Health Drug Assessments quiz

What is nicotine?
An addictive drug found in tobacco leaves and in all tobacco products, and speeds up
A physiological need for a drug
A hallucinogenic drug that causes memory loss and intense and unrealistic dreams
What is Addiction?
Pressure you feel to go along with harmful beliefs of others your age
Inability to stop doing a certain habit because it brings you joy and good feelings
A physical/physiological need for a drug, despite the consequences
What is a passive smoker?
A smoker who has an addiction to using cigarettes or other smoke-like products
A non-smoker who breathes in secondhand smoke
A mixture of smoke that is released into the air and everyone breathes
A smoker that gets passive aggressive feelings based on their smoking habits
What is secondhand smoke?
A mixture of smoke that is released into the air and everyone breathes
Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco
A non-smoker who breathes in secondhand smoke
Define Emphysema
A disease that occurs when the tiny air sacs in the lungs lose their elasticity or ability to stretch/hold in air
the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that start off in one or both lungs; usually in the cells that line the air passages.
An infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, is too small to be seen by light microscopy, and is able to multiply only within the living cells of a host
What is negative peer pressure?
When the pressure of being with people your age give a panic attack
The pressure to do things that scare you
Pressure you feel to go along with harmful beliefs of others your age
Which of the following is a form of tobacco?
Secondhand smoke
Which of the following is a form of tobacco?
Which of the following is a form of tobacco?
Smokeless tobacco
All of the above
Which chemical is found in tobacco?
Which chemical is found in tobacco?
Carbon monoxide
Which of the following are short term effects from tobacco?
Which of the following are long term effects from tobacco?
Blood vessels are weakened and narrowed,
Lung cancer
Bladder cancer
Mouth/throat cancer
Stomach pains
Stomach ulcers
Night sweat
Broken kneecap
Hearing loss
Blood clots in heart
What is Marijuana?
Dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant, called cannabis sativa.
Crystals grown illegally that are inhaled, smoked, or snorted
A powdery dust that is injected into the body only obtainable by prescription
What are the short term effects of marijuana?
Reduces reaction time and coordination
Impairs judgement
Anxiety and panic attacks
Difficulty thinking
Difficulty solving problems
Increases heart rate
Canine Flu
Extreme Asthma
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