Quiz for War Bonds

What are the names of the three boys in the Smith family?
Bob, Jim, and Teddy
Bill, Jack, and Teddy
Bob, Jack, and Tommy
Bob, Jack, and Teddy
What job does Bob have at the very beginning of the movie?
He works at an ammunition factory
He works as an airplane mechanic
He works at an airplane factory
He works at a cupcake bakery
What important event does the Smith family hear about as they are sitting around their radio on December 7, 1941?
The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
The Japanese bombed San Francisco, California
The Nazis invaded Poland
The Nazis bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
After hearing the radio announcement about the Pearl Harbor attack, what does Bob decide to do?
Keep working at the airplane factory
Become an Air Force pilot
Become an Air Force navigator
Get a paper route
What is Bob and Teddy's special song?
America the Beautiful
God Bless America
The Star Spangled Banner
Any Bonds Today
What is a war bond?
A kind of glue that bonds so well it can even stay stuck during a war
A bond sold by the government to raise money to pay for war expenses
A bond sold by the government to raise money for new schools and roads
It is like a war bomb but is just spelled differently
Jack gets a paper route to earn money for a war bond. What is a paper route?
A job at the paper factory
A job making paper into books
A job delivering newspapers to people's houses
A job printing newspapers
Why are the kids collecting foil, scrap paper, and scrap metal?
To build a club house
So they can be recycled and made into tanks, guns, and other war supplies
So they can be recycled and made into new bikes, scooters, and comic books
Just for fun
What special events to Jack and Teddy have to raise money to buy war bonds?
Jack has a talent show and Teddy has a patriotic party
Jack has a patriotic party and Teddy has a band concert
Jack has a patriotic show and Teddy has a talent show
Jack has a patriotic party and Teddy has a talent show
Mrs. Smith gets an important telegram. What does it say?
Bob is in the hospital
Bob is missing in action over Europe
Bob is missing in action over the Pacific
Bob has won first prize in a singing contest
Jack has been so busy with his war work that he hasn't gotten around to doing one very important thing. What is it?
Helping his dad mow the lawn
Writing letters to Bob
Making friends with Sam Snotgrand
Helping Teddy make popcorn
Why has Bob's family not heard that he was found after he went missing?
They didn't bother to answer the door when the telegram delivery boy came
They weren't paying attention when it was announced on the radio
The telegram saying he was found was delivered to the wrong Smith family
The military didn't know he had been found
Bob has been lying in a hospital bed unconscious for 2 weeks. How does he regain consciousness?
A nurse named Alice sings him America the Beautiful
The nurses wake him up because they are talking too loud
A nurse named Doris sings him God Bless America
Being unconscious is boring so he decides to wake up
What is good about Mrs. Anderson moving in with the Smith family?
Mrs. Anderson can buy war bonds instead of spending money to move to Kansas
Mrs. Anderson encourages Bob to find a new dream
With Mrs. Anderson helping at home mom can work at the airplane factory
All of these answers are correct
When Bob can no longer be an Air Force pilot because of his injuries, what is his new way of helping his country
He becomes an x-ray technician at a military hospital
He invents an x-ray machine
He grooms Mrs. Anderson's dog
He becomes an Army soldier
{"name":"Quiz for War Bonds", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What are the names of the three boys in the Smith family?, What job does Bob have at the very beginning of the movie?, What important event does the Smith family hear about as they are sitting around their radio on December 7, 1941?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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