Trial on first two lectures of revision

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1) The ratio between the velocity of the red color in air to the velocity of the red color in water is …
More than one
Less than one
Equal one
Equal zero
2) The only light that cannot be used to obtain the interference fringes is ….
‘� red
② green
‘� violet
‘� white light
3) If the two waves have same frequency what are the characteristic must be the same for these wave ..
‘� speed
‘� periodic time
‘� amplitude
④ wavelength
4) the dimensions of the light ray which may cause the visible light ray to diffract
6 micron
5 mm
5 m
9 nm
5) An earthquake monitoring station has detected two types of earthquake waves of different speeds 6000 m/sec and 5000 m/sec where the time interval between them was 1 minute if the two types of waves are produced from the same source find the distance between the source and the station
‘� 1800000 m/sec
‘� 100000 m/sec
‘� 6000 m/sec
‘� 50000 m/sec
6) The central fringes in the double slits experiment by Thomas Young is
‘� illuminated
‘� dark
‘� 1 and 2
‘� no correct answer
7) If the ratio between the frequency of the voice of a man to that a girl is 7/9 the ratio between the speeds of their voices in air equal
‘� 7/9
‘� 9/7
‘� 9/9
‘� 7/1
8) In Young’s experiment to study the light interference, a monochromatic ray its wavelength 6000 A° was used forming fringes on an observing screen at distance (R) from the double slits and the distance between two successive bright fringes was (Δy1). If another monochromatic light its wavelength 4000A° is used and the distance between the double slits and the observing screen is doubled, the distance between two successive bright fringes becomes (Δy2), the ratio 𝚫𝐲𝟏 / 𝚫𝐲𝟐
‘� ¾
② 4/3
9) When a school’s bell rings its sound reaches the ears of students in the form of ……. Waves
‘� longitudinal
‘� transverse
‘� no answer
10) The total internal reflection for an incident light ray from an optically denser medium to an optically rarer medium occurs when the angle of incidence is ….
① equal to 90
②bigger than the critical angle
③equal to the critical angle
‘�less than the critical angle
11) Hertz is the measuring unit for the frequency which of the following is equivalent unit …..
‘� cycle per sec
③ meter per sec
‘� sec per cycle
‘� sec
12) If the refractive index of water is 4/3 while alcohol is 3/2 calculate the refractive index from water to alcohol
‘� 9/8
② 8/9
‘� 4/9
④ 1/6
13) If the two waves have same frequency what are the characteristic must be the same for these wave ..
‘� speed
② periodic time
‘� amplitude
‘� wavelength
14) A moving wave of a constant frequency travels between different media. If its wavelength in one medium is larger than its wavelength in the other medium by 10 cm so calculate the wavelength of the wave in the first medium (knowing that the ratio between the speeds of the wave in two media is (v1/v2=2/3)
‘� 20 cm
‘� 30 cm
‘� 40 cm
‘� 50 cm
15) The path difference in the 10th dark part is
‘� 9.5 wavelength
② 10 wavelength
‘� 11 wavelength
‘� un determined
16) If the refractive index of the diamond is 2.5 and refractive index of water is 1.33 then the relative refractive index from water to diamond
‘� 2.3
17) A vibrating body produces a sound and makes a complete revolution every 5 msec where the sound reaches a man at 136 meters from the body after passing 0.4 s from producing the sound
I. The speed of sound in air
‘� 340 m/s
② 360 m/sec
‘� 380 m/sec
II. The distance between the centers of the compression and successive rarefactions
‘� 0.68m
② 0.78m
‘� 0.85m
④ 0.98
18 )The light ray doesn’t refract if it ….
‘� pass in the same medium
‘� fall with incident angle of zero from medium to another
‘� falls perpendicular from one medium to another
④ all the previous
19) A floating body on the water surface of a lake if the lake waves cause the frequency vibration of the body up and down 90 times in minute then the frequency of these wave equals
‘� 90 Hz
② 60 HZ
‘� 1.5 HZ
‘� 0.6 HZ
20)The distance between two successive points opposite in phase of a wave is 10 cm then the wavelength is
21)If speed of wave is doubled as it passes shallow water into deeper water its wavelength will be
‘� constant
② doubled
‘� halved
‘� quad triple
22)Two bodies are vibrating, the first body makes 90 complete vibrations in 2 min and the second body makes 3 complete oscillations in one second so the ratio between their periodic times (T1/T2) ….
① 2/3
‘� 3/2
③ ¼
‘� 4
23)The optical fibers used in ….
‘� medical scopes
② treatment by laser beams
‘� in communications
‘� all answers are correct
24)Sound travel through air, the air particles …
‘� do not vibrate
‘� vibrate normal to the direction of the wave propagations
‘� vibrate but not in any fixed direction
‘� vibrates along the direction of wave propagation
25) which of the following is considered a transitional motion
Motion in straight line
Tuning fork
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