RKD HIPAA Compliance

What kind of personally identifiable health information is protected by HIPAA privacy rule?
The spoken word
All of the above
None of the above
If you suspect a client is violating their facility’s privacy policy by sending us unneeded PHI, you should:
Say nothing. It is none of your business
Watch the individual/client involved until you have gathered solid evidence against him or her
Report your suspicions to the National Patient’s Health Information Protection Agency of America (NPHIPAA) hotline
Report your suspicions to your HIPAA Compliance Officer
HIPAA security and privacy regulations apply to:
Attending physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals
Health information managers, information systems staff and other ancillary personnel.
Anyone working in the facility (CE)
Anyone working for the CE who accepts PHI (BA)
All of the Above
It would be appropriate to release patient information received from a client:
Back to the client via a secure HIPAA approved method
To our other clients for analytical purposes
To our print vendors
To other medical/health clients who are HIPAA compliant
A and D
If a person has the ability to access facility of company systems or applications, they have a right to view any information contained in that system or application.
Copies of patient information may be disposed of in any garbage can in the facility.
The criminal penalties for improperly disclosing patient health information can be as high as fines of $250,000 and prison sentences of up to 10 years.
Confidentiality protections cover not just a patient’s health-related information, such as his or her diagnosis, but also other identifying information such as social security number and telephone numbers.
You are working with an excel spreadsheet from a Parkinson’s treatment center with a list of donors and an identifier that indicates if they were a patient of the treatment center. You notice one of the first few names on the list is George Clooney. What are you allowed to do with this information?
Contact whoever will pay top dollar for this juicy news
Mention this information to your significant other
Mention this information to your significant other provided they take the HIPAA oath outlined by the NPHIPAA
Mention this information to your workmates who are a BA (Business Associates) of the CE (Client)
None of the Above
You are working with an excel spreadsheet from a Cancer treatment center with a list of donors and an identifier that indicates if they were a patient of the treatment center. You notice one of the first few names on the list is your mother/father along with his street address. You have never been told that your mother/father had cancer. Since you are immediate family you have the right to ask your mother/father about this patient list.
For our clients (health/medical facilities) and RKD, which of the following are some common features designed to protect confidentiality of health information contained in patient medical records?
Locks on medical records rooms
Passwords to access computerized records
Rules that prohibits employees from looking at records unless they have a need to know
All of the above
For our clients (health/medical facilities), what is the standard for accessing patient information?
A need to know for the performance of your job
If any physician asks the diagnosis of the patient
Just because you are curious
You are a relative of the patient
Patients have a right to access their own health information.
Confidentiality and privacy are important concepts in healthcare because:
They help protect hospitals from lawsuits
They allow patients to feel comfortable sharing information with their doctors
They avoid the confusion of having people other than a physician distributing information about a patient.
Both a & b
You are approached by an individual who tells you that he is here to work on the computers and wants you to open a door for him or point the way to a workstation. How do you respond to this request?
Provide him with the information or access he needs
Ask him who at the facility has hired him and refer him to that person for assistance
Call the police
Call the National Patient’s Health Information Protection Agency of America (NPHIPAA) hotline
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