Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Mon, 26 Apr 21
[2104.11242] Oliver Newton, Noam I. Libeskind, Alexander Knebe et al.: Hermeian dark matter haloes of the Local Group
[2104.11243] Andreas J. Koch-Hansen, Camilla Juul Hansen, Andrew McWilliam: NGC 1261: an $r$-process enhanced globular cluster from the Gaia-Enceladus event
[2104.11246] Matthew S. Clement, John E. Chambers, Alan P. Jackson: Dynamical avenues for Mercury's origin I: The lone survivor of a primordial generation of short-period proto-planets
[2104.11247] Davide Gerosa, Nicola Giacobbo, Alberto Vecchio: High mass but low spin: an exclusion region to rule out hierarchical black-hole mergers as a mechanism to populate the pair-instability mass gap
[2104.11250] Sivan Ginzburg, Eliot Quataert: Novae heat their food: mass transfer by irradiation
[2104.11251] Mathis Houllé, Arthur Vigan, Alexis Carlotti et al.: Direct imaging and spectroscopy of exoplanets with the ELT/HARMONI high-contrast module
[2104.11252] Matthew S. Clement, John E. Chambers: Dynamical avenues for Mercury's origin II: in-situ formation in the inner terrestrial disk
[2104.11256] Efrain Gatuzz, Javier A. García, Timothy R. Kallman: Nitrogen X-ray absorption in the local ISM
[2104.11257] Periklis Okalidis, Robert J. J. Grand, Robert M. Yates et al.: The parametrization of gas flows in discs in the Auriga simulations
[2104.11261] C. T. Heritier, T. Fusco, S. Oberti et al.: SPRINT: System Parameters Recurrent INvasive Tracking, a fast and least-cost online calibration strategy for adaptive optics
[2104.11262] Ningxiao Zhang, Randall McEntaffer, Ross McCurdy et al.: Metrology for Measuring Custom Periodicities on Diffraction Gratings
[2104.11263] Donaji Esparza Arredondo, Omaira González Martín, Deborah Dultzin et al.: The dust-gas AGN torus as constrained from X-ray and mid-infrared observations
[2104.11277] R. Modzelewska, K. Iskra, W. Wozniak et al.: Features of the Galactic Cosmic Ray Anisotropy in the Solar Cycle 24 and Solar Minima 23/24 and 24/25
[2104.11279] R. Modzelewska, M.V. Alania: Quasi-periodic changes of three dimensional solar anisotropy of galactic cosmic rays for 1965-2014
[2104.11296] Anish Ghoshal, Gaetano Lambiase: Constraints on Tsallis Cosmology from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and Dark Matter Freeze-out
[2104.11301] Angelo Ricarte, Richard Qiu, Ramesh Narayan: Black Hole Magnetic Fields and Their Imprint on Circular Polarization Images
[2104.11319] S. Lee, M. A. Troxel, A. Choi et al.: Galaxy-galaxy lensing with the DES-CMASS catalogue: measurement and constraints on the galaxy-matter cross-correlation
[2104.11335] Matthew C. Chan, John P. Stott: Z-Sequence: Photometric redshift predictions for galaxy clusters with sequential random k-nearest neighbours
[2104.11338] Valeri V. Makarov, Alexey Goldin, Dimitri Veras: Spin-orbit resonances of high-eccentricity asteroids: regular, switching, and jumping
[2104.11345] Soumen Deb, Roland Kothes, Erik Rosolowsky: Characterizing Outflows in the Cygnus X Region
[2104.11354] Yun Huang, Kyoung-Soo Lee, Ke Shi et al.: The Role of Dust, UV Luminosity and Large-scale Environment on the Escape of Lya Photons: A Case Study of a Protocluster field at z = 3.1
[2104.11389] Aiichi Iwazaki: Spectral-temporal features of repeating ( one-off ) FRBs and Axion Star
[2104.11391] Xiangyun Long, Hua Feng, Hong Li et al.: X-ray polarimetry of the Crab nebula with PolarLight: polarization recovery after the glitch and a secular position angle variation
[2104.11417] Xiaer Zhang, Zhicheng He, Tinggui Wang et al.: The Deviation of the Broad-line Region Size Between Reverberation Mapping and Spectroastrometry
[2104.11504] Francesca Matteucci, Marta Molero, David S. Aguado et al.: The evolution of Lithium: implications of a universal Spite plateau
[2104.11506] M. Agundez, N. Marcelino, B. Tercero et al.: O-bearing complex organic molecules at the cyanopolyyne peak of TMC-1: detection of C2H3CHO, C2H3OH, HCOOCH3, and CH3OCH3
[2104.11544] Luke J. Johnson, Charlotte N. Norris, Yvonne C. Unruh et al.: Forward modelling of Kepler-band variability due to faculae and spots
[2104.11562] R. Modzelewska, A. Gil: Recurrence of galactic cosmic rays intensity and anisotropy in solar minima 23/24 and 24/25 by ACE/CRIS, STEREO, SOHO/EPHIN and neutron monitors. Fourier and wavelet analysi...
[2104.11584] Tamaz Kereselidze, Irakli Noselidze: A quasi-molecular mechanism of formation of hydrogen in the early Universe -- a scheme of calculation
[2104.11611] Sotiris Sotiriadis, Anne-Sophie Libert: Inclination-type resonance in two-planet systems
[2104.11617] Xiang-Han Cui, Cheng-Min Zhang, Shuang-Qiang Wang et al.: Statistical properties of fast radio bursts elucidate their origins: magnetars are favoured over gamma-ray bursts
[2104.11628] G. O. Barbosa, O. C. Winter, A. Amarante et al.: Formation of Earth-sized planets within the Kepler-1647 System Habitable Zone
[2104.11631] Bertram Bitsch, Sean N. Raymond, Lars A. Buchhave et al.: Dry or water world? How the water contents of inner sub-Neptunes constrain giant planet formation and the location of the water ice line
[2104.11654] B. W. Holwerda, S. Knabel, R. C. Steele et al.: The Observable Supernova Rate in Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing Systems with the TESS Satellite
[2104.11680] Nihan Pol, Sarah Burke-Spolaor, Natasha Hurley-Walker et al.: The Location of Young Pulsar PSR J0837$-$2454: Galactic Halo or Local Supernova Remnant?
[2104.11741] Deepak, David L. Lambert: Lithium abundances and asteroseismology of red giants: understanding the evolution of lithium in giants based on asteroseismic parameters
[2104.11744] Elizabeth P. Tito, Vadim I. Pavlov: "In-System" Fission-Events: An Insight into Puzzles of Exoplanets and Stars?
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Mon, 26 Apr 21","img":""}
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