What Kind of Parent Are You?

A whimsical illustration depicting different styles of parenting, with a family in various scenarios representing love, conflict, and understanding.

What Kind of Parent Are You?

Ever wondered about your parenting style? This engaging quiz offers insight into how you would handle various scenarios involving your child. It explores your reactions to unexpected situations, allowing you to reflect on your values and beliefs about parenting.

Discover where you stand with your parenting approach:

  • Multiple choice scenarios
  • Learn about family dynamics
  • Identify your parenting strengths and weaknesses
5 Questions1 MinutesCreated by EmotionalParent34
Scenario 1: Your child comes home with a boy/girl and says they are their new spouse. How do you react?
You’re upset they didn’t consult you, but you don’t let them know that. Instead, you smile and welcome the spouse to the family, regardless of their origins.
You’re initially angry they didn’t consult you, but you soon ask about their spouse’s familial background. If they’re from a good family, you’ll accept the marriage, but if from poverty, you’ll lock your child in their room and forbid them from seeing their love again.
You’re shocked you had no previous knowledge of this marriage. You ask in private about their ties and upbringings and care, but if your child really wants to be with them, you’ll be happy for them.
Doesn’t stress about it because your child will do it no matter what you say.
Discuss their wedding and prices and throw money their way
You’re more nonchalant than you are happy for them, but you don’t oppose their decision either.
As long as they are of higher class ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As long as they are happy that’s all that matters. If they're happy i’m happy. What can I do to help with the wedding?
Scenario 2: Money is running low in the family and your child asks why they didn’t have dinner. How do you respond?
Smile weakly and find the few coins you had saved for a new dress. You run to the market to buy some food, but it’s only enough for your child. You do not hesitate to purchase the items.
Bluster, yell, and then leave for the pub to spend whatever money you have left.
Explain how God is trying and tests our strengths each and everyday.
The maid must’ve forgotten to make it. Take some money and go out to buy something.
Explain that you are doing the best you can to provide for the family, spare them some money or goods, then leave to gamble more money
You want to worry about yourself first, but you find something for them to eat
You gripe and say that if you want food to go find a man that will cook it for you
You apologize for not having it done earlier and offer to make something quickly like ramen or hamburger helper.
Scenario 3: You get your kid a present for their birthday and they don’t like it. What do you do?
Take your favorite dress to the market to sell in exchange for more coins to buy another gift.
Tell them their ingratitude is ruining the family image. A child from your lineage is gracious and noble.
Tell him to keep it and be grateful for what you have received.
Let him go out with your money and buy whatever he or she wants.
Give them more money and sweets to make up for it
Nothing. At least you made an attempt
Tell them if they dont like it they can go find a man who will get them and the whole family something theyll like.
Take it back and tell them that you will get something else they’ll like and they can even get another toy since they really didnt like the first one
Scenario 4: Your child gets in a fight with another kid and injures him/her badly. What do you do?
Get ready to defend your child with your life from the family sure to come for retribution, even if you are disappointed in them.
Berate them for their slight to the family’s honor and lock them inside their room while you go to the pub for a calming drink.
Condemn them for being bad and discuss about how one should love thy neighbor.
Tell him not to do it again, but not expect anything out of that saying.
Express concern and tell your wife she needs to care for them
They’re not hurt too badly. Allow them to heal/rest on their own
Ask if they’re alright and not say much else about the situation
Asks if they are okay, checks for bruises and cuts, makes them a bowl of soup
Scenario 5: Your child comes home 3 hours past their curfew. What do you do?
Begin to yell, but bite your tongue to hold back your words. You taste blood.
Yell and forbid them from leaving the house. You take a swig of your drink to wash out the taste of shame.
You get mad and explain it is one of the 10 commandments to honor your mother and father, which includes coming home on time.
You don’t realize, because you never wait for your child to come home, you’re already in bed.
You’re probably out later than them.
You don’t mind at all because you don’t mind them being gone.
Asks if they at least found a spouse that can help support the family while they were out so late.
Asks if they were in trouble, tells them not to worry her like that again, checks one more time to make sure they’re okay
{"name":"What Kind of Parent Are You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Ever wondered about your parenting style? This engaging quiz offers insight into how you would handle various scenarios involving your child. It explores your reactions to unexpected situations, allowing you to reflect on your values and beliefs about parenting.Discover where you stand with your parenting approach:Multiple choice scenariosLearn about family dynamicsIdentify your parenting strengths and weaknesses","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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