Lecture Two Reading Quiz

What is a major problem with the ashram system?
The earliest authors were very doubtful
There are no creators that made texts about it
The creators are all haters
The texts themselves have lost a sense of originality over the years
The earliest description of the texts are made by the authors of the ...., who either explicitly ______ the system or had serious _____ about it.
Who are two of the earliest authors to record the system?
Gautama and baudhayana
Post vedans
Gautama and Baudhyana present their opinion for an ______position. A_____.
Apastamba appears to _____ the system but with ____ ____
The date of the creation of the ashram system seems not to be far from the ______ of ____ ____ and _____, within ____ theology
What are the four oldest documents dealing with the dharma?
What are the four asramas that both the original and classical formation posit?
The original formation states the four posits as not as _____, but four ____ and _____ nodes of ones life
The person competent to make this decision is a
A householder
A young teenager that has undergone vedic initiation
A young adult male that has undergone vedic initiation
The original formation differed from classical in many ways. Fill in the blanks. 1. The asramas are ones ____ ____ of life. 2. They are also ____ ____ and are unrelated to old ____ and _____. 3. They are ____ and equally ____ nodes of life. 4. A person is permitted ____ to ____ one of those nodes. 5. The person competent to make that choice is a ____ ____. 6. The period of ____ ____ following vedic initiation is not considered an ashram.
A young adult male that has completed vedic initiation and completed the period of study that follows is termed as a .....
What signals the completion of studies?
A ritual bath
A ritual chant
A ritual gathering
A ritual spirit walk
What does the reading refer to the temporary period of study as?
After the young adult male returns home, what is expected of him according to the dharma?
To the asrama system what does it suggest about marrying?
What presents the asrama system in clear and unambiguous terms?
The vows that a student has to observe, and more specifically to chastity is termed as ...?
After marrying a bride and entering a householder role what does the vasistha suggest?
The completion of initatiary student is required for all asramas is said by ...?
Apastamba makes that the different roles all _____ ____ to the same goal
What presents the asrama as a doctrine of the opponent?
What term refers to an option or a choice according to gautama
How does gautama define vikalpa? an ____ arises when_____ of equal authority are in _____ with each other. In other words a conflict arises when what is ____ in one text makes it impossible to be _____ with another.
What is a classical example of the above re sacrificial cakes?
What is of these is not of the three authoritative sources recognized in the dharma?
Traditional texts known as smrti
Behaviour customs of learned and virtual people (sista)
What one has more authority Vedic or Smrtis?
Baudhyana places their argument ____ the asrama system saying there there is no choice of asrama
The theology of the asrama seems too follow closely the pre existing model of ____ and ___ responsibilities.
The system is described with ______ theology, and it is presented as a ______ _____ emerging from that _____.
Vasistha states that a person chooses the one towards which he is attracted by _____ or ____.
The completion of the inititaroy studentship is a _____ for choosing an asrama
Apastamba distinguishes the difference between temporary student and student by using the terms...?
All authors say a student shall serve his teacher until ____, gautama talks further and says...?
The bhuddest literature uses the term ____ to refer to the permanent node of bhuddist monks
What is avyagra?
Each asrama can lead to ultimate bliss if one does not deviate from its path
Each asrama is equally worth in value, and one may deviate from the path but still redeem oneself
The ____ of the asrama is at the basis of _____ and ____ arguments against the system
According to the original formulation, all asramas except ____ are regarded as celibate?
Vedic initiation separated a ___ from his ____ ___ into ____ _____
Social class is ___
Which of these is not a social class?
In later texts what is the usual order?
Baudhyana and vasistha follow the ____ order.
What is apastambas order?
The asramas of a _____ or _______ are not associated with ____ ____< as they are in the ____ _____ of the system.
The classical formulation refers to the asramas as not ____ path open to a young ____ male, but as ______ modes of life suitable for _____ periods of a mans life
The classical formulation eliminates ____, and permanent periods are turned into _____ period.
What is the only except for the temporary periods?
The strictly ascetically nodes of life are recast, those of ____ and _____ as ______ of ___ ___
In the classical formulation changing asramas assumes ______and _____ duties and _____
The entry into each asrama is a ____ of ____, indicating the ___ of one period and the ____ of another
The journey to the asramas begins at a boys ____ ____, in which he enters a ____ of ___ into his ____ asrama
The fusing of initiator studentship and the first asrama covered the latter from an adult to an _____ mode of ___
What is samavartana
So in the original formulation samavartana gave them the time to _____ their node of life while in classical it means they have completed their ____ asrama and are ready to move onto the ___.
After he returns home, he gets ____, and that's his ___ asrama, the life of a married ____.
The productive years of an adults life is spent contributing to the welfare of ____ and ____.
The third asrama is ____ ___ and _____ according to the original formulation
What is the fourth asrama according to the classical formulation?
In the classical system the four asramas form a ____, where in the original formulation, each path could lead to equally the same ultimate bliss
Bala is youth with an age between?
Mature stage of youth is ??
Madhyama is .... With an age of
Jirnha is .... With an age of??
A significant question arising from the classical formulation regards to what?
Anulomya means what?
Partilomya is the opposite of ____, meaning what?
A verse described to the daksa states that it is possible to proceed only ____ and ____ ____ the grain.
What are the three ways of resolving conflicts that arise from injunctions that appear to contradict each other in the ______ tradition.
Which one of these is not one of the the three ways of resolving conflicts to the hermeneutical tradition
The brahmanical tradition has a distaste for permitting _____ in dharma
This distaste was influenced by the development of ____ and found expression in the concept of svdharma
Svdharma means the dharma ____ to a specific ____
The core of one's human existence as the bhagavid gita states stands as a sort of ____ _____ which stands above all others
The hermerneautiucol tradition developed the ____ faults, with the problem being you are choosing one over the other.
More smrti lead to more _____
Vyavastha means ______ _____ and is used in the ____ tradition as a strategy
For example manu says the rite should be performed on a full moon for vedic initiation, so it is not really an ____.
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