Sport and Spec Midterm

The Estruscan kingdom had its capital at
The Etruscans painted athletic scenes
Only in the city
In their dining rooms
On the walls of tombs
On the walls of temples
Two of Alexander's soldiers brought along a leather shade for running the stadion. Their names were:
Cleobis and Biton
Damon and Pythias
Perdikkas and Krateros
Endymion and Tithonos
The prestigous Nikephorian Games were held under the patronage of
King Eumenes of Pergamon
Solon of Athens
Tissaphron of Persia
Queen Zenobia of Palmyra
The High Preist of JErusalem in 175 BC, Jason, asked King Antiochos of Syria for permission __
To set up a Greek style gymnasion
To attend the Olympic Games
To translate the Torah into Greek
To produce and perform in the Greek comedies
At Olympia, girls races in the honor of
The goddess Hera
The goddess Demeter
The goddess Athena
Greek Women competed in
All of the above
The only woman we can say for certain that was allowed to watch the Olympics was
The high priestess of Demeter
The virgin daughter of the oldest competitor
The queen of Corinth
The mother of the youngest competitor
The ludi circenses or chariot races were originally associated with the Etruscan King
Numa Pompillius
Tarquin Superbus
Lars Porsena
Roman games, chariot races and theatrical performances were originally seen as
A way to compete with Etrsucans
A way to thank the gods for military success or deliverance from crises
A way to train Roman boys for competition at the Olymic games
A chance for Roman girls to meet the most outstanding boys of their age
The only victor of the races for girls at Olympia whose name has survived is
We know that mature women were excluded from the Olympic Games. Virgins, however,
Were allowed in but only as spectators accompanied by their fathers
Were allowed to attend the games but only so they could choose their husbands
Were allowed in provided they could prove their virginity
Were allowed in only if they held the position of High Preistess of Demeter
King Eumenes of Pergamon was the patron of
Nikephorian Games
The Roman Games
The Ludi Games
In 80 BC, the mens events of the 175th Olympiad were competed
In pergamon
At Corinth
At Olympia
In Rome
The Heraria competition was sponsored by
The nobles of Elis
The Sixteen Women, who wove a robe for Demeter's statue
The citizen assembly of Athens
The kings and queens of Sparta
Kallipatiera (or Pherenike) gained access to the Olympic compound by
Becoming a preistess of Demeter
Disquising herself as a male trainer
Having her son bribe the guards
Carefully obtaining permission from the women of Elis
Any woman caught trying to sneak into Olympia during the time when it was forbidden was
Sold into slavery
Fined or beat or thrown off a cliff
Put in prison for seven years
Sent home to her husband and family in disgrace under guard
Who received prizes in the ancient Olympic games?
Those who finished first, second, or third
Only those who finished in first place
Who could compete at ancient Olypmic games?
Any athlete who worshipped Greek gods
Men and boys
Unmarried girls but not mature women
Prizes for the ancient Olympics never included
Palm fronds
Olive branch wreaths
Sacred woolen hair bows
Money and medals
Kyniska won the chariot race by
Having weak competition
Inventing a new kind of chariot with larger wheels
Owning teams and not having to be presnt but still got the glory and credit of victory
Successfully disguising herself as a short, plump boy
Although two horse chariots did occur, ____ horse chariots were more common
Permanent thetaers were not built in Rome until
The late republic
The reign of Augustus
The Early Republic
The reign of Nero
The races for girls at Olympia were organized by
Sixteen women from Elis, the nearest town to Olympia
The current Priestess of Demeter and her attendants
Wealthy and aristocratic ladies of Athens
The older of the two queens of Sparta
Which of the following was NOT a prize that girls could win for racing at Olympia?
A silver cup
The right to dedicate "ikons"
Meat from a sacrificial cow
An olive wreath
The greatest spectacles in the eraly republic of Rome were chariot races held in the
Campus Martius
Circus Maximus
Port of Ostia
Valley of Tempe
The historian Livey called a triumph
An educational experience for children
A frightening and barbaric spectacle
A disgraceful example of ostentation and pride
The highest honor a Roman could acheive
In 186 BC, Marcus Fulvius-Nobilor
Won the pankration at Olympia
Commited suicide by poisoning herself
Set up a triumphal inscription at Delphi
Put on the first Greek-style athletic competitions at Rome
While invading Greece in the first century BC, Sulla raised a lot of cash by
Robbing Greek treasures from sacred places including Delphi and Olympia
Selling off the athletic compound at Olympia to the highest bidder
Charging high ticket prices for spectators at the Sacred and Crown games
Building large luxury hotels at Isthmea and Nemea
Brilliant and spectacular games were held at Kaiseria Sebaste, partially paid for by
Sulla and Marius
Queen of Lydia
Augustus Caesar and his wife Julia
The winners at Augustus' Games received
A crown of gold
Crown of ivory leaves
Crown of wheat
Bronze tripod
The largest temple at ancient Olympia help a statue by Phidias that was one of seven wonders of the world. Which Greek deity was featured as the main statue?
Chariot racing was mostly a pursuit of the upper class because
Horses and chariots were expensive
It was illegal for a poorer citizen to race chariots
Only the sin of a charioteer could race at Olympia
Only the nobility had the courage to race
The Etruscans seem to have preferred
To watch foreigners and slaves and engaging in athletic contests
To compete in contests themselves, but never with an audience
To exclude women from sporting events
Ti avoid wearing clothing, especially at athletic events
The punishment for women who entered the Olympic site, according to Pausinias, was
A fine of 460 honey-cakes which she had to bake all by herself
Being sold into slavery
Being thrown off the cliff face of Mount Typaion
Banishment to Sicily
Around 12 BC the Olympic Games were put on sound financial footing by
Julius Caesar
King Herod of Judea
The Roman emperor Augustus established important international Greek-style games at
Agrigento in sicily
The Roman general, when he had ridden in his golen chariot in a triumphal procession
Was given a purple cloak by the emperor himself
Was formally enrolled in an ancient preisthood
Dedicated his symbol of power (fasces) wreathed in ivy to the god Jupiter
Was required to leave the city immediately for a period of ten years
According to Eusebius, in 90 BC, the men's events of the 175th Olympiad were competed
In Pergamon
St Corinth
At Olympia
In Rome
The Arektia rites for artemis, which may have involved races for girls were celebrated in
By the first century CE, girls were competing in all but
Chariot racing in armor
Kithera and singing
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