Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in gr-qc on Tue, 21 Dec 21
[2112.09729] José D. V. Arbañil, Grigoris Panotopoulos: Tidal deformability and radial oscillations of anisotropic polytropic spheres
[2112.09772] Astrid Eichhorn, Jan Henryk Kwapisz, Marc Schiffer: The weak-gravity bound in asymptotically safe gravity-gauge systems
[2112.09779] Juan Calles, Nelson Pantoja: Conformal Isometries and Curvature Collineations of an Impulsive Plane Wave: a distributional approach
[2112.09832] Takuya Katagiri, Masashi Kimura: The Aretakis constants and instability in general spherically symmetric extremal black hole spacetimes: higher multipole modes, late-time tails, and geometrical meanings
[2112.09838] Jiliang Jing, Shuai Chen, Manman Sun et al.: Self-consistent Effective-one-body theory for non-spinning binaries based on the post-Minkowskian approximation
[2112.09870] S. Deser, M. Henneaux: Higher spin $m\not=0$ excitations on curved backgrounds and cosmological supergravity
[2112.09950] José C. Jiménez, Juan M. Z. Pretel, Eduardo S. Fraga et al.: $R^2$-gravity quark stars from perturbative QCD
[2112.09967] Michael Hobson, Anthony Lasenby: Note on the absence of the second clock effect in Weyl gauge theories of gravity
[2112.09978] Victor I. Afonso, Cecilia Bejarano, Rafael Ferraro et al.: Determinantal Born-Infeld Coupling of Gravity and Electromagnetism
[2112.10109] Kabir Chakravarti, Rajes Ghosh, Sudipta Sarkar: Signature of Non-uniform Area Quantization on Black Hole Echoes
[2112.10159] Shin'ichi Nojiri, Sergei D. Odintsov, Tanmoy Paul: Barrow entropic dark energy: A member of generalized holographic dark energy family
[2112.10193] A. Baldazzi, O. Melichev, R. Percacci: Metric-Affine Gravity as an Effective Field Theory
[2112.10208] S.S. Kuptsov, S.A. Paston: Investigation of Faddeev variant of embedding theory
[2112.10221] V.K. Oikonomou: Uniqueness of the Inflationary Higgs Scalar for Neutron Stars and Failure of non-inflationary Approximations
[2112.10260] Torben C. Frost: Gravitational Lensing in the Charged NUT-de Sitter Spacetime
[2112.10430] M. Z. Bhatti, Z. Yousaf, F. Hussain: Study of Generalized Lemaître-Tolman-Bondi Spacetime in Palatini $f(R)$ Gravity
[2112.10472] Johan Fourdrinoy, Scott Robertson, Nicolas James et al.: Correlations on weakly time-dependent transcritical white-hole flows
[2112.10516] Fengge Zhang: Primordial black holes and scalar induced gravitational waves from E-model with Gauss-Bonnet term
[2112.10530] Maxim Eingorn, Andrew McLaughlin II, Ezgi Canay et al.: Gravitational Interaction in the Chimney Lattice Universe
[2112.10564] Massimo Giovannini: The refractive index of the relic gravitons and the nHz band
[2112.10567] Miren Radia, Ulrich Sperhake, Amelia Drew et al.: Lessons for adaptive mesh refinement in numerical relativity
[2112.10590] Junhui Lai, Xun Xue: The Scattering of Dirac and Majorana Fermions in Spherically Symmetric Gravitational Field and Torsion Field
[2112.10654] Rajendra P. Gupta: Effect of evolutionary physical constants on type-1a supernova luminosity
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in gr-qc on Tue, 21 Dec 21","img":""}
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