Leadership Style Quiz: Determining Your Primary Leadership Style

1. When making decisions, I:
a) Seek input from team members and consider various perspectives.
b) Make decisions independently based on my own expertise and judgment.
c) Delegate decision-making authority to others whenever possible.
2. In a team setting, I am most likely to:
a) Foster collaboration and encourage open communication.
b) Take charge and provide clear direction to achieve goals.
c) Trust team members to take ownership of their tasks and responsibilities.
3. When faced with a challenge or conflict, my instinct is to:
a) Facilitate dialogue and find a mutually beneficial solution.
b) Take charge and assertively address the issue head-on.
c) Allow individuals involved to work it out amongst themselves.
4. When it comes to motivating and inspiring others, I tend to:
a) Connect with individuals on a personal level and support their growth.
b) Set high expectations and provide recognition for achievement.
c) Provide autonomy and trust individuals to self-motivate.
5. My communication style is best described as:
a) Collaborative and empathetic, focusing on active listening and understanding.
b) Direct and assertive, emphasizing clear instructions and expectations.
c) Open and inclusive, encouraging dialogue and diverse viewpoints.
6. In a crisis situation, I am most likely to:
a) Remain calm, assess the situation, and involve others in problem-solving.
b) Take immediate action and provide clear guidance to manage the crisis.
c) Delegate tasks and empower others to take charge of specific aspects.
7. When it comes to achieving goals and driving results, I prioritize:
a) Building strong relationships and ensuring a positive team dynamic.
b) Efficiency and productivity, with a focus on meeting objectives.
c) Empowering individuals and fostering their growth and development.
8. My approach to feedback and performance evaluations is to:
a) Provide constructive feedback and support individuals in their growth.
b) Clearly outline expectations and hold individuals accountable.
c) Encourage self-reflection and allow individuals to evaluate their own performance.
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