
The probability that two genes will be separated by crossing over is related to
(A) the distance between the gene and the centromere
(B) the trait that they control
(C) the distance between them on the chromosomes
(D) both A and B
Which of the following statements about biothermal regulation is true?
An SMR is best measured just after an ectotherm has eaten
A BMR can be determined only at a specific temperature
Ectotherms and endotherms use the same basic energy "strategy"
Endotherms are warmed by metabolic heat
Why are the structucal differences between amino acid derivatives, polypeptides, and steroid hormones significant?
Only polypeptides and steroids bind to receptors in the cell membrance
Polypeptide hormones are structurally complex, and thus more difficult to synthesize
Steroids are lipid soluble and cross cell membranes readily
Amino acid derivatives and polypeptide hormones are lipid soluble and cross cell membranes readily
What is a signal transduction
Production of a second chemical messenger inside a cell, in responce to hormone binding at the cell surface
The binding of a steroid hormone-receptor complex to DNA
Release of a hormone from the posterior pituitary, in responce to action potentials from the hypothalamus
Release of a hormone from the anterior pituitary, in responce to a hypothalamic hormone
Which of the following describes the set point in a homeostatic system?
The cells that receive information about the state of the system and direct changes
The elements that produce appropriate changes in the system
The target or "normal" value of the variable in question
The cells that collect and transmit information about the state of the system
Which of the following represents a description of an ectotherm?
A person shivering in the cold
A small animal increasing its rate of oxidation of fat in brown adipose tissue to produce heat
A hormonally induced increase in basal metabolism for the purpose of generating heat
A turtle basking in the sun on a log
The direct transfer of hear between two physical bodies that are in contact with each other would be
Select the pair in which the nitrogenous waste is incorrectly matched with the benefit of its excretion
Urea-very insoluble in water
Ammonia-very soluble in water
Urea-low toxicity relative to ammonia
Uric acid-minimal loss of water when excreted
Which of the following is not an accurate statement about hormones
Hormones of the same chemical class usually have the same function
Hormones often regulate homeostasis through antagonistic functions
Hormones are secreted by specialized cells usually located in endocrine glands
Hormones are chemical messengers that travel to target cells through the circulatory system.
Which of the following physiological responses is an example of positive feedback
An increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood stimulates the pancreas to secrete insulin, a hormone that lowers blood glucose concetration
The pituitary gland secretes a hormone called TSH, which stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete another hormone called thyroxine; a high concentration of thyroxine suppresses the pituitary's secretion of TSH
Stimulation of a nerver cell causes sodium ions to leak into the cell, and the sodium influx triggers the inward leaking of even more sodium
A high concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood causes deeper, more rapid breathing, which expels carbon dioxide.
The main organs that produce hormones are
Endocrine glands
Epithelial tissues are characterized as such because they
Cause body movements
Cover both external and internal body surfaces
Form a framework that supports the body
Transmit impulses
There is good evidence for linkage when
Genes do not segregate independently during meiosis
A gene is associated with a specific phenotype
Two characteristics are caused by a single gene
Two genes occur together in the same gamete
The Law of Independent Assortment assumes that
Zygotes combine randomly
The progeny will be heterozygous
Gametes join randomly
Genes separate independently during gamete formation
Tissues are composed of cells, and tissues functioning together make up
Organ systems
Which of these cells is a functional component of the nervous system?
If a chromosome lacks certain genes, what has most likely occurred?
A translocation
A nonduplication
A deletion
With its abundance of collagenous fibers, cartilage is an example of
Connective tissue
Adipose tissue
Nervous tissue
Reproductive tissue
Hydrangea plants of the same genotype are planted in a large flower garden. Some of the plants produce blue flowers and others pink flowers. This can be best explained by
The fact that a mutation has occurred
The alleles being codominant
The allele for blue violet being completely dominant
Environmental factors such as soil pH
Five genes are located on one chromosome in the order A B C D E, Assume there is identical map distance between neighboring genes. Crossover is least likely to occur between
B and D
A and E
A and B
B and E
A tetraploid individual has ---- sets of chromosomes
All skeletal muscle fibers are both
Smooth and under voluntary control
Stirated and under voluntary control
Stirated and electrically coupled to neighboring fibers
Smooth and under involuntary control
Which of the following structures or substances is incorrectly paired with a tissue
Semi solid matrix-cartilage
Fibroblasts-skeletal muscle
{"name":"Science", "url":"","txt":"The probability that two genes will be separated by crossing over is related to, Which of the following statements about biothermal regulation is true?, Why are the structucal differences between amino acid derivatives, polypeptides, and steroid hormones significant?","img":""}
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