Listening Practice 6

Listening Section
This section measures your ability to understand conversations and lectures in English.
Listen to each recording only one time. Next, answer the questions. The questions typically ask about the main idea and supporting details. Some questions ask about a speaker’s purpose or attitude. Answer the questions based on what is stated or implied by the speakers. Answer each question before moving on. Do not return to previous questions.
You have 10 minutes to answer all the questions in the Listening section.  

Now begin the Listening section.
Listening Section
This section measures your ability to understand conversations and lectures in English.
Listen to each recording only one time. Next, answer the questions. The questions typically ask about the main idea and supporting details. Some questions ask about a speaker’s purpose or attitude. Answer the questions based on what is stated or implied by the speakers. Answer each question before moving on. Do not return to previous questions.
You have 10 minutes to answer all the questions in the Listening section.  

Now begin the Listening section.
Listening Part 1
After listening to the conversation, click next to proceed to the questions.
Listening Part 1
After listening to the conversation, click next to proceed to the questions.
Why does the student go to see the man?
To find out the status of her job application.
To get help locating a book she needs for a class
To request a book that her professor put on the reserve list
To ask how to look up books on the library's computer system.
Why is the student having a problem getting the book she wants?
Other students are using the book book in the library
The book is kept in the political science library.
The student has the incorrect title for the book
All the copies of the book have been checked out of the library
Why does the man think a student job in the library is available? Click on two answers.
An employee recently stopped working at the library.
One position has been open since the begining of the semestre.
The library only recently got approval to hire additional staff.
Not many students are looking for work this time of year.
What is a potiental problem with the available job in the library?
The position is only a temprory one.
The position is for fewer hours per week than other student job.
There may not be flexibility to select convinent working hours.
The librarian may prefer to hire a student with previos library work experience.
Listen again to part of the conservation. Then answer the question. Why does the man say this.
To acknowledge that there is a problem with the reserve system.
To indicate how the library avoids the problem the student mentioned.
To explain why library has ordered more copies of the books.
To reinforce the reason why so many books are not on the shelves.
Listening Part 2
After listening to the lecture, click next to proceed to the questions.
Listening Part 2
After listening to the lecture, click next to proceed to the questions.
What is the lecture mainly about?
The differences between imagination and perception.
Cognitive functions that improve decision making.
Cognitive functions that assist in problem solving.
Common limitations with regard to several cognitive functions.
Why does professor mention a study with a word list?
To illustrate a type of mistake that people make when recalling details.
To offer an example of a well-designed study in cognitive psychology.
To demonstrate the limited effect imagination has on memory.
To prove imagination leads poor decision making.
What was demonstrated by the study on perception that professor mentions?
People who misheard the sentences were most likely to make poor decisions.
Decision making is ultimately inluenced by many factors.
The brain can automatically supply details that were not actually percevied.
Words that are heard last the most easily remembered.
Why does the professor mention the area where the optic nerve connects to the back of the eye?
To explain why many people do not understand the concept of blind spots.
To illustrate how visiual blind spots interfere with processing of written words.
To explain the origin of a concept that is used in the study of cognition.
To show how visual perception works.
What point does the professor make about imagination?
It is inadequate for accurately predicting future events.
It is difficult to study with experiments.
It is a process that is unrelated to perception or memory
It is a relatively new area of study in cognition.
Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question. Why does professor say this?
To find out if Peter followed her instructions.
To illustrate a point she wants to make about imagination.
To point out that all salads have some ingredients in common.
To show the relation between memory and imagination.
Listening Part 3
After listening to the lecture, click next to proceed to the questions.
Listening Part 3
After listening to the lecture, click next to proceed to the questions.
What is the lecture mainly about?
Difficulties animals have in regulating their body tempratures.
How people can effect animals microclimates.
Ways of identifying different types of microclimates.
The importance of microclimates to some animals
What two factors does the professor say can affect a microclimate? Click on 2 answers
The size of the animal population in the area.
The number of other microclimates in the area.
The elevation of the land where microclimate is located.
Human activity the area where the microclimate is located.
What point does the professor make she mentions squirrels?
Studying squirrels has helped biologists identify different microclimates.
Mammals have more than one way of regulating thir body temprature.
Smaller animals have more succes than larger animals in adapting to different microclimates.
Squirrels do not rely on microclimates as much as other mammals do.
What does the professor imply about reptiles and microclimates?
Microclimates can be both helpful and harmful to reptiles.
Microclimates are one of the many ways reptiles control their body temprute.
Many reptiles position themselves in microclimates when waiting for their prey.
Many reptiles spent most of the their time in one type of microclimate.
According to the professor, how do decomposing leaves affect microclimates?
Decomposing leaves form layers that prevent sunlight from warning the ground blow the leaves.
Decomposing leaves insulate burrows, keeping the burrows cool.
Decomposing leaves generate heat, creating a warm microclimate.
Decomposing leaves bring moisture to dry microclimates.
Why does the student says this?
To refer to a well-know misconception about reptiles.
To indicate that he understands the professor's explanations.
To provide an example that may be an exception to professor's statement.
To indicate that there is more than one explanation for a phenomenon.
{"name":"Listening Practice 6", "url":"","txt":"Listening Section   This section measures your ability to understand conversations and lectures in English.   Listen to each recording only one time. Next, answer the questions. The questions typically ask about the main idea and supporting details. Some questions ask about a speaker’s purpose or attitude. Answer the questions based on what is stated or implied by the speakers. Answer each question before moving on. Do not return to previous questions.   You have 10 minutes to answer all the questions in the Listening section.   Now begin the Listening section., After listening to the converstaion, click next to proceed to the questions., Why does the man go to see the registrar?","img":""}
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