A cozy, organized living room filled with minimalistic furniture and plants, creating a calming atmosphere.

Assess Your Clutter Impact

How much does clutter truly affect your daily life? Take this informative quiz to discover how your environment influences your well-being and productivity.

  • Evaluate your feelings towards your home environment.
  • Identify problem areas in your living space.
  • Gain insights on how to create a calmer, more organized life.
11 Questions3 MinutesCreated by ClearingSpace101
Home makes me feel:
Calm and relaxed most of the time. I enjoy going out but look forward to coming home.
Overwhelmed and stressed. I prefer to be out and don’t envy coming home.
Anxious, tired, and irritable. I don’t feel like this when I’m out and about, only when I’m at home.
Happy and content. Our family work together to maintain a nurturing home environment.
Overwhelmed now. Since working from home I’m more aware of my surroundings and they don’t always feel supportive.
Opening my drawers and cupboards I feel:
Okay most of the time! I’m relatively organised, but there’s room for improvement.
Overwhelmed and stressed. I literally don’t know where anything is and I’ve developed avoidance tendencies such as procrastination.
Anxious, guilty and irritable. I feel guilty about how much stuff I own and get easily irritated because I’m always thinking about what I’m going to do.
Super organised and content! We have created functional spaces that make living in our home easy.
A little overwhelmed now. Working from home has forced me to face what’s in these areas and it’s affected my productivity and working memory.
How do you feel about visual clutter?
A little bit doesn't really bother me. When it starts to pile up, it motivates me to take action.
Overwhelmed and stressed, but I don’t know how or where to start to get rid of it!
It drives me crazy, and I’m irritated and anxious about it. I’m not sure how to stay one step ahead of it.
I'm not sure. I haven't seen any in years.
It usually doesn't get to me, but since working from home, I’m starting to notice it much more.
What room in your home do you love being in the most?
I like being in the living room. There’s not too much stuff there, it’s spacious, and I can relax easily. The other rooms not so much!
I don’t enjoy any rooms, particularly the toy room. They are full of stuff, and I can’t relax, and I feel uptight and overwhelmed just being in my house.
Umm, I wish I knew! All the rooms in my home feel a little crowded which makes it hard to relax sometimes.
All our rooms are inviting and nurturing. There’s minimal stuff and we can easily relax anywhere in our home.
I used to love my kitchen, but I’ve noticed since working from home the struggle to get things out and put things back is REAL!
Do you constantly think about clearing your space but somehow cannot ever bring yourself to do it?
Funnily enough, I clear stuff out periodically, but it’s harder than I thought!
All the time! It’s so overwhelming I have no idea where to start, or what to do. I think I need help.
I procrastinate. I start, then stop and then start again. I have the energy to clear my spaces, but not sure how to do it effectively.
Not at all! We’re very intentional about what we bring into our home, so it stays organized without a lot of effort.
Since working from home, I do think about how I’m going to tackle my clutter. It’s affecting my ability to focus on work, so I know I need to sort it out.
Are you often late because you cannot find your keys, wallet or have a nappy bag ready to go because life is chaotic?
I’m reasonably organised, but I don’t have a system and I sometimes forget where I put my keys!
All the time. Keys, wallet, shopping bags, glasses, you name it I can’t find it!! I have zero space to put things and I forget where I put stuff down. My friends tell me lunch is at 12 instead of 12:30 so I’ll only be a few minutes late. It’s a running joke.
Ohh yes, this is me! I feel so guilty to when I’m late too. I wish I was more organised.
Never! All our belongings are assigned to various areas around the home and we’re ready to go at any time.
I used to be on time! Out the door on time every morning. I’m not as organised as I once was now I’m working at home.
How do you feel about living with less stuff?
Less stuff would make my life easier.
Yes please!!! Where do I sign up for this life!
If I didn’t have stuff, what would I organise?
It’s my way of life.
I’d love to make this my new way of life!
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