Explore how bumpy (or smooth) your Wheel of Side Effects Mastery is
{"name":"Explore how bumpy (or smooth) your Wheel of Side Effects Mastery is", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"1. Patient Centricity. Do you put patients’ needs really central? Are your side effects measures patient-driven? Do you have a co-care model in place where patients and healthcare providers work hand-in hand? Do you empower patients to take the lead of their treatment? The higher your score, the more experienced and successful you are in this area., 2. Crew Resource Management. E.g. are you a thought leader? Is your Wheel of Side Effects Mastery smooth? Are you a master presenter? Are you supporting others with the implementation of the gained side effects knowledge? Do you train others in effective side effects measures? The higher your score, the more experienced and successful you are in this area., 3. Patients Know & Do. Do you put effort in what patients need to know and what they need to do in order to prevent the development of side effects? Do you inform patients about what to do in case side effects develop? E.g. do you inform patients about skin care rituals, oral care rituals, and body inspection rituals? Do you inform patients where they can get additional support? The higher your score, the more experienced and successful you are in this area.","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}