What is the unit of calorific value of marine fuel?
What is the required flash point in Kelvin of marine fuel oils by law?
The recommended water content of fuel is only ________.
Water content of above _______ will cause damage to the Engine.
______ is the indicator of Diesel Oil ignition quality.
Give the three major effects on lubricating oil by engine operation.
Lubricating oil must be converted into _____ before it can burn.
When the marine heavy fuel ignition quality index is high it will cause ________.
Fuel contamination in the lube oil will ________ the ________ of the lube oil.
What property of the marine heavy fuel that affects the Ignition quality?
What part of engine that can be damaged if water is above the recommended limit?
What property that causes the delay of ignition of a Diesel Oil (Distillate Oil).
What property of marine Heavy Fuel Oil (Residual Fuel Oil) that causes incomplete combustion?
When the ignition quality index of a marine Heavy Fuel Oil is low, it will cause __
What does TAN mean?
Name three of the effects of TAN other than corrosion in marine engines.
When the ignition quality index of a marine Diesel Oil is low, it will cause _______.
_____ use when starting and warming up is the principal cause of dilution by fuel.
Fuel oils consist of about how many percent of carbon?
Fuel oils consist of about __ percent of Hydrogen?
Fuel oil consist of small percentage of __, _, _.
The property of an element that determines the number of other atoms with which an atom of the element can combine.
An organic compound of hydrocarbon that consist entirely of single-bonded carbon and hydrogen atoms.
The general formula of Alkanes is ________ for molecules which do not contain ring structures.
What is the name of C2H6?
What is the name of C4H10?
What are double-bonded compounds of hydrocarbon?
What are triple-bonded compounds of hydrocarbon?
What is TBN in a lube oil?
What is the measure of alkaline reserve in a lube oil?
What type of additive which provide some alkalinity?
Name two type of additive.
What type of hydrocarbon compound is this formula?
What type of hydrocarbon compound is this formula?
What type of hydrocarbon compound is this formula?
What is this formula called?
What is this formula called?
What is mass per unit volume? ______
How do you find specific gravity? _______
What is measured in dynamic viscosity? ________
What is the equivalent of 1 mm2/sec?
What is equivalent of 1 mPa.s?
What does SI mean in unit? _______
What is the SI unit for kinematic viscosity?
What is the formula for dynamic viscosity?
How many degrees Celsius is 273K?
What is the formula of S.G.?
What is the formula of A.P.I. gravity?
What is the equivalent of 1 centistoke?
What is the equivalent of 1 centipoise?
How many stokes are there in 1 m2/sec.
How many poises are there in 1 Pa.s?
What is measured in kinematic viscosity? _________
What is the SI unit of dynamic viscosity? ______
What is the sulfur limit after 2020?
What does CCAI mean?
How many stokes are there in 1 mPa.s?
What can you say about OZ?
What is the standard formula for Alkenes?
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