Wings for Life x TLÜ Spordiklubi

A vibrant and energetic image depicting a diverse group of people running in a charity event, with a scenic background that symbolizes hope and determination. Include elements related to spinal injury awareness, such as ribbons or logos representing Wings for Life.

Wings for Life Quiz

Test your knowledge about the Wings for Life event! This quiz will challenge your understanding of this incredible initiative dedicated to finding a cure for spinal injuries.

  • Answer questions about the event's history and objectives.
  • Learn interesting facts while contributing to a noble cause.
  • Compete for fun and see how you stack up against other participants!
12 Questions3 MinutesCreated by RunningHorizon524
Mitmes riigis toimub WFL jooks?
Mis on WFL jooksu moto?
Running for those, who can't.
Walking for those, who can't.
Ürituse eesmärk on leida ravi seljaaju vigastuste ja parapleegia vastu.
Paku, mitu kilomeetrit jooksis eelmise aasta maailma võitja?
Kes nendest kuulsustest on samuti osalenud WFL jooksul?
Max Verstappen
Kelly Sildaru
Mitmendat korda toimub Wings for Life jooks? (Kirjuta arv)
Keskmiselt mitu rasket seljaaju vigastust on aastas?
Mitu eurot on juba kogutud 10 aasta jooksul selle ürituse raames?
42 500 000
38 300 000
10 000 000
Tulemuseks on kui..
..kaugele sa jooksed.
...kiiresti sa jooksed.
Kus toimub Tallinnas ühisjooks?
Reidi teel
Kadrioru staadionil
Kalevi staadionil
Järve metsas
Millal toimub Wings for Life?
{"name":"Wings for Life x TLÜ Spordiklubi", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge about the Wings for Life event! This quiz will challenge your understanding of this incredible initiative dedicated to finding a cure for spinal injuries.Answer questions about the event's history and objectives.Learn interesting facts while contributing to a noble cause.Compete for fun and see how you stack up against other participants!","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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