COMM Paper 2 Revision

The basic format for an essay is:
Black/blue written text on white paper.
Introduction, body, conclusion
One should include the following in the intro of the answer essay:
Criticisms of the piece, the author's name
Title, writer's purpose a, the main point, summary of what will be discussed
Only the main point of the extract
The minimum number of points (per question segment) one should include in the body of the essay are:
The conclusion should contain:
New information which was too insignificant to include in the body.
One's biased opinions on the passage.
A brief recap of what was discussed
The difference between a writer's main point and his/her purpose is:
The main point is explicitly stated while the purpose is implicit.
The main point is what's written about, the purpose is the effect the writer wants to have on the audience.
The main point is always stated in the title while the purpose isn't.
It's recommended never to_____ when stating a writer's main point. [Hint: this is always used when stating the purpose.]
...refer to the characters in the piece...
... Start the answer with two or infer he/she is 'doing something'....
...refer to the audience...
The writer's main point is usually...
The point he/she mentions in the intro
The point he/she mentions in the conclusion
The point he/she belabours (throughout the speech)
The purpose of an expository is usually stated as:
"to inform... In order to incite change.."
Simply "to inform..."
"to entertain"
"to persuade..."
The purpose of persuasive text is usually stated as:
"to express emotions concerning..."
"to convince..."
"to learn..."
The same passage can have a different purpose based on the target audience.
Organisational Strategies Include:
Historical Data
Short Paragraphs
Presentation of An Overview
Chronological Outline of Events
Choice of Narrator
Some of the above
All of The Above
None of the above
The difference between allusion and illusion. (Don't mix these words in exam)
Illusion is a subtle reference to another composition while an allusion tricks the senses.
Allusion is a subtle reference to another composition while illusion is something that tricks the senses.
Allusion is an ambiguous statement while an illusion is a mirage.
Writers use short paragraphs as organisational features because...
...they cause the info to seem easily comprehensible
... It allows them to get to the interesting information
...It makes writing quicker so they can complete many projects in a day
An overview...
Must occur in the intro not the conclusion.
Displays the general idea clearly so that the entire passage is easy to interpret.
Must occur in the conclusion not the into.
The definition of foreshadowing:
Writing about a devastating event which upsets the main character.
The careful placement of advanced hints of what is to come.
Writing literature that only occurs in the morning period.
When writing an essay it is not necessary to _____ unless explicitly stated
... Define the language techniques used... read the passage in its entirety...
....attempt to fully understand the passage...
....provide proof from the passage for your explanations....
Literary devices include all of the following except:
Which of the following is true?
Basilects are widely accepted.
Organisational Strategies and Language techniques are synonyms.
Literary devices are a subset of language techniques.
A benefit of the use of personal pronouns is:
The reader is more engaged as they are treated more like a participant in the extract
The author becomes more engaged with the passage because he was there him/herself
It makes keeping track of characters easier.
A benefit of the use of 1st person, singular as the speaker is
It always makes the information more credible.
It provides an identity/personality the reader can relate to easily.
It makes the storyline more comprehensive.
A benefit of 3rd person, omniscient as the person is
It allows for unbiased arguments/credibility and dramatic irony
It makes the argument valid.
It allows for the reader to feel like they are in charge of the plot.
Definition of Analysis:
Criticize a piece of art/writing etc
Break down something into its constituent parts so as to discuss/interpret it
Think diligently and persistently on the holistic item.
What's a writer's tone?
How the writer feels about his/her choice of media.
The writer/speaker's attitude toward the subject of the passage.
The writer's opinion about the target audience.
Tone is usually explicitly mentioned.
Examples of tone exclude:
To cry
What's the difference between tone and mood? [NB: mood is a literary element]
Tone indicates how the writer feels about the composition while mood is the emotion the reader is to feel during/afterwards
Tone indicates how the writer feels about the composition while mood is how he/she felt about writing it.
Tone is objective while mood is subjective.
A language technique is effective if...
It sounds pleasing to the ear.
It promotes the writer's purpose or developed the main point
Is aesthetic.
Types of context include:
Small group
Mass audience
All of the above
None of the above
Small groups usually comprise of
4-6 ppl sharing ideas with differing goals
4-6 ppl sharing ideas with a common purpose
5-8 ppl sharing ideas with a common purpose
5-6 ppl debating who's idea is superior
Mass audience refers to...
A collection of people with the same skill-base.
A collection of ppl with different levels of knowledge and consciousnesses of the message
A collection of people with the same level of education.
One type of organisational communication is the grapevine. The grapevine is…
The interaction of persons on a formal level via electronic mail.
The forced interaction of persons concerning topics about their jobs.
The natural occurrence of informal communication which allows info to travel quickly usually by word-of-mouth
What's the difference between context and setting?
Ontext involves the topic, relationships and purpose for communication while setting involves mostly location, time and circumstance
Context strictly involves human beings while setting only refers to inanimate objects.
In the well-known fairy-tale "The Hare and The Tortoise" the setting is not explicitly stated. How does one infer it?
We simply intuitively know it. No explanation necessary.
Inference made via dialogue and the types of characters stated I.e. They are all animals.
Solely because of the illustrations which accompanied the fairy tale.
Radio conveys _____ unlike written content.
Spoken language and paralanguage.
Dialectal variation
Facial Expression and gestures.
Televised media conveys _______ unlike radio content.
Proxemics, gestures and facial expressions
What are attitudes to language?
The subjective reaction one has to other's and vice versa based on their use of language/dialect.
The disdain one has for a given dialect based on previous experience.
How someone feels about a speaker's accent.
What is the main root of our attitudes to language in the C'bean?
Television Characters
Colonial history
Educational Prestige
The following are arguments against Creole except:
It's the language of the 'lower-class'/'uneducated'.
It's solely for comedy
It can't be written as there's no consensus on spelling
Varies throughout region.
Stigmatized as 'improper'
It is spoken by a lot of persons within the region.
The main categories of the creole continuum are [from most socially prestigious to most]
Acrolect, mesolect, basilect.
Basilect, mesolect, acrolect
Mesolect acrolect basilect
Mesolect, basilect, acrolect
What difficulty would a non-west Indian experience reading one of the typical passages in a CAPE exam?
They would have difficulty understanding the dialect.
They would not enjoy the lewd behaviour of the characters.
A writer may include Creole to..
Portray stereotypes
Be comedic
Cause C'bean readers to be more comfortable
To relate more to West-Indian readers
All of the above
What is a register?
This refers to the formality and tone of the kind of language that is deemed appropriate to a particular situation/context
The metre by which all dialects are evaluated
The arbitrary choice of language a speaker uses.
What doesn’t influence the writer's choice of register?
Target audience
Attitude to topic
None of the above
Choose the one that is NOT a type of register:
It is necessary to use_____ when making points about the piece I've read.
Non-verbal communication
Quotes/examples from the extract
Dialectal variation
A pencil
Strategies often used in argumentative/persuasive writing:
Appeal to lofic
Appeal to ethics
All of the above
Techniques often used in expositions exclude:
Cause and effect
Difference between comparison and contrast:
Comparison usually involves two opposites while contrast involves subjects with differences, not necessarily polar opposites
There's no difference
Fallacies in arguments include all except:
Ad Hominem
Appeal To Authority
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