Âいわいの配信をどれだけ知ってる?/ How much do you know about Meiy's stream?

VCバグの一件の時、めいわいは何と言ってた?/ During one of the VC bug incidents, what did Meiy say?
À俺は最強!」/ "I'm the strongest!"
À銃口が俺の体に突き刺さってる」/ "The gun barrel is jabbed into my body"
Àなんかいるな」"There's something there"
ϼスクショ)このACEクリップで、めいわいのデュオは誰だった?/ (screenshot) In this ACE clip, who was Meiy's duo?
Âいわいはこっそり大学に行きたいところはどこだって言ってた?/ Where did Meiy say he wanted to go to university secretly?
Ɨ稲田 / Waseda
ɝ学 / Aoyama Gakuin
ƅ応 / Keio
Ɲ北 / Tohoku
Âメント:「JKどう思いますか?」/ Comment: "What do you think of JK?"
Âいわい:「どうでもいい」/ Meiy: "I don't care"
Âいわい:「すき」/ Meiy: "I like"
Âいわい:「毎日制服のJK見てる渋谷で」/ Meiy: "Every day at Shibuya I look at JKs in uniforms"
Âいわい:「かわいいと思うよ」/ Meiy: "I think they're cute"
Ãイレ詐欺でめいわいはいくら騙されたの?/ How much did Meiy get scammed of from the toilet scam?
ϼ0万円 / 100k yen
ϼ千円 / 5k yen
ϼ万円 / 40k yen
ϼ4万円 / 140k yen
Âいわいは毛が特に濃いのはどこだって言ってた?/ Where did Meiy say his hair was especially thick?
Áげ / Beard
ȅ / Arm
Ȅ / Leg
Ȅの下 / Armpit
ÂいわいがBoasterとデュオしたとき、彼はBoasterを何と呼んだ?/ When Meiy duo'ed with Boaster, what did he call Boaster?
Âいわいの成人式のスーツの合計費用はいくらだった?/ What was the total cost of Meiy's suit for his Coming of Age Ceremony?
ϼ万円 / 40k yen
ϼ5万円 / 250k yen
ϼ0万円 / 400k yen
ϼ千円 / 4k yen
Áれらのチームの中で、ランクマッチで以前にマッチしたのはどれ?/ Which of these teams got matched in ranked before?
Meiy, Sugarz3ro, Tennn, Laz, hide on takashi
Meiy, Maufin, Seoldam, Smth, Dep
Meiy, Meltstera, Medusa, Gangpin, Ibanin
Meiy, jinggg, mindfreak, Laz, hide on takashi
À新鮮な海の幸が食べられること」/ "Being able to eat fresh seafood there"
À母のめっちゃ美味しい料理」/ "My mom's yummy cooking"
À何もないこと」/ "The fact that there's nothing"
À俺が生まれたこと」/ "The fact that I was born there"
Ő前(回答必須ではない)/ Name (answer not mandatory)
{"name":"Âいわいの配信をどれだけ知ってる?\/ How much do you know about Meiy's stream?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"VCバグの一件の時、めいわいは何と言ってた?\/ During one of the VC bug incidents, what did Meiy say?, (スクショ)このACEクリップで、めいわいのデュオは誰だった?\/ (screenshot) In this ACE clip, who was Meiy's duo?, めいわいはこっそり大学に行きたいところはどこだって言ってた?\/ Where did Meiy say he wanted to go to university secretly?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/CDN/97-4760399/screenshot-2024-01-05-210222.png?sz=1200"}
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