Arch final

According to Mario Pei: Good architecture ______________
N Peter Zumthor’s Bruder Klaus Filed Chapel in Germany the opening in the roof allows:
The view of the waterfall to come in
Light to come in
Light, rain and air to come in
Peter zumthor's Bruder klaus filed chapel in Germany was constructed by
The architect and his civil engineer
Local farmers who wanted to honor their patron saint
The local community who knew the architect
In his therme vans baths in switzerland, peter zumthor's intention was to
Create a form of cave or quarry like structure
Create a bath like the roman baths allowing the locals to socialize
Create an environment for fun and enjoyment
Romanticism was an artistic, literary, musical and intellectual movement characterized by its emphasis on:
Love and the erotic relationships between people
Emotion and individualism as well as the glorification of the past and nature
Literature, poetry, painting, music and performances
Romanticism was an artistic, literary, musical and intellectual movement that came into life as a reaction to the:
Renaissance period
Non-romantic approaches to human life
Industrial revolution
Zumthor's therme vals is built of
Locally quarried slabs
Slabs of different colors from all over Switzerland
A wooden framework with a concrete poured on top of it
Herzog & de Meuron in their domino winery in california used gab ions in order to:
Isolate the interior of the building from the winery around it
Create strong structural walls that can bear the loads of the rood
Insulate the rooms against heat by day and cold at night
According to frank Lloyd Wright, organic architecture does not
Belong to nature
Let nature in
Imitate nature
As explained in the documentary on Frank Lloyd Wright's falling water, the living room's long strip of ribbon windows frames a(n):
Panorama of trees and plants
View of the falling water
Image of the sky
In från Lloyd Wright's falling water how does the fireplace show that the architecture lets nature in
How was the floating school in Lagos, Nigeria constructed:
It was prefabricated and installed in place
It was built with the help of local carpenters and builders
It was built by architects employed by UNICEF
The topic of the 2016 Biennale "reporting from the Front" was supposed to show:
That the front façade of a building is its most important element
How creativity and commitment can transcend material constraints
How reports on architecture can enrich the architectural practice and education
Alvaro Siza is always interested in reacting to the buildings around him with this architecture. He doesn't like to work in isolation
He has never expressed his opinion on the topic
According to Vitruvius the study of philosophy makes an architect:
High-minded and not self-assuming
Capable of winning all the arguments
Very theoretical and not quite practical
According to Vitruvius a knowledge of medicine is necessary for an architect so that he/she knows:
The healthiness and unhealthiness of sites
What medication to suggest for his clients
Vitruvius does not make that claim
According to the documentary what is the best way to understand the Bauhaus building?
Move around it
Study the plans
Read Gropius interviews and understand his intentions
According to the Bauhaus documentary transparency in the building is:
Very carefully controlled
Omnipresent; everybody could see everybody
Nowhere to be found
How did the staircases work in the building of the Bauhaus? like:
Meeting places promoting movement between the disciplines
Just functional elements taking people to different levels
There were no staircases I the building, just escalators since everything was mechanized and modern
The faculty of Architecture in Porto has strip of windows that capture the view of the river in:
The administrative buildings
The library and amphitheater
The student's studios
The open places between the studio towers in the faculty of Architecture work like:
Parking lots for students and faculty
Areas of socializing for the students
Gardens for relaxation
What were (their profession) both Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky who taught in Bauhaus?
Why is a necessary part of an architect's education nowadays the public presentation of his/her projects?
In Le Corbusier's Dom-ino House the main material is:
Glass bricks
Reinforced concrete
Open plan is the generic term used in architecture and interior design for:
Any floor plan which is built for weekend-retreat houses in the nature
Any floor plan which makes use of glass and reinforced concrete
Any floor plan which makes use of open spaces and minimizes the small, enclosed private rooms
Philip Johnson designed the Glass House for:
Andy Warhol
Dr. Edith Farnsworth
International Style is the name of the major architectural style that emerged
In the 1920s and 1930s
In the 1980s and 1990s
In the 21st century
The most common characteristics of international style are:
Glass structures, connection with nature, white surfaces
Rectilinear forms, surfaces with no decoration, open plan
Curvy forms, vertical windows, large spaces
Which of the following is not part of Le Corbusier's five points?
Horizontal windows
Parking for three cars
Why did the buildings have to be raised on pilots according to Le Corbusier?
To avoid flooding problems
For cars to circulate freely on the ground level
To make space for more plants and flowers
Which material does Pierre Chereau, the architect of Masion de verre, use for the first time in luxurious furniture?
How could someone move from the boudoir to the master bedroom in Masion de verre?
Through the hidden ladder that connected the two spaces
Through the main staircase that connected the second with the third floor
Both the above
What object did Pierre Chereau place for the patients that were heading towards the waiting room at the back of the house?
What was the particularity of this object and the way it was placed?
It could be adjusted according to each patient's height
It could be adjusted according to the weather conditions
It could be adjusted according to the heat in the house
Describe how you imagine your ideal house! Mention how you imagine some important moments or experiences in it.
Which of the following is not part of Le Corbusier's five points?
Horizontal windows
Parking for three cars
In Le Corbusier's house for his parents which 3 out of his 5 points did he manage to incorporate?
Roof garden, view through a window, parking for one car
Roof garden, parking for one car, guest house on the roof
Roof garden, open plan, long windows
Le Corbusier built the small house for his parents with:
Wood ad reinforced concrete
Hollow concrete block
Glass and steel
What did Le Corbusier ass on the house's facades to insulate it from the cold and the heat?
Nothing; the house has no insulation problem
Photovoltaic panels to gather solar energy
Galvanized panels
What kind of artists were Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera? (what were they creating?)
In Kahlo's painting The Broken Column the artist's worse is represented as:
A wooden pole
An ionic column
A tree trunk
What elements show Le Corbusier's influence in Juan o' Gorman's building for Rivera and Kahlo
The bright red and blue color of each volume
The pilotis and the open plans of each volume
The circular staircases and the double-height ceilings
What connects Rivera's and Kahlo's separate houses/studios and makes them into one?
An underground passage
A bridge
A garden with cacti
The external staircase in Kahlo's volume (the one that connects the roof with the last floor) brings somebody in front of a door that:
Was never meant to open
Stays constantly open
Opens only from the inside
Where is the kitchen in O'Gorman's house for Kahlo and Rivera?
There is no kitchen, the artists only asked him for studios
The kitchen was in Frida's volume so she could cook for Diego
The kitchen was a separate volume in the courtyard
In Jacques Tati's movie My Uncle there is a metal fountain in the middle of the modern house's courtyard. This fountain has the form of
A lion
A dolphin
A sea turtle
In the movie the modern house has an open plan but the kitchen is in a separate room with a door separating it from the main living/dinning area
There is no kitchen
The documentary Being in the World argues, among other things, argues that:
We should fully embrace all the technological developments of our age in order to find meaning in life
We should be fully in the world I order to find meaning in life otherwise we are lost
We should question technology and be aware of the things it offers as well as the things we lose.
The recognizable IKEA posters in the house have:
Product descriptions and prices
Stories of Syrians who deal with the problems of a civil war
Information about the artist who made the installation
What is the material that Shigeru Ban uniquely uses:
Shigeru Ban's Paper Log Houses in Kobe, Japan, the foundation consists of:
Donated bricks that touch directly the ground
Donated hollow concrete blocks filled with earth
Donated beer crates loaded with sandbags
The materials used in Chigger Ban's Paper Log houses in Kobe, Japan
Were donated by the local community
Are easily disposed or recycled
Belonged to the architect and his office
What is Shigeru Ban's VAN Facebook page about:
Voluntary Architect's network
Various architectural news
Veritable architectural narratives
Architect Alejandro Aravena in the Innovation Center UC, Anacleto Angelini, created an open atrium, a hollow core, and a big glass façade on the outside of the building.
There is no such building
According to the architect Alejandro Aravena: “With the right design sustainability is nothing more that the use of our ......”
Neri Oxman acoustic chair:
Emits sound
Absorbs sound
Creates music
One of the many unusual primary materials Oxman and her students have used for structures is:
Snakes' skin
Shrimp shells
What animals did Oxam and her students use to fill in the structure and create a canopy as shown at the end of the on-line presentation:
According to frank lloyd wrights theory on organic architecture, the site should be _____ by the building
The installation: "25 m2 of Syria" represents a model home inside an IKEA store. The home is actually a replica of an actual home in Damascus
The installation is not about a home
{"name":"Arch final", "url":"","txt":"According to Mario Pei: Good architecture ______________, n Peter Zumthor’s Bruder Klaus Filed Chapel in Germany the opening in the roof allows:, peter zumthor's Bruder klaus filed chapel in Germany was constructed by","img":""}
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