Histology cycle 1, CT & Epithelium

A detailed illustration of human connective tissue and epithelium sections highlighting various cell types, structures, and their fun<wbr>ctions in a scientific and educational context.

Histology Quiz: Connective Tissue and Epithelium

Test your knowledge on histology with our engaging quiz focused on connective tissue and epithelium. This quiz includes a variety of questions that cover important concepts and details in histological studies.

Explore topics such as:

  • Types of epithelial cells
  • Structure and function of connective tissue
  • Cellular modifications
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by StudyingCell123
Which statement regarding apical surface’s modification is correct?
Goblet cell
Umbrella cell
Tight junction
In which type of junction occludin and claudin are characteristic and prominent?
These proteins are not associate with cell junctions
Zonula occludens
Zonula adherens
Which statement regarding nodal cilia is true?
Are found in almost all cells in the body
Are arranged into 9+0 pattern.
Are associated with gastrulation.
Are associated with rotational movement.
Are found in the embryo.
Are arranged into 9+2 pattern
Which pair is correctly paired?
Simple squamous - epidermis of skin
Simple cuboidal - lining ducts of most glands
Pseudostratified - intestine
Pseudostratified - trachea
Transitional - Urinary bladder
Simple columnar - esophagus
Which statement about holocrine gland is true?
Its example are Meibomian glands
Its example is sweat gland
The cell is destroyed after the releasing of the product
Its example is sebaceous gland
The cells are often surrounded by mioepithelial cells
Its example is mammary gland
The product of cell is released with its apical part
Which statement regarding epithelium is correct?
Cells of epithelial tissue are renewed continuously.
Cells of epithelial tissue are never renewed
Most epithelia rest on connective tissue
Its function includes absorption
Which statement regarding Cilia is correct?
Stereocilium is long cilium.
Are the extension of cytoplasm
Cilia are smaller than microvilli.
In small intestine is additionally covered by glycocalyx
Which feature concerning myoepithelial cells of exocrine glands is true?
Have numerous long processes
Are truncated
Are attached to the basal lamina by desmosomes
Can also be found around in proximal ends of the duct system
Have contractive properties
Are attached to the basal lamina by hemidesmosomes
Which statement regarding connective tissue (CT) proper is true?
There is no fibers in mucous tissue.
Leukocytes that migrate from blood vessels are present in CT.
Is divided into loose and dense CTs
Fibroblasts can be differentiated into histiocytes
Cells of embryonic mesenchymal CT produce type I collagen fibers.
Its extracellular matrix contains fibers and ground substance.
Transient cells of connective tissue are e.g. leukocytes
Originates from mesenchyme.
Collagen contains unusual amino acids desmosine and isodesmosine
Chondroblasts are main population of cell in the tissue
Which cells of connective tissue promote allergic reactions?
Mast cells.
Fat Cells.
What is the characteristic function of mast cells?
They can produce elastic fibers.
Develop via differentiation of fibroblasts
Degranulation after the hormonal stimulation.
Influence permeability of blood vessels.
The surface contains receptor for IgE
Chemical mediators in mast cells promotes the allergic reactions.
Connective tissue mast cells and mucosal mast cells can be recognized.
Synthesis of IgE
Their histamine acts as an anticoagulant
Participate in process of wound healing
Storing of chemical mediators in granules
What type of tissue is a tendon?
Loose connective tissue
Dense regular collagenous tissue.
Dense regular elastic tissue.
Mucous tissue.
Which statement regarding adipose tissue is true?
There is no fiber in mucous tissue.
Leukocytes that migrate from blood vessels are present in CT.
Is divided into loose and dense CTs
Fibroblasts can be differentiated into histiocytes
There are two types white uniocular and Brown multilocular
Leptin is secretory product of white adipocytes
Which features are characteristic for multilocular adipose tissue?
Many lipid droplets
In humans the tissue is important mainly in the first postnatal life
In human newborn the multilocular adipose tissue constitutes 50% of the body
One, large lipid droplet
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