Industrial Relations in Malaysia - take the quiz

What is personal opinion about the trade unions?
Support them fully
See their importance but don't actively participate
Don't believe they are necessary
What is your opinion on strikes?
Necessary tool for achieving change
Should only be used as a last resort
Disapprove of them entirely
Do you think collective bargaining is important?
Yes, it's essential for protecting workers' rights
It has its place but isn't always effective
Not really necessary
How do you view the role of government in industrial relations?
They should take an active role in regulating workplaces
They should provide support and resources for both employers and employees
They should stay out of it altogether
What is your stance on minimum wage laws in Malaysia?
They are crucial for ensuring fair pay
They can be helpful but aren't a complete solution
They are unnecessary and can harm businesses
{"name":"Industrial Relations in Malaysia - take the quiz", "url":"","txt":"What is personal opinion about the trade unions?, What is your opinion on strikes?, Do you think collective bargaining is important?","img":""}
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