Question prof sothara 76-95

Understanding Violence and Behavior Quiz
Test your knowledge on the psychological aspects of violence and behavior through this engaging quiz. Explore the mechanisms behind violent actions, psychiatric disorders, and animal behavior.
- 20 carefully crafted multiple choice questions
- Assess your understanding of complex psychological concepts
- Learn about aggression and its underlying factors
76) A man was shot to severe injuries for a political reason. The authority could not discover the truth for a long time. Therefore, the victim become unfaithful in institutions, such as the court system and the police. What below feeling the victim is experiencing?
A) He feels helpless
B) He feels distrust
C) He feels anticipated
D) He feels depressed
Recent researches reveal that many victims of violent crime are at high risk for psychiatric problems – which psychiatric disorder is at high prevalent risk?
A) Psychosomatic disorder
B) Obsessive compulsive disorder
C) Depressive disorder and Phobia
D) Delusional disorder
Mechanism of violence has to do with 2 elements, impulse and control – which of below conditions is most likely to outburst the violence?
A) High impulse + High control
B) High impulse + Low control
C) Low impulse + High control
D) Low impulse + Low control
According to mechanism of violence, there are four factors that contribute to increase impulse and decrease control. Those include, conflict aroused by interpersonal environment, organic or neurological impairment, chemical dis-inhibition and intra-psychic fragility. Which below states that are necessary to increase impulse?
A) Conflict aroused by interpersonal environment + chemical dis-inhibition
B) Intra-psychic fragility + chemical dis-inhibition
C) Conflict aroused by interpersonal environment + neurological impairment
D) Neurological impairment + intra-psychic fragility
According to mechanism of violence, there are four factors that contribute to increase impulse and decrease control. Those include, conflict aroused by interpersonal environment, organic or neurological impairment, chemical dis-inhibition and intra-psychic fragility. Which below states that are necessary to decrease control?
A) Conflict aroused by interpersonal environment + chemical dis-inhibition
B) Intra-psychic fragility + chemical dis-inhibition
C) Conflict aroused by interpersonal environment + neurological impairment
D) Neurological impairment + intra-psychic fragility
According to mechanism of violence, there are four factors that contribute to increase impulse and decrease control. Those include, conflict aroused by interpersonal environment, organic or neurological impairment, chemical dis-inhibition and intra-psychic fragility. Which below states are external necessary to violence outburst?
A) Conflict aroused by interpersonal environment + chemical dis-inhibition
B) Intra-psychic fragility + chemical dis-inhibition
C) Conflict aroused by interpersonal environment + neurological impairment
D) Neurological impairment + intra-psychic fragility
According to mechanism of violence, there are four factors that contribute to increase impulse and decrease control. Those include, conflict aroused by interpersonal environment, organic or neurological impairment, chemical dis-inhibition and intra-psychic fragility. Which below states are internal sufficient to violence outburst?
A) Conflict aroused by interpersonal environment + chemical dis-inhibition
B) Intra-psychic fragility + chemical dis-inhibition
C) Conflict aroused by interpersonal environment + neurological impairment
D) Neurological impairment + intra-psychic fragility
Which of below behaviors is the intent to harm or otherwise injure another person?
A) Soothing behavior
B) Aggressive behavior
C) Dominant behavior
D) Inflicted behavior
Which of below indicates physical aggression?
A) Coercion
B) Intimidation
C) Scolding
D) Punching
Which of below psychiatric disorders is the least likely to association with aggression?
A) Schizophrenia
B) Depression
C) Dementia
D) Substance abuse
In which below conditions that the violent thought become violent act?
A) High aggressive impulses + increased control
B) High aggressive impulses + diminished control
C) Low aggressive impulses + increased control
D) Low aggressive impulses + diminished control
The study of human behavior based on the transmission and modification of genetically influenced behavior trait – Which of the terms fits to the above definition?
A) Developmental psychology
B) Evolutionary psychology
C) Ethological psychology
D) Social psychology
A study of animal behavior that lies in the natural science of biology, in particular, in zoology – Which of the terms fits to the above definition?
A) Developmental studies
B) Evolutionary studies
C) Ethological studies
D) Social studies
Behaviors that promote survival of the species and that ensure the maintenance of resources – Which of the terms fits to the above definition?
A) Competition
B) Evolution
C) Reproduction
D) Altruism
Behaviors that reduces the personal reproductive success of the initiator while increasing that of recipients. Its characteristic is unselfish, concern for other’s happiness and welfare – Which of the terms fits to the description?
A) Competition
B) Evolution
C) Reproduction
D) Altruism
Konrad Lorenz found that during a certain short period of development, a young animal is highly sensitive to a certain stimuli that provoke a specific behavior – He defines this phenomenon as:
A) Stimulating behavior
B) Coping behavior
C) Imprinting behavior
D) Developing behavior
Nicolas Tinbergen found that in certain conflict situation, especially when the needs for fight or flight are of equal strength, animal as well as human may display behavior that are irrelevant to the situation. Nicolas names this as:
A) Irrelevant activities
B) Displacement activities
C) Escaping activities
D) Withdrawing activities
Which ethologist studies on the senses of color in fishes that was concluded congruent with that of human?
A) Konrad Lorenz
B) Nicolas Tinbergen
C) Karlvon Frish
D) Ivan Pavlov
As a result of experiment, primate monkey show self-orality, self-clasping and fearful when faced with peers – [unable to copulate]. Which of below experiments?
A) Separation experiment
B) Isolation experiment
) As a result of experiment, primate monkey show, protest to changing and depressed afterward?
A) Separation experiment
B) Isolation experiment
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