Are you a gaming fanboy/fangirl?

What system do you play video games on?
Playstation 4
Xbox One
Nintendo Switch / Wii U
Gaming PC / Laptop
Old Retro Systems ie. SNES
Mobile Phone / Tablet
Nintendo 3DS
Playstation Vita
Last Gen Systems ie. PS3/360
What is your opinion of the PS4?
The best gaming platform available, obviously.
Not worth it. Just get a PC instead.
The best console available, but not as powerful or customisable as a PC.
It's just another console.
Not as good as the Xbox. The Xbox is more powerful.
Not as good as the Switch. The Switch is portable.
Good for the exclusives, but only after you've bought a PC.
What is your opinion of the Xbox One?
The best gaming platform available, obviously.
Not worth it. Just get a PC instead.
The best console available, but not as powerful or customisable as a PC.
It's just another console.
Not as good as the PS4. The PS4 has more and better exclusives.
Not as good as the Switch. The Switch is portable.
Completely redundant now that it's "exclusives" are on PC.
What is your opinion of the Nintendo Switch?
The best gaming platform available, obviously.
Not worth it. Just get a PC instead.
The best console available, but not as powerful or customisable as a PC.
It's just another console.
It's a good secondary system, but it's too under-powered compared to the other consoles.
Why bother, all it's got is Wii U ports, just buy a Wii U instead.
A decent experiment into portable home console hybrids.
Laughably under-powered for the current generation.
What is your opinion of gaming on PC?
Clearly the superior way to play games.
It's a good option, but I prefer my console.
It's how I prefer to play my games.
Too expensive and often requires too much fiddling about to make it work.
Why bother, the PS4 is clearly better.
Why bother, the Xbox is clearly better.
Why bother, the Switch is clearly better.
I just want to sit on my sofa with a controller and play my games, PC can't do that.
Cheaper, better, more option. PC is the master race for a reason!
Do you own a Playstation system?
How important are PSN Trophies for you?
Not at all important
They add to the gaming experience somewhat.
No platinum = No buy
Just a cheap copy of Xbox Achievements
Stupid. Get rid of them
Do you own an Xbox One?
What is your opinion of Xbox games being released on Windows 10 PC?
More people can play the games, that's a good thing?
It's stupid, now Xbox has no exclusives; why would anyone buy an Xbox now?
It's a stupid idea for the company, but it's positive for gamers as more people can get those games.
PC beggers finally got their way and get to have our exclusives. Bloody leaches.
Who cares? PC can emulate anything, we'd get the exclusives eventually anyway.
It seems like Microsoft just want to punish people who game on PS4 to me.
Like it matters. Xbox exclusives are shit.
Do you own a Nintendo Switch?
What made you buy the Switch?
ZELDA!!! Must own. 10/10
The portability is interesting.
I'm hoping by supporting it, it'll get the third party support the Wii U never got.
I want to play the Wii U games, but the Wii U was shit.
Hype. I'm kinda regretting it now.
I didn't, it was a gift.
Do you game on multiple systems?
No. My PC can run rings around any console.
Yes. But only Sony systems. Vita and PS3 gives me access to more plats.
No. Xbox rules!
Yes. Switch & 3DS, both have great Nintendo classics on them.
Yes. I have my PC and PS4 for the exclusives.
Yes. I have my PC and the Switch for portability and exclusives.
Yes. I have multiple current gen consoles.
Yes. I have multiple console and a gaming PC, I like to experience a bit of everything.
No. I only have time for one system.
No. I can only afford one system.
No. All I need is the PS4, it has all the best games.
No. My Switch is both a home console and a handheld, it does everything.
Yes, but I only game on retro systems.
What is your opinion of Retro Gaming?
Fine, I've no real opinion either way.
It's cool. I like revisiting gaming history.
You can emulate anything on PC, so my PC is basically every retro system ever released.
I love retro gaming, I tend to give in to nostalgia.
I'm a retro collector, original hardware only.
Boring. Why bother when you have modern gaming?
Filled with posers and scalpers.
I play old PS3 games for the trophies, does that count?
What game would you recommend to a non-gamer?
Zelda: Ocarina Of Time. Start them with an undeniable classic.
The Last Of Us. One of the best games of the last 10 years.
Mario Odyssey. It's fairly easy and really damn good. Perfect.
Halo. The first Halo is responsible for gaming going mainstream, so it must be good for beginners.
Minecraft. All the kids are playing it. It's open ended, freeform, simple, and will run on most PCs.
A visual novel like Life Is Strange or a Telltale Game. Ease them in.
Classic platformer like Mario or Sonic. Start them retro, modern games have too many controls.
Nothing, I don't want non-gamers in my hobby. Screw that.
Probably something casual friendly like Pokémon. Loads of people started with that.
Crash Bandicoot, it's on PS4 now and it's what so many playstation gamers started with.
Depends on who it is. I'd need more information really...
What's your opinion of GamerGate?
It's a good movement that we need to pressure the games industry.
An excuse for sexist and trolls to act like dicks on the internet.
Why do we have to name every controversy Something -Gate? Gate isn't a fucking suffix. Oh and I don't care.
Do you like to discuss gaming online?
No. I'd rather play my games.
Yes. It's cool to be part of communities.
Sometimes. I need to find people to help boost for trophies.
No. The internet is way too toxic, and there's too many sexists and dickheads online.
Yes. People are always badmouthing my favourite games, and I need to defend them.
Yes. I like to talk about my favourite games and post reviews.
Sometimes, but the fanboys always ruin it.
How many platinum trophies have you got?
I don't play on Playstation...
I don't care about trophies.
A few, for games I really liked.
25+ now. I've been playing for a while.
More than 100. I love to trophy hunt.
What graphics card have you got?
I don't game on PC...
I have on-board graphics, I don't game on PC much.
A low end card, but I prefer to game on PC anyway, a low end card is all you need for most games.
A mid-range card, like a GTX 9 Series or Radeon RX 560. It'll out-perform console 90% of the time.
High end like a Titan or GTX 1080 or better. I like to game in 4k.
Multiple cards for the added performance. I can do 4k but I prefer 1080p and top end performance.
Decent card, but I prefer to game on my console anyway. It's just so I can play the odd PC exclusive or 4X game like 'Civilisation' or 'Total War'
Any $50+ card will do. A potato could outperform the consoles at this point.
{"name":"Are you a gaming fanboy\/fangirl?", "url":"","txt":"What system do you play video games on?, What is your opinion of the PS4?, What is your opinion of the Xbox One?","img":""}
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