Battery Chart Quiz

It was around 10:40 pm and she called me and asked WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? I AM SO SICK OF TIRED OF YOU!
Psych - Controls his involvement outside of the home
Psych - Keeps tabs on his every move
Ver - Insults and calls names
All of the above
When I told her I wanted to be with her, she kept yelling at me and hung up on me.
Emo - Excludes from decision making
Physical - Forces him to act as a servant
Emo - Withholds affection from him to punish him
Ver - Yells and screams
One day she could tell me that she loved me and then 2 hours later she was telling me she hated me and didn't want to see my face.O
Emo - Makes him feel like he is crazy/ plays mind games
Psycho - Smashes things when she is angry
Ver - Makes fun of him for being abused
Finan - Questions every single purchase he makes
I felt rejected and didn't even want to touch my hand or go to the store with me, it was almost like she was embarrassed to be in public with me.
Emo - makes him feel unvalued
Emo - Puts him down
Emo - Makes him feel like he could never find another woman
All of the above
I called her and asked if she was dancing with another man and she told me “I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT, I AM SINGLE, IT'S NOT YOUR PROBLEM”
Emo - Cheats on him to prove she doesn’t need him and that she is better than him
Sex - Does not allow him to have a say in family planning
Emo - Makes him feel jealous
Psycho - Denies or blames him for the abuse
{"name":"Battery Chart Quiz", "url":"","txt":"It was around 10:40 pm and she called me and asked WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? I AM SO SICK OF TIRED OF YOU!, When I told her I wanted to be with her, she kept yelling at me and hung up on me., One day she could tell me that she loved me and then 2 hours later she was telling me she hated me and didn't want to see my face.O","img":""}
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