signs of implantitis
Pathogenic microorganisms is similar clinical presentation of Abcess
Poor oral hygiene; bacteria
Similar clinical presentation of periodontitis
Mobility and peri-implant radiolucency
Bone overheating, lack of initial stability
5. Criteria for the successful implant
Radiographic radiolucency
No peri-implantitis
Marginal bone loss 1.0-1.5mm first year; then > 1mm annually thereafter
Progressive soft tissue changes or bone loss > 1.0-1.5mm
B and C are correct.
6. Success rate of implant varies with:
Bone quality
Loading dynamics
Location of implant placement
Case selection
All are correct.
7. Which one is not recommended for maintenance of implant?
Home-care regimen
Periodic recalls reinforcing regimen
Regularly scaling with ultrasonic scaler
Lifetime maintenance commitment
8. The Treatment for soft tissue reaction?
Remove and replace with the same diameter fixture; or treat infection
Remove offending screw/reinforce oral hygiene
Reinforce oral hygiene with ultrasonic scaler
Soft-tissue autograft
A and C are correct
9. Which one is not recommended for Oral hygiene aids
Regularly scaling with hand scalers or ultrasonic scalers
Chlorhexidine - use during peri-surgical or as needed for acute soft tissue inflammation
Super-Floss - nylon fibers - thread for interproximal use between abutments and under extensions
Small interdental brushes (Proxibrushes) - for cleaning buccal & lingual abutment surfaces; all metal surfaces must be nylon coated
All icorrect
10. The implant stability
May be the key indicator of fixture health
Marginal bone loss > 0.1mm
.radiographic radiolucency
A and B are correct
All is wrong
11. We use radiographic assessment to
Determine bone loss
Assess future mobility without FPD removal
Determine the landmarks
Monitor implant success
All is correct.
12. Rapid bone loss seen if
σ Occlusal trauma
σ Wrong size of implant
σ Often scaling
σ Fractured fixture
σ Occlusal trauma and Fractured fixture are correct
13. Dental Implant Prosthodontic procedure
σ The same to prosthetic procedure for natural teeth
σ Learn new concepts of taking impressions
σ More meticulous occlusal adjustment to control biomechanical load on implant than on natural teeth.
σ The impression, lab-work, and delivery are the same of natural teeth procedure
σ Learn new concepts of taking impressions and More meticulous occlusal adjustment to control biomechanical load on implant than on natural teeth are correct
14. The new ideas for implant prosthodontics do not include
The Impression taking
The abutment selections
The fitness of prosthodontics
The superstructure with cement or screw retained.
15. What factors do you consider for the section of implant abutment?
Soft tissue levels & thickness
Marginal bone level
Implant type, diameter, angulation
Mesio-distal dimension
All is correct
16. We choose Screw retained due to
Easy to solve prosthetic complication
More esthetic
Easier passive fit
Time efficient & low cost
17. One piece type of abutment
Mainly use in fixture level impression
Opened tray impression taking
Mainly use for the front teeth only
Mainly use in abutment level impression
18. The disadvantage of Cement retained are
σ Difficult to retrieve
σ Compromise esthetic
σ Problem due to residual cement
σ Difficult to obtain passive fit
σ Difficult to retrieve and Problem due to residual cement are correct
19. What are the 2 impression methods for implant impression?
σ Open tray technic impression
σ Fixture level impression
σ Abutment level impression
σ Closed tray technic impression
σ Open tray technic impression and Closed tray technic impression are wrong
20. Generally we take impression after implant placing
Maxillary : 2 months later
Mandible : 3 months later
Bone graft:5 months later
All is correct
21. The impression taking procedure for Esthetic case :
2nd Surgery + Impression +Healing abutment + final restoration
2nd Surgery +Healing abutment +impression + final restoration
2nSurgery +Healing abutment +impression +provisional restoration + impression + final restoration.
2nSurgery +impression +Healing abutment +provisional restoration + impression + final restoration.
22. When do you select a fixture level impression?
σ a. Posterior region with proper position and path of implant
σ A screw retained type restoration.
σ Proper position path and sufficient vertical space.
σ Full mouth fixed type implant restoration
σ A screw retained type restoration Full mouth fixed type implant restoration are correct
23. When do you select an abutment level impression ?
On the anterior esthetic region
A screw retained type restoration.
Proper position path and sufficient vertical space.
Full mouth fixed type implant restoration
24. What is the common problem with Plastic impression cap?
Abutment height
Abutment collar height
Path of implant
Gingival or Alveolar bone interference.
25. We can use transfer abutment as
Abutment impression
Fixture level impression
Opened tray impression
Closed tray impression
All is correct
26. Mandible posterior region
Generally, good bone quality but esthetic demand is high.
Implant system can be selected carefully.
We can place sometimes, short implant (5~7mm length)
Immediate implantation is prohibited.
27. Bucco-lingual angulation of Posterior teeth
Maxillary teeth : lingual tilting
Mandible teeth : buccal tilting
Most of teeth tilted to mesial side
Distal curvature of natural teeth roots
All is not correct
28. Mesio-distal position of implant
Natural tooth to implant at least 3-4mm and implant to implant 2-3mm
Center of restoration crown
Most of teeth tilted to distal side
Curvature of natural teeth root is buccally tilted
29. What is the common error of beginner for Mandible posterior implant ?
Implant system selection
The length of implant
The Angulation of implant
The diameter of implant
30. Firsrt Molar replacement with implant
Two implants for one molar (one implant to one root)
Wide fixture for molar teeth
Easy site for implant
All is correct.
31. When the patient has the limitation of opening, the common errors for #37, 47 implants are:
σ Possible lingual perforation
σ Suturing errors
σ Incorrect angle at drilling
σ Possible lingual perforation and Incorrect angle at drilling are correct
σ All is correct
32. The advantages of Panorama radiography
Provide better solution
Produce anatomically truer images
Determine height of the bone
Minimize geometric distortion.
All is correct
33. The distortion of Panorama
Vertical distortion 40-60% and Horizontal distortion 20-40%
Vertical distortion 50-70% and Horizontal distortion 20-40%
Horizontal distortion 50-70% and Vertical distortion 20-40%
A and C are correct
All answers are wrong .
34. The Periapical Radiography
Produce anatomically truer images
Available for only 1 fixture
Poor resolution
Convenience and easy
A and B are correct
35. Radiology can
Determine bone quality and quantity
Verify superstructure fitness
Identify diseases
All answers are correct
36. Absolute Contraindications for Dental Implant
Severe renal disorder
Myocardial infarction (MI)
Angina pectoris
Bacterial endocarditis
A and D are correct
37. Risk factors of dental Implant for the Elderly person
Poor oral hygiene
All is correct.
38. Relative Contraindications for Dental Implants
Active periodontal disease
Renal/pancreatic disorders
Recent myocardial infarction (MI)
Heavy smoking
39. Dental Implant for Diabetes patients
Patients are at greater risk of infection
Dental implant is contraindicated in diabetic patients.
The accumulation of periopathogenic bacteria could cause peri-implantitis.
The bone density is weak.
40. Implant Supported restorations are
σ The denture support is derived from the implants or bar
σ The denture relies on edentulous arches and implants
σ The denture relies on implants and attached structures
σ The denture support is derived from the implants or bar and The denture relies on implants and attached structures are corrects
σ All is correct
41. What are not the concerns about dental implants for geriatric person ?
Longer healing time
Inadequate osseointegration of implants
The assisted implant
Loss of implants due to inadequate oral hygiene
42. The Success rate of healthy old person for implant
Not comparable to young population
Much lower than young person
Better than healthy adults
Similar to young age group
43. Oral hygiene cannot predict when
Adequate instruction and recall
Complicated design of implant abutment
Good oral heath aids
Simple design of abutments are utilized.
44. The group III of the residual ridge is
Resorption of basal bone
Minor ridge remodeling
Basal bone ridge
Sharp atrophic residual ridge
45. Adequate Bone Volume for Implant by Spray JR et al. Ann periodontol 2000
Thickness of 1 to 1.5 mm buccal and lingual plate for ridge expansion.
Favorable facial bone thickness: 1.8 to 2.0 mm.
At least 1mm buccal and lingual plate
Minimum thickness of 1.5 to 2.5mm buccal and lingual plate
46. The Solution of Insufficient Bone Width
Small diameter fixture
Ridge expansion/ splite
All is correct
47. The Rule 2 for mesio-distal position of implant is
Implant to tooth 2-3mm apart
Center of restorative crown
Implant to implant 3-4mm apart
At least 1mm buccal and lingual plate
48. When the Bone Height is insufficient the solutions are
σ Small diameter fixture
σ Short wide fixture
σ Alveoloplasty
σ Sinus lifting
σ Short wide fixture and Sinus lifting is correct
49. Bone density of D2 is
σ A thin layer of cortical bone with low-density trabecular
σ A dense trabecular bone of favorable strength
σ A thick layer of compact bone surrounding a core of trabecular bone
σ Homogenous compact bone
50. We diagnose the bone density via
Oral examination
General health condition / Age/ sex of patient
Asking the patient
Model analysis
51. Surgery for Density 2
Bone compaction
Large final drill
Tapping – option
Bicortical installation
52. Which one is not recommended for Surgery of D4?
Bone compaction
Bone tapping
Large final drill
Fixture with hand wrench
53. Surgery for D3
Large final drill
Bone Tapping
Reduce final drill diameter
Fixture installation under 15N torque
54. 54- Healing Period of Rough surface implant
D1: 4-5months
D2: 2-3months
D3: 6-7months
D4: 3-4months
55. Surgical Technique for Various Bone Density
Amount of torque during fixture installation
Drilling method
Size of final drill
A and B is correct
All is correct
56. Density 1
Thick cortical bone with sponge bone
Most preferred density
Posterior Mx
Almost cortical bone
57. Density 4
Atrophic anterior Mx and Mn
Thin cortical bone with loose sponge bone
Almost cortical bone
Most preferred density
58. Density 2
Standard product protocol
Preservation of cortical bone
Reduce up and down during drilling
Almost cortical bone
59. Ridge Expansion
σ Possible fracture, resorption,
σ Loss of cortical bone
σ Maxilla is easier than mandible
σ Loss of bone height
σ Loss of cortical bone and Loss of bone height is wrong
60. Suggested Implant Diameter to Molar
4.0 -4.5
4.5 -5.0
3.5 -4.5
61-T / F: Reduced ability to maintain oral hygiene due to age is a contraindication to implant therapy.
62-T / F: The patient’s overall health should be considered first. There exists a greater likelihood of medical complications in this population.
63-T / F: Implant therapy should be consider as a medical model in the geriatric population.
64-T / F: Cardiovascular Disease is not contraindicated for dental implant if the disease is under controlled.
65-T / F: Degree of Osseo integration with healthy geriatric patients is comparable to that of the younger population.
66-T / F: Success rate of implants in the healthy elderly patients is not comparable that of younger age groups.
67-T / F: Dental implant acts the same as tooth roots in the preservation of bony tissue.
68-T / F: The presence of osteoporosis in one site of the body means it will affect another site.
69-T / F : The periapical radiography can not be used for implant placement due to too small section.
70-T / F : The common problem of implant prosthodontics is abutment collar height
71-T / F :We select an abutment level impression for all case.
72-T / F : We can not use closed tray technic for implant level impression.
{"name":"Oral Maxillo-Facial Surgery PART1 Prof. Keat Lysan Dr. Poch Sothearoth Dr.Tep Navy OLD", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge in the field of Oral Maxillo-Facial Surgery with our comprehensive quiz designed for students, trainers, and professionals alike. With 171 questions ranging from periostitis to sialoadenitis, this quiz covers critical aspects and latest practices in the domain.Multiple choice questionsVariety of topics within maxillo-facial surgeryScore and review your answers","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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