Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in physics on Mon, 25 Oct 21
[2110.11377] Claudius Krause, David Shih: CaloFlow II: Even Faster and Still Accurate Generation of Calorimeter Showers with Normalizing Flows
[2110.11394] Karl Svozil: Interdimensionality
[2110.11406] V.M. Simulik: On the 256-dimensional gamma matrix representation of the Clifford algebra Cl(1,7) and its relation to the Lie algebra SO(1,9)
[2110.11423] Ilana J Porter, Michael W. Zuerch, Stephen R. Leone: Coherent Phonons in Antimony: an Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Solid-State Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy Experiment
[2110.11433] Ryosuke Nishi, Takashi Watanabe: System-size dependence of a jam-absorption driving strategy to remove traffic jam caused by a sag under the presence of traffic instability
[2110.11447] Mojtaba Jandaghian, Abdelkader Krimi, Amir Reza Zarrati et al.: Enhanced weakly-compressible MPS method for violent free-surface flows: Role of particle regularization techniques
[2110.11454] Trevor A. Bowen, Samuel T. Badman, Stuart D. Bale et al.: Nonlinear Interactions in Spherically Polarized Alfvénic Turbulence
[2110.11458] Sarthak Jariwala, Rishi Kumar, Giles E. Eperon et al.: Dimethylammonium additives alter both vertical and lateral composition in halide perovskite semiconductors
[2110.11470] Harieth Mhina, Samira Souley Hassane, Matthew McCurdy: A numerical investigation of Rayleigh-Benard convection with an obstruction
[2110.11492] Charles Roques-Carmes, Nicholas Rivera, Ali Ghorashi et al.: A general framework for scintillation in nanophotonics
[2110.11500] Ignacio O. Romero, Yile Fang, Changqing Li: Correlation between X-ray tube current exposure time and X-ray photon number in GATE
[2110.11502] John Gertz: The Search for Deliberate Interstellar SETI Signals May Be Futile
[2110.11505] Farhat Iqbal, Waheed Rathore, Khawar Iqbal et al.: High Resolution Asynchronous Digital Event Timer
[2110.11506] Sebastian Ritter: Fissile Material Detection using Neutron Coincidence Counters
[2110.11507] M. Rosenbusch, M. Wada, S. Chen et al.: The new MRTOF spectrograph for nuclear masses following RIBF's ZeroDegree spectrometer, featuring new methodologies for ion selection and mirror optimiza...
[2110.11508] M. Cavallaro, C. Agodi, G. A. Brischetto et al.: The MAGNEX magnetic spectrometer for double charge exchange reactions
[2110.11528] Varun Shankar, Gavin D. Portwood, Arvind T. Mohan et al.: Validation and parameterization of a novel physics-constrained neural dynamics model applied to turbulent fluid flow
[2110.11538] Bo Lin, Qianxiao Li, Weiqing Ren: Computing the Invariant Distribution of Randomly Perturbed Dynamical Systems Using Deep Learning
[2110.11557] M. Leconte, P. Masson, Lei Qi: Limit Cycle Oscillations, response time and the time-dependent solution to the Lotka-Volterra Predator-Prey model
[2110.11559] Ting-Wei Hsu, Wenqi Zhu, Tobias Thiele et al.: Single atom trapping in a metasurface lens optical tweezer
[2110.11564] Wei Zhao, Xitong Mei, Dongfeng Gao et al.: Ultralight scalar dark matter detection with ZAIGA
[2110.11618] Sergey Krasikov, Aaron Tranter, Andrey Bogdanov et al.: Intelligent metaphotonics empowered by machine learning
[2110.11629] Diata Traore, Emmanuel Giner, Julien Toulouse: Basis-set correction based on density-functional theory: Rigorous framework for a one-dimensional model
[2110.11649] Zhi Li, Yuewen Gao, Yu Gu et al.: Giant electro-optic effect in chiral topological semimetal RhSi
[2110.11669] Jan Nikl, Milan Kuchařík, Stefan Weber: High-Order Curvilinear Finite Element Magneto-Hydrodynamics I: A Conservative Lagrangian Scheme
[2110.11674] E.A. Schneidmiller: Application of a modified chirp-taper scheme for generation of attosecond pulses in XUV and soft X-ray FELs
[2110.11678] Muhammad F. Kasim, Susi Lehtola, Sam M. Vinko: DQC: a Python program package for Differentiable Quantum Chemistry
[2110.11682] Henrique Gomes, Jeremy Butterfield: How to Choose a Gauge? The case of Hamiltonian Electromagnetism
[2110.11683] Gonzalo Álvarez-Pérez, Arturo González-Morán, Nathaniel Capote-Robayna et al.: Active tuning of highly anisotropic phonon polaritons in van der Waals crystal slabs by gated graphene
[2110.11690] Nitish Kumar, Siladitya Pal: Wide elastic wave bandgap metamaterial with single phase constituent
[2110.11698] Olivier Thouvenin, Samer Alhaddad, Viacheslav Mazlin et al.: Label free optical transmission tomography for biosystels: Intracellular structures and dynamics
[2110.11710] Sushant Ghimire, Christian Klinke: Two-Dimensional halide perovskites: Synthesis, optoelectronic properties, stability, and applications
[2110.11715] Andreas Sperlich, Michael Auth, Vladimir Dyakonov: Charge Transfer in Ternary Solar Cells Employing Two Fullerene Derivatives: Where do Electrons Go?
[2110.11760] Piotr Nowakowski, Przemysław Rokita, Łukasz Graczykowski: Distributed Simulation And Visualization of The ALICE Detector Magnetic Field
[2110.11761] M. O. Katanaev: Spherically symmetric 't Hooft-Polyakov monopoles
[2110.11762] Manfred Bucher: A simple model of the strange-metal phase in cuprates
[2110.11782] I. M. Savelyev, M. Y. Kaygorodov, Y. S. Kozhedub et al.: Multiple-ionization energy difference of 163Ho and 163Dy atoms
[2110.11785] Kai Töpfer, Silvan Käser, Markus Meuwly: Double Proton Transfer in Hydrated Formic Acid Dimer: Interplay of Spatial Symmetry and Solvent-Generated Force on Reactivity
[2110.11798] Prakriti Kayastha, Raghunathan Ramakrishnan: Quantum Machine Learning Transition Probabilities in Electronic Excitation Spectra across Chemical Space: The Resolution-vs.-Accuracy Dilemma
[2110.11802] Qingkai Kong, Andrea Chiang, Ana C. Aguiar et al.: Deep Convolutional Autoencoders as Generic Feature Extractors in Seismological Applications
[2110.11832] Thibaud Ehret, Aurélien De Truchis, Matthieu Mazzolini et al.: Global Tracking and Quantification of Oil and Gas Methane Leaks from Recurrent Sentinel-2 Imagery
[2110.11834] Iftekar Mahmud: Deflection of MEMS Based Sandwiched Cantilever Beam for Piezoelectric Actuation: Analysis of Lead Zirconate Titanate Piezoceramic Material
[2110.11843] C.G. Hooper, K.R. Khusnutdinova, J.M. Huntley et al.: Theoretical estimates of the parameters of longitudinal undular bores in PMMA bars based on their measured initial speeds
[2110.11859] Eddy Keming Chen: The Cosmic Void
[2110.11925] Timothy LaRock, Mengqiao Xu, Tina Eliassi-Rad: A Path-based Approach to Analyzing the Global Liner Shipping Network
[2110.11932] Javier González-Colsa, Alfredo Franco Pérez, Fernando Bresme et al.: Efficient Asymmetric photothermal source: Designing a heating Janus-Nanojet
[2110.11941] Ayoub Gouasmi, Karthik Duraisamy, Scott M. Murman: Entropy-Stable Schemes in the Low-Mach-Number Regime: Flux-Preconditioning, Entropy Breakdowns, and Entropy Transfers
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Mon, 25 Oct 21","img":""}