ARCHER character test

Preference: Office wear
Something with a tight fit, yet comfortable. I want to radiate confidence, professionalism and.. allure.
My wear is at all times nothing less than flawless. My superiority shall always remain unmistakable.
I always strive to look elegantly recherché. Which isn't hard considering my already, impeccably dashing bone-structure.
I hope to catch a break soon with my newest collection of coats made from unbreakable horse-skin fibers.. They keep.. self-ignite.
Although being constantly ridiculed for my choice of clothing, I don't see what can possibly be so wrong with a decent, earth-tone colored sweater-west?
What else is there than high-end suits and exclusive accessories that goes perfectly with a pair of my Italian shoes?
Honestly.. I like to look professional for work but if I could I'd go around wearing nothin' but mah birthday suit!
I wear whatever. Who cares anyways, as long as I can do my stupid job and screw with my idiot co-workers..
Preference: Partner
Hot. My only requirement is basically that the person is female and extremely attractive. And obviously legal.
I'd look for a partner that is down to earth, reasonably attractive and tolerant to clingy-ness..
I'd only go for someone with strong hands and muscular arms.
Someone I can drink moonshine with and that appreciates me for who I am.
Someone I can trust and that will listen to me and that will let me have my space.
I wasn't born yesterday, if there's not a mountain of money involved, there's no me involved.
Someone with a sense of fashion and who knows how to have a good time.
No one or anyone as long as they're up for some weird sex-stuff.
Pet of choice
Something that can entertain me and do as I say.
Easy, I've always wanted a pet tiger, even though I don't really consider it a pet.
There was only one pet for me, who now is my long lost life-partner.
I've been thinking about getting maybe a cat or a dog, but I guess my life is just too busy.
I can't say I have a certain preference of animal, I find them all very.. disposable.
Cat's are cute but there's no way that I am sacrificing my furniture for one of those little bastards.
I'm allergic to fur and reptiles kind of scares me.
Hell, I'm raised on a farm. I don't mind any kind of animal, but as a house pet? Hm.. I do love dogs.
Preference: Drink
The most expensive liquor money can buy.
Haha, anything that will make shitty drunk.
Anything in a fancy ass glass with an umbrella.
A glass of fine champagne.
A shady blend I named after myself.
The fanciest!
The next-cheapest on the menu.
I like me a big ol' glass of green russian.
Describe yourself in one word
Family situation
Caring loving parents with high educational expectations.
My only living relatives are "creations" from my genetic structure.
I live day by day trying to prove my one parent wrong for being disappointed in me.
I share my inherited wealth from my dead parents with my infuriating sibling.
I have nothing to say on the matter.
A close relationship with my very demanding mother.
Escaped a very prejudice family to live my life freely.
I have a good relationship with my one parent and one abusive sibling.
Greatest weakness
Short fuse
Horrible luck
Lower taxes and run out immigrants.
I will one day rule the world.
Things seem fine as it is.. It would be great with less poverty though. And less wars.
All hail the master race!
Taxes should be higher and more money focused on the job-market, education and healthcare.
I don't keep up much with the currant political situations, but my maid doesn't seem to happy about it.
Human right issues should be of highest priority right now.
I have looked it over carefully and I feel I have valuable suggestions on a lot of economical issues.
It doesn't matter, everything is probably a big conspiracy anyway.
Vehicle of choice
A van with faded windows.
A luxurious bond-looking sports car.
Something practical and cheap in gas-money.
A winner racecar.
Limousine or private jet.
Any vehicle that draws the most attention.
A motorcycle.
Something discrete and durable.
Attending high-end events or taking luxurious trips.
Cheap company and expensive liquor.
Cooking, reading, spending a lot of time at home.
Getting high.
Living wild and dangerously.
Being absorbed with private projects.
Partying, seeking thrills.
The usual.. Working out, watching tv, dating and the occasional party.
{"name":"ARCHER character test", "url":"","txt":"Preference: Office wear, Preference: Partner, Pet of choice","img":""}
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