Xact Training's Christmas Quiz π
{"name":"Xact Training's Christmas Quiz π", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"So, you think you know Christmas? Β Test your Christmas knowledge in our fun, interactive quiz and you could be the lucky winner of a Β£50 Amazon voucher! For your chance to win, simply enter your name below, complete our quiz, and you will be entered into our prize draw ππΎ The quiz closes at 11:00am on Monday 21 December and the prize draw will take place immediatly after. Good luck (and no cheating)!, Q1: In the song 'The twelve days of Christmas', how many swans a-swimming?, Q2: To date, what is the best-selling Christmas single of all time?","img":"https://media4.giphy.com/media/xz9j6yOIO2as0/giphy.gif?sz=1200"}