Great Fire of London Year 2

On which day did the Great Fire of London begin?
Sunday 2nd September, 1666
Sunday 3rd September, 1666
Monday 3rd September, 1666
We don't know the actual start date.
How many days did the fire burn?
4 days
A long time
About a week
A full day
Where did the fire start?
In Pudding Lane
In Pudding Road
In Bakers Lane
In Seething Lane
Who was Thomas Farriner?
The King's baker
The owner of the bakers shop on Pudding Lane
Samuel Peyps' friend
The person who started the fire
How did the fire start?
The oven was left on.
We don't actually know.
Sparks jumped out of the oven.
Someone started it on purpose.
Why did the fire spread so far and quickly? (Tick as many as apply)
The houses were close together.
The streets were dirty.
The houses were made of wood and straw.
It had been a long hot summer so it was dry.
There were strong winds.
How did they try to put the fire out?
Fire engines.
Using fire hooks to pull down the houses.
Using gunpowder to blow up houses and create fire breaks.
Buckets of water from the Thames.
They couldn't do anything.
Why did the fire stop in the end?
The wind died down.
They used gunpowder to create firebreaks so it couldn't get over the gap.
The water from the Thames put it out.
The fire service put it out.
Who was Samuel Peyps?
He kept a diary about the events of 1666.
He was Thomas Farriners' friend.
He lived in Pudding Lane.
He put the Great Fire of London out.
What did we learn from the Great Fire of London? How did things change? (Tick all that apply)
Houses were built further apart.
There are rules about the materials houses are built from.
There are organised fire departments now.
There is better equipment to fight fires and early warning systems like smoke alarms.
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