
When departing from an airport not served by a control tower, the issuance of a clearance void time indicates that:
ATC will assume the pilot has not departed if no transmission is received before the void time.
The pilot must advise ATC as soon as possible, but no later than 30 minutes of their intentions if not off by the void time.
ATC will protect the airspace only to the void time.
Assume that you have received a clearance at a nontowered airport and a release with a void time. For some reason, you are not able to depart and not able to contact ATC. What happens after the void time passes?
ATC will resume traffic to the area.
ATC will assume that you have decided not to depart and will remove your flight plan from the system.
ATC is required to obtain pilot concurrence to resume traffic after 30 minutes past the release time.
ATC Clearances delivered by RCO or relayed through FSS to a pilot at a non-towered airport may contain additional departure instructions. Which instructions may ATC issue to a pilot departing a non-towered airport in a Class E surface area?
Textually described obstacle departure procedures (ODP).
Altitude to begin initial turn.
Specify an initial heading/azimuth to be flown after takeoff.
Obtain pilot concurrence before issuing an initial heading/azimuth to be flown after takeoff.
Both A and D
Obstacle Departure Procedures are predicated on achieving certain standard altitudes and climb rates. Select the correct responses to fill in the blanks. Unless specified otherwise, required obstacle clearance for all departures, including diverse, is based on the pilot crossing the departure end of the runway at least ______ above the departure end of runway elevation, climbing to ____ above the departure end of runway elevation before making the initial turn, and maintaining a minimum climb gradient of _____, unless required to level off by a crossing restriction, until the minimum IFR altitude.
35 feet, 400 feet, 200 FPNM
400 feet, 200 feet, 200 FPNM
100 feet, 400 feet, 400 FPNM
35 feet, 200 feet, 400 FPNM
Pilots often need to communicate with ATC while in the air or on the ground at locations not served by a control tower. IFR charts provide information on locations and methods of communication. What is the function of the facility indicated by the circle with the dot in the middle on this chart?
Long range Communications Outlet for Salt Lake ARTCC Baker sector
Remote Communications Outlet for McMinnville FSS
McMinnville site for the Baker City AWOS
Satellite Remote controlled by Salt Lake ARTCC with digital service.
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