
Where can we change our Salesforce signature?
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Where can we edit the main subject of the Salesforce case?
Edit at Email Information
Edit at Profile
Edit at Email Settings
Edit at Email Status
How to filter and go in other owner queue and create clone?
Click filter> At Filter by Owner: Select All cases> At Status: Select not equal to> At Owner name: Select Owner Name> Select Equals> Key in owner name at Value
Click filter> At Filter by Owner: Select All cases> At Status: Select not equal to> At Owner name: Select Customer Name> Select Equals> Key in owner name at Value
Click filter> At Filter by Owner: Select All cases> At Status: Select not equal to> At Owner name: Select Owner Name> Select Less than> Key in owner name at Value
Click filter> At Filter by Owner: Select All cases> At Status: Select not equal to> At Owner name: Select Primary Issue>Select Less than> Key in owner name at Value
Where can we see recent view case?
My Cases
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Which one is queue for NXP cases?
Where we can see the time remaining for the Salesforce case?
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Within how many hour we need to reply email in Salesforce for mypcc queue before it's get escalated?
2 hour
2.5 hour
4 hour
3 hour
What colour is the SLA status icon when the Salesforce case escalated?
Which one is PCC Salesforce email address for external communication?
Which one is DCC Salesforce email address for external communication?
{"name":"Salesforce", "url":"","txt":"Where can we change our Salesforce signature?, Where can we edit the main subject of the Salesforce case?, How to filter and go in other owner queue and create clone?","img":""}
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