Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in nucl-th on Tue, 13 Oct 20
[2010.04792] Matteo Vorabbi, Michael Gennari, Paolo Finelli et al.: Impact of Three-Body Forces on Elastic Nucleon-Nucleus Scattering Observables
[2010.04861] J. A. Rosero-Gil, G. Lugones: Electroweak decay of quark matter within dense astrophysical combustion flames
[2010.05070] Emile Meoto, Mantile Lekala: $ΛNN $ three-body problem within $s$-wave inverse scattering on theoretical data
[2010.05157] J. P. Cui, Y. H. Gao, Y. Z. Wang et al.: Two-proton radioactivity within a generalized liquid drop model
[2010.05257] H. L. Liu, D. D. Han, P. Ji et al.: Reaction rate weighted multilayer nuclear reaction network
[2010.05261] S. S. Wang, Y. G. Ma, X. G. Cao et al.: Azimuthal anisotropy and multiplicities of hard photons and free nucleons in intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions
[2010.05588] Márcio Ferreira, Constança Providência: Effect of the crust on neutron star empirical relations
[2010.05668] Raghu Bollapragada, Matt Menickelly, Witold Nazarewicz et al.: Optimization and Machine Learning Training Algorithms for Fitting Numerical Physics Models
[2010.05794] Alexis Nikolakopoulos, Vishvas Pandey, Joshua Spitz et al.: Modeling quasielastic interactions of monoenergetic kaon decay-at-rest neutrinos
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in nucl-th on Tue, 13 Oct 20","img":""}
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