Are you a Hurricane Survivor?

When does Hurricane Season begin?
June 1, duh.
Umm, definitely in the summertime
Whenever Dale Nelson tells me.
It's Texas so probably all year.
The only season I know is football season
Do you have a family hurricane plan?
Absolutely. I have a zombie apocolypse plan too.
Yep, I have it filed away ready to go!
No, but I'll probably get on that.
Nah, I'll just play it by ear.
Corpus Christi gets hurricanes???
Which would you most need to survive the storm?
Food, water, flashlight--the essentials.
Phone, Facebook, Instagram--THE essentials
I'm a minimalist, so just electricity
Just give me a car, I'm leaving!
The real queation is, what does the storm need to survive ME?
What is the greatest threat hurricanes can bring?
High winds
Extensive flooding
Snowstorms, maybe?
Ruining my vacation plans
What is the difference between a hurricane watch and a warning?
A WATCH means a hurricance is POSSIBLE in the area, a WARNING means a hurricane is EXPECTED
A WATCH and WARNING are the SAME, right?
I'm always on WATCH, consider that your WARNING
I just WATCH the TV until the news gives me a WARNING
A WATCH is something I WEAR, a WARNING is something DPS gives me on the highway
{"name":"Are you a Hurricane Survivor?", "url":"","txt":"When does Hurricane Season begin?, Do you have a family hurricane plan?, Which would you most need to survive the storm?","img":""}
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