Automata Theory Part A

A vibrant and informative illustration of automata theory concepts like finite automata, regular expressions, and state machines, with colorful diagrams and symbols representing different types of languages.

Automata Theory Quiz

Test your knowledge of Automata Theory with this engaging quiz! Dive into concepts like regular expressions, languages, and proofs in a comprehensive manner. Perfect for students and enthusiasts alike.


  • Multiple-choice questions
  • Covers various concepts in automata theory
  • Designed for learners and educators
50 Questions12 MinutesCreated by TeachingTree21
Which of the following is true?
(01)*0 = 0(10)*
(0+1)*0(0+1)*1(0+1) = (0+1)*01(0+1)*
All of the mentioned
(0+1)*01(0+1)*+1*0* = (0+1)*
Which of the following is not a regular expression?
Regular expression for all strings starts with ab and ends with bba is.?
All of the mentioned
(a+b)* is equivalent to
None of the mentioned
How many strings of length less than 4 contain the language described by the regular expression (x+y)*y(a+ab)*?
How many strings of length less than 4 contains the language described by the regular expression (x+y)*y(a+ab)*?
Consider the language L = {𝑎 nb𝑚 : n≥4, m≤3} Which of the following regular expressions represents language L?
Regular expression for all binary string with at least 3 characters and 3rd character should be zero…..
(0+1) (0+1)0(0+1)
(0+1) (0+1)0(0+1)*
(0+1) (0+1)0*
(0+1)* (0+1)(0+1)0
The regular expression corresponding to the language L where L = { x ϵ {0, 1}*|x ends with 1 and does not contain substring 00 } is:
(1 + 01) * (1 + 01)
(1 + 01) * (10 + 01)
(1 + 01) * 01
(10 + 01) * 01
Which one of the following languages over the alphabet {0,1} is described by the regular expression: (0+1)*0(0+1)*0(0+1)*?
The set of all strings containing the substring 00
The set of all strings containing at least two 0’s
(10 + 01) * 01
The set of all strings containing at most two 0’s.
Which of the arguments is not valid in proving sum of two odd number is not odd?
3 + 3 = 6, hence true for all
All of the mentioned
T2n + 1 + 2m + 1 = 2(n+m+1) hence true for all
None of the mentioned
Let the statement be “If n is not an odd integer then square of n is not odd.”, then if P(n) is “n is an not an odd integer” and Q(n) is “(square of n) is not odd.” For direct proof we should prove …...
∀nP ((n) → Q(n))
ˆ� nP ((n) → Q(n))
∀n~(P ((n)) → Q(n))
ˆ�nP ((n) → ~(Q(n)))
¬ (p ↔ q) is logically equivalent to …...
Regular expression for all strings starts with ab and ends with bba is …...
All of the mentioned
(a+b)* is equivalent to …...
None of the mentioned
Let P: This is a great website, Q: You should not come back here. Then ‘This is a great website and you should come back here.’ is best represented by?
~P V ~Q
Which of the following is not a regular expression?
Which strings are valid for Regular Expression aa(bb)*
Aabb, aabbbb, aabbbb,…
aabb, aabbbb, aabbb,…
bb, bbbb, bbbbbb,…
Abb, abbbb, abbbbbb,…
Regular Expression For All Strings Starts With ab and ends with b defined over {a,b}
Ab(a+b)* b
Ab* b
None of these
Which strings are valid for Regular Expression aa(bb)*:
Bb, bbbb, bbbbbb,…
Abb, abbbb, abbbbbb,…
aabb, aabbbb, aabbbb ,…
Aabb, aabbbb, aabbb,…
Regular Expression for All Strings Starts With a defined over {a, b}:
Which of the following is NOT the set of regular expression R = (ab + abb)* bbab:
Regular Expression for All Strings having always consecutive a’s defined over {a, b}:
None of these
Which of the following is not a regular expression:
Consider the language L = {anbm : n ≥ 4,m ≤ 3} which of the following regular expression represents language L ….:
Aaaa* (+ʎb+bb +bbb)
Aaaaa* (+ʎb+bb+bbb)
Aaaaa* (b+ bb +bbb)
aaaa* (b+bb +bbb)
Regular expression for the language L ={ w {0,1}*| w has no pair of consecutive zeros } is ….:
(1+010)* (0+ʎ)
(1 + 010)*
(01 +10)*
Which one of the following regular expressions represents the set of all binary strings with an odd number of 1's ….:
Which one of the following regular expressions represents the language : the set of all binary strings having two consecutive 0s and two consecutive 1s ….:
(0+1)*(00(0+1)*11+11(0+1)* 00)(0+1)*
Which one of the following language over the alphabet {0,1} is described by the regular expression (0+1)*0(0+1)*0(0+1)* ….:
The set of all strings containing the substring 00.
The set of all strings containing at least two 0’s.
The set of all strings containing at most two 0’s.
The set of all strings that begin and end with either 0 or 1.
Regular Expression For All Strings Starts With ab and ends with b defined over {a,b}
Ab* b
Ab(a+b)* b
None of these
The Kleene Star operation accepts the following strings over set A = {0,1} | where string s contains even number of 0 and 1
(a+b)* is equivalent to
None of these
Regular expression (x/y)(x/y) denotes which of the following set?
For X = {a,b) the regular expression r = (aa)*(bb)*b denotes
Set of strings with 2 a's and 2 b's
Set of strings with even number of a's followed by odd number of b'
Set of strings with 2 a's followed by b's which is a multiple of 3
Set of strings with 2 a's 2 b's followed by b
How many strings of length less than 4 contains the language described by the regular expression (x+ y) * y (a+ ab)*?
A language is regular if and only if
Accepted by DFA
Accepted by LBA
Accepted by PDA
Accepted by Turing machine
Which of the following is true?
(01) *0 = 0 (10)*
(0+1)*01(0+1)*+1*0* = (0+1)*
(0+1)*0(0+1)*1(0+1) =(0+1)*01(0+1)*
All of the mentioned
Regular expressions are closed under
Kleen star
All of the mentioned
A? Is equivalent to
A + Φ
Wrong expression
The regular expression denotes a language comprising all possible strings of even length over the alphabet (0, 1).
(00+01+10+11)* OR ((0+1)(0+1))*
1 + 0(1+0) *
(0+1) (1+0)*
The RE gives none or many instances of an x or y is?
(x+ y) *
(x+ y)
(x* + y)
(x y) *
The RE in which any number of 0′s is followed by any number of 1′s followed by any number of 2′s is?
(0+1+2) *
0* + 1 + 2
(0+1) * 2*
The regular expression have all strings of 0′s and 1′s with no two consecutive 0′s is?
(0+∈) (1+10)*
(0+1) *
(0+1)* 011
The regular expression with all strings of 0′s and 1′s with at least two consecutive 0′s is?
1 + (10) *
Which of the arguments is not valid in proving sum of two odd number is not odd.
3 + 3 = 6, hence true for all
All of the mentioned
None of the mentioned
2n +1 + 2m +1 = 2(n+m+1) hence true for all
Let the statement be “If n is not an odd integer then square of n is not odd.”, then if P(n) is “n is an not an odd integer” and Q(n) is “(square of n) is not odd.” For direct proof we should prove _________
ˆ�n P ((n) → Q(n))
ˆ�n ~ (P ((n)) → Q(n))
ˆ� n P ((n) → Q(n))
ˆ�n P ((n) → ~(Q(n)))
When to proof P→Q true, we proof P false, that type of proof is known as
Direct proof
Vacuous proof
Contrapositive proofs
Mathematical Induction
In proving √5 as irrational, we begin with assumption √5 is rational in which type of proof?
Direct proof
Vacuous proof
Proof by Contradiction
Mathematical Induction
Which of the following can only be used in disproving the statements?
Direct proof
Counter Example
Proof by Contradiction
Mathematical Induction
The regular expression denotes a language comprising all possible strings of even length over the alphabet (0, 1).
1 + 0(1+0)*
(0+1) (1+0)*
(00+01+10+11)* OR ((0+1)(0+1))*
{"name":"Automata Theory Part A", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of Automata Theory with this engaging quiz! Dive into concepts like regular expressions, languages, and proofs in a comprehensive manner. Perfect for students and enthusiasts alike.Features:Multiple-choice questionsCovers various concepts in automata theoryDesigned for learners and educators","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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