Types of consumers

Which statement best describes your view about your commitments to yourself?
A) I make a commitment to myself only if I’m convinced that it really makes good sense to do it.
B) If someone else is holding me accountable for my commitments, I’ll meet them—but if no one knows except me, I struggle.
C) I bind myself as little as possible.
D) I take my commitments to myself as seriously as my commitments to other people.
At times, we feel frustrated by ourselves. Are you most likely to feel frustrated because…
A) My constant need for more information exhausts me.
B) As soon as I’m expected to do something, I don’t want to do it.
C) I can take time for other people, but I can’t take time for myself.
D) I can’t take a break from my usual habits, or violate the rules, even when I want to.
Have you kept a New Year’s resolution where you weren’t accountable to anyone—a resolution like drinking more water or keeping a journal?
A) Yes. I’m good at keeping New Year’s resolutions, even the ones that no one knows about but me.
B) I’m good at keeping resolutions, but I make them whenever the time seems right. I wouldn’t wait for the New Year; January 1 is an arbitrary date.
C) I’ve had trouble with that kind of resolution, so I’m not inclined to make one. When I’m only helping myself, I often struggle.
D) No. I hate to bind myself in any way.
When you’ve formed a healthy habit in the past, what helped you stick to it?
A) I’ve found it pretty easy to stick to habits, even when no one else cares.
B) I did a lot of research and customization about why and how I might keep that habit.
C) I could stick to a good habit only when I was answerable to someone else.
D) Usually I don’t choose to bind myself in advance.
If people complain about your behavior, you’d be least surprised to hear them say…
A) You follow your good habits, ones that matter only to you, even when it’s inconvenient for someone else.
B) You ask too many questions.
C) You’re good at taking time when others ask you to do something, but you’re not good at taking time for yourself.
D) You only do what you want to do, when you want to do it.
Which description suits you best?
A) Puts others—clients, family, neighbors, coworkers—first
B) Disciplined—sometimes, even when it doesn’t make sense
C) Refuses to be bossed by others
D) Asks necessary questions
Commitments to others should never be broken, but commitments to myself can be broken.
Tend to agree
Tend to disagree
I don’t mind breaking rules or violating convention—I often enjoy it.
Tend to agree
Tend to disagree
{"name":"Types of consumers", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Which statement best describes your view about your commitments to yourself?, At times, we feel frustrated by ourselves. Are you most likely to feel frustrated because…, Have you kept a New Year’s resolution where you weren’t accountable to anyone—a resolution like drinking more water or keeping a journal?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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